76 Life Quotes
Be encouraged by these short life quotes; let them inspire you to live life to the fullest and the best. Words of experience from those who have faced challenges and those who have successfully overcome life obstacles.
Wise words
about life from a variety of people, all with life experiences to share.
Short Poems & Quotes
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Life Quotes
Life is like a garden, planted with what we sow, a road of hard work, results, sometimes slow.
Catherine Pulsifer, Life Is Like A Garden
Poems about Life
Yesterday has already passed, with all its past mistakes.
There is no point to worrying, mistakes are part of life's stakes
Julie Hebert, To Try Is Better
inspirational poems
Life did not bring me silken gowns, nor jewels for my hair...But I can glimpse, beyond my pane, a green and friendly hill,
and red geraniums aflame upon my window sill.
Martha Haskell Clark, Red Geraniums
garden poems
Life has mostly simple moments like the rising sun each day. The times of truly great excitement seem like clouds that drift away.
John F Zurn, Life Becomes a Simple Prayer
christian poems
We may not realize it, but the building blocks of our life are those little attitudes that lie within our mind.
Catherine Pulsifer, Living Positively
Attitude Poems
Oh, the many books I have read...Ones to help you cope with life
Catherine Pulsifer, Take A Look
poems about books

Finding your true purpose and living it is the key to life.
Myles Munroe, Wisdom from Myles Munroe
poems of encouragement
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill
Giving Poems
Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.
Charles Swindoll
Graduation Poems
We have special gifts, each one of us; our life is truly a precious trust!
Catherine Pulsifer, A Purpose
Life Journey Poems
You have been given special talents, by God who is so gracious whatever happens in life know this –have faith you were created for a purpose!
Catherine Pulsifer, Created For A Purpose
Poems About Faith
But we shall fight this battle, reclaim control, for a life without anxiety is our ultimate goal.
Catherine Pulsifer, Anxiety And Worry
Poems About Anxiety
- "Family
and friends make life more enjoyable."
Victoria L. Adenson
short family quotes
We leave excuses behind, no need to pretend, at 40, my friend, life’s just beginning again!
Catherine Pulsifer, Turning 40
Funny 40th Birthday Poems
A reward of life, this grandparent's bliss, moments shared, sealed with a tender kiss.
Catherine Pulsifer, Being A Grandparent
Grandparents Poems
It takes strength to survive, it takes courage to live
Unknown, It Takes Strength & Courage
poems about strength
Life is a vapour vanishing in haste; life is a day whose sun grows pale to set
Christina Rossetti
famous poems
You have three types of friends in life: Friends for a reason, friends for a season, and friends for a lifetime.
Ziad K. Abdelnour
quotes for a friend
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.
Mark Twain
Your words have power. Speak words that are kind, loving, positive, uplifting, encouraging, and life-giving.
Author Unknown
Remember that the little things in life, whether good or bad,count for more with those who love than we ever know,
Unknown, Little Things Of Life
action quotes
Life would not be the same without my friends in the game. We share the ups and downs, we cry and we laugh like clowns.
Catherine Pulsifer, What A Blessing
Thanksgiving Friendship Poem
Don't miss life's important things - your relationships and feelings.
Catherine Pulsifer, Super Woman
poems for women
At the core of life is a hard purposefulness, a determination to live.
Howard Thurman
Forgiveness is the giving, and so the receiving, of life.
George MacDonald
forgiveness quotes
In life you are as small as your controlling desire or as great as your dominant aspiration.
Armstrong Williams
motivational poems
For life is a classroom, wondrous and real, where wisdom awaits, for you to grab hold!
Catherine Pulsifer, Education's Wilds
Poems About Education
The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it.
Barry Commoner
earth day quotes
The most precious things this side of the grave are our reputation and our life.
George H. Colton, Worth Of Character
poems about character
Life is a mountain. Your goal is to find your path, not to reach the top.
Maxime Lagacé
source: Life Quotes
Whate'er in life we say or do a boomerang will be
David V. Bush, The Spoken Word
kindness poems
Life has a certain way of making us remember the good and bad times, like pictures captured in time.
Catherine Pulsifer, Pictures Captured In Time
Poems About Memories
Death is the destination we all share, no one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life.
Steve Jobs
Thou wilt not love to live, unless thou live to love.
Edmund Spenser
Love is life's snow. It falls deepest and softest into the gashes left by the fight - whiter and purer than snow itself.
Fridtjof Nansen
Quotes About The Snow
Life is not a holiday, but an education.
Henry Drummond, Life Is Not A Holiday
Holiday Poems
Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Mother Teresa, Life Is A ...
Quotes About Luck
Becoming a parent takes the blinds off to a lot of superficial things - you begin to see what's important in life.
Nicola Field
Life is but thought.
Sara Teasdale
Positive Thoughts
A word of cheer upon your lips - a ready hand to give, a smiling face, a snatch of song will help you well to live.
Grenville Kleiser, Road To Happiness
poems about happiness
Life is trouble, trials are many, a hero is he that completes his task
J. J. Thorne, You May Succeed At Last
success poem
Our life is not a dream though often such its mazes seem; we were not bom for lives of ease, ourselves alone to aid and please.
Unknown, Fortitude And Trials
courage quotes
Life wasn’t meant to be easy, a time to lay down and rest, life’s a process of learning with many a trial and test.
Greta Zwaan, It's Not About You
Life has seemed all so joyous and free, for the tender love-light in the dear eyes you gave in the morning to me.
Unknown, Morning Gifts
good morning poems
Memories are the greatest treasure when a life has been so sweet,
And though time does not turn backward, memories' treasures are complete.
Greta Zwaan, Memories of Life
memories quotes
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Charles Swindoll, Attitude
attitude quotes
If all our life were one broad glare of sunlight, clear, unclouded...Should we not miss the twilight hours, the gentle haze and sadness?
Unknown, The Joy Of Incompleteness
quotes on heaven
Life is a work - begin it, Life is a battle - win it.
Unknown, Life Is
meaningful poems
Hate is death, forgiveness is life.
Wilfred Peterson, The Art Of Forgiveness
forgiveness poems
I always find in the book of life some lessons I have to learn.
Josephine Pollard, Over And Over Again
poems on life lessons
In life’s ring let’s be clowns; laugh and sing at ups and downs!
Wilhelmina Stitch, Let's Be Clowns
smile poems
Not as we take, but as we give; not as we pray, but as we live
Clarence Urmy, The Things That Count
quotes about peace
Art thou not a sunbeam, child, whose life is glad with an inner radiance sunshine never had?
Lucy Larcom, The Sun-beam
sunshine poems
Life's path was fashioned by no man nor destined by his wit
James Henry Thomas
inspirational God quotes
The impulse to travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of life
Agnes Repplier
travel quotes
Heads that think and hearts that feeThe joys and griefs of human life the sun may never know, nor how our eager hearts are thrilled by its expiring glow.
David V. Bush, Love's Sunset
sunset quotes

"Focus on developing one habit or routine that
will improve many areas of your life."
Alex Altman, Time Is Money
poems about time
Life happens, so give it all you've got. Living at its fullest - what could be better than that?
Catherine Pulsifer, Live Your Best Life
Life often shows us how important it is to be able to trust those we know and sometimes those we don’t. Without trust, life can be unstable and fretful.
Yoram Solomon, The Book of Trust
Quotes About Trust
The heart gives life its beauty, its glory, and its powers
Unknown, Home Is Where The Heart Is
poems about home
For too long, we’ve called unbelievers to “invite Jesus into your life.” Jesus doesn’t want to be in your life. Your life is a wreck. Jesus calls you into HIS life. And his life isn’t boring or purposeless or static. It’s wild and exhilarating and unpredictable.
Dr. Russell Moore
Quotes About Jesus
Life is an adventure with every step, we venture.
Catherine Pulsifer, Life Is An Adventure
Poems On Adventure
life quotes
Beautiful as a dandelion-blossom golden in the green grass, this life can be.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Dandelion Poems
"My life is filled, with loving people.
This makes me feel, so darn grateful.
Julie Hebert, People In My Life
Thanksgiving Poems
The earth seems to smile and the sky looks so blue, we feel as if life was beginning anew...
the beautiful spring its rare treasures unfold.
Mary Snell, A Welcome To Spring
Wishing you a rainbow for sunlight after showers -
Miles and miles of Irish smiles for golden happy hours - ...
And a host of friends that never ends each day your whole life through!
Irish Wish
Irish blessing quotes
- "Being the best version of yourself is the most important
aspect of your life to master."
Zac Dixon
quotes to live by
"Life can have its ups and downs,
how you handle them that determines your frown."
Julie Hebert, Your Journey Through Life
funny poems
If we look at your life today - what type of legacy do you display?
Catherine Pulsifer, Living Legacy
Legacy Poems
Sculptors of life are we, as we stand with our souls uncarved before us.
Bishop Doane, Sculptors of Life
Poems About Angels
life quotes
Adopt for life's slogan - "Let's Persevere."
F. M. O'Rouke, Perseverance Is
Poems About Perseverance
Life never is worth "fooling with " this is the truth you're giving. It isn't worth the " fooling with," but it's wholly worth the living!
Strickland Gillilan, Not Worth Fooling With
work quotes

Friendships are one of the treasures of life.
Samatha Anne Marie Lynch
friendship poems
In the tapestry of life, farewells are the threads that weave our stories together.
Author Unknown
Goodbye Quotes
Life can be hard, but God is good. He has a plan for our lives and He will never let us down.
Rick Warren
Christian Quotes For Life
Whether you realize it or not, your life has an objective, a purpose.
Lilliet Garrison, Getting Unstuck
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