122 Memories Quotes
A collection of heartfelt quotes reminding us to cherish and create memories.
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Memories Quotes
Updated March 3, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
Memories are treasures we carry through life, moments tucked safely in our hearts. They remind us of laughter shared, lessons learned, and the love that never fades. Whether it's a childhood joy, a family gathering, or a simple act of kindness, memories shape who we are and stay with us always.
As time passes, our memories become even more precious, a gentle reminder of the moments that mattered most. Cherish the good times, embrace the lessons, and continue to create memories worth holding onto.
May these quotes inspire you to reflect on the past, appreciate the present, and make new memories that will bring joy for years to come.
In the tapestry of memories, we hold you close, a cherished presence, where love arose.
Catherine Pulsifer, In The Arms Of Heaven
Poems about Memories
When I am thinking of you, I think fond thoughts of all the
good times we have had.
C Pulsifer
Thinking of You Poems
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
J.M. Barrie
Christian Poems
True friends know all of your most favorite memories because you made them together
Kate Summers
Friendship Poems
- A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever.
Author Unknown
Inspirational Poems
Thanksgiving is here...laughter echoes through the air so free, creating memories that forever will be.
Catherine Pulsifer, Surrounded By Family
Thanksgiving Poems
Memories made of days gone by come back alive, so much love is shown when grandkids arrive.
Catherine Pulsifer, Such A Blessing
Poems About Grandchildren
And may the years ahead continue to bring more memories and all that love does bring.
Catherine Pulsifer, Memories
Every memory of valentines past is a reminder of my love for you. We will keep making memories as our love continues to grow.
Catherine Pulsifer
Valentines Day Poems
...how wonderful our relationship has turned out. We'll never forget, the memories we made, and talk about them often with no doubt.
Julie Hebert, Memories
Poems About Being In Love

Pleasure is the flower that passes; remembrance, the lasting perfume.
Jean de Boufflers
Garden Poems
Many memories and years we share - my love for you I will never spare.
C. Pulsifer, Years We Share
So when you see the snowflakes fall - may happy memories may you will recall
Catherine Pulsifer, Unique
Poems About Snowflakes
Life's wheel spins on through sunlight and through rain but dawn's full promise ere returns again.
Thus in your heart keep moments of sweet grace; a cherished warmth in love's remembered place.
John McLeod
A day to celebrate traditions old, to treasure memories, both new and bold.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Celebration Blooms
Our memory is like a book....With things we've said, and things we've thought, and deeds that we have done.
Althea Randolph, Memory Book
Our teenage years memories of fun and carefree days, being the friend we can count on through the haze.
Catherine Pulsifer, Raise Our Glass
These four years of high school life - You'll leave behind with many a sigh.
But you'll hold them fast in memory. A new beginning, but also a good-bye.
Author Unknown
Graduation Poems for High School
Life isn't meant to provide a continuous whirl of flash and excitement - just a few well-placed sparks
to brighten our horizon, sail the
trade winds of our memory, and leave a perfect afterglow in our hearts.
Gina Mohammed, Ph. D.
A brother shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams.
Author Unknown
Brother Poems
A lifetime of memories shared and created - not too wrinkled yet but proud to have made it!
Catherine Pulsifer, The Clock Strikes Seventy
70th Birthday Poems
Goodbye my friend, it's time to part ways, but don't be sad for there are brighter days. The memories we've shared will never fade, our time together I would never trade.
Catherine Pulsifer, Time To Part Ways
Goodbye Poems For A Friend
A time to pause, reflect and share, of memories and lessons we bear, rich with knowledge gathered through the years, onward to all life’s joys and fears!
Catherine Pulsifer, Your 75th Year
When we find another earth even more beautiful than our earth, we may not want to move there because we have so many memories here!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Remember the memories, the joy that we've shared, hold onto them tightly, as you venture unimpaired
Catherine Pulsifer, Saying Goodbye
Goodbye Love Poems
The memories of our childhood days, seem happy and fun in many ways.
Byron Pulsifer, Oh My Sister
Sister Poems from Brother
Memories are the greatest treasure when a life has been so sweet,
and though time does not turn backward, memories' treasures are complete.
Greta Zwaan, Memories of Life
Poems About Time

Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away, just for this time in my life.
Author Unknown, Each Day Is A Gift
Happiness Poems
So enjoy the holidays, with family and friends, creating memories that never end.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Holiday Awaits
Holiday Poems
Like snowflakes, my Christmas memories gather and dance -- each beautiful, unique and too soon gone.
Deborah Whipp
Famous Christmas Poems
Remembering the years gone by the times we laugh, the times we cry.
Catherine Pulisfer, Years Gone By
My fondest memories sit upon your wise face - your gentle embrace always sends warmth through my veins
Catherine Pulsifer, You Inpire
Birthday Poems for Grandma
Memories of us playing together will never fade, you're the best dad anyone could have made.
Catherine Pulsifer, Dear Dad
Fathers Day Poems From Daughter
Goodbye, my love, it's time to part ways, though our memories will forever stay.
Catherine Pulsifer, Goodbye My Love
We'll cherish the memories we made with you and keep what we've learned, always shining through
Catherine Pulsifer, Your Influence
Goodbye Poems For A Teacher
Though you may be old and your life will slow, you can still reminisce about days long ago
Catherine Pulsifer, Count Your Blessings Grandpa
Memories of Life
Memory is like moonlight, the reflection of brighter rays from an object no longer seen.
G. P. R. James
Memories of Christmas past - memories that always last. Surround yourself with family and friends share the love that Christmas sends.
Catherine Pulsifer, Memories Of Christmas
Christmas Poems
Memories flow through my mind the relationship we had was one of a kind
Mary S. Scotsburn, Days Long Ago
The sights I’ve seen, I will never forget, from lands obscure to bustling cities yet.
Catherine Pulsifer, Stories To Tell
Poems About Travel
Of Christmas past, let us remember now only the smiles, forgetting all the tears.
C. Jelf -Sharp, Of Christmas
I float my words like dandelions, parachuting memories of warm summer days.
Manish Mohan
Dandelion Poems
Grandpa - times with you are priceless to me, the memories we make create history!
Catherine Pulsifer, My Anchor And My Rock
Grandpa Poems
My spirit is free, but I’ll never depart as long as you keep me alive in your heart.
Unknown, I'm Still Here
Funeral Poems
Think in our hearts what precious memories live, not one of mine which is not also thine, binding the old bonds closer every day,
Unknown, I Love Thee More
O Memory! thou midway world 'twixt earth and paradise, where things decayed and loved ones lost in dreamy shadows rise,
Abraham Lincoln, My Childhood Home I See Again
Sad Poems
- We do not remember days, we remember moments.
Cesare Pavese
Over time grandmothers, whether loving or absent, attain near-mythic status in the
memories of their grandchildren.
Barbara Graham, Eye of My Heart
Grandma Poems
Farewell is a word filled with memories and promises yet to be fulfilled.
Author Unknown
Goodbye Quotes
The love in our family flows strong and deep,
leaving us memories to treasure and keep.
Author Unknown
Poems About Family
The memories of yesterday remind me of the importances of making memories today.
Catherine Pulsifer
Making Memories Quotes
Exploring the ocean is like exploring the vastness of all of our emotional memories.
Natalia Beshqoy
Keep memories of insult on a short leash, and memories of blessing on a long one.
Alan Cohen
Quotes About Blessings
Autumn brings memories of past summer days and previous winter days.
Kate Summers
Autumn Poems
May the memories we create today stay with you when you feel old
Catherine Pulsifer, Over The Hill
The things we have lived for, let them be our story. We ourselves but remembered by what we have done.
H. Bonar, Let Me Be Remembered By What I Have Done
Funeral Poems
I would rather leave behind tender gentle thoughts of me than have those who follow find stains upon my memory.
Edgar A. Guest, A Choice
The memories that really matter don't live in the mind.
Jessica Brody, Unremembered
Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.
Deborah Kerr
Winter Poems
No cloud is ever in the same place. Each day is a new masterpiece. A new wonder. A new memory.
Sanober Khan
Poems About Clouds
- When it's winter, I shall look at a memory picture book.
I shall see what joys I've had, many reasons to be glad
Wilhelmina Stitch
Departure of a year welcomes so many new memories.
Munia Khan
Year End Poem
As memory paints the scenes anew...when life was good, and pure, and true. and friendship sweet.
John Imrie
To My Friends
You can never be really happy if you keep holding to those bad memories which makes you sad.
Anurag Prakash
All water has a perfect memory and is trying to get back to where it was.
Toni Morrison
Poems About Water
You made us laugh and smile a lot - memories like these cannot be bought.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Gift
O years, gone down into the past; what pleasant memories come to me.
Phoebe Cary, Reconciled
Vacations are cherished by every member of the family because the memories remain even after the vacation has ended.
Greta Zwaan, Memories of Life
Emma Buckley, Simple Family Vacation Planning
We have all been blessed to celebrate as a family and share in happy memories.
Like the flowers of early Spring o'er the meadows cast, sweetness to our hearts children bring - dear mem'ries of the past.
John Imrie, Happy Childhood
If only this one moment in time would last beyond the present,
it would cast a radiant beam to others for their own appreciation of
what the bounties of life convey.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
- Things of despair in the past need not reflect the potential
positives of the future.
H. H. Hopalotomus
Each year we buy an ornament for the tree - one that has memories of the past year.
Our Christmas tree is like a storybook....memories we talk about with glee.
Catherine Pulsifer, Memories of Years Past
Christmas Tree Poems
You cannot forget what has occurred in days gone
by but do not allow past circumstances to forever
dictate what you can do in days ahead.
K. Summers
Life Journey Quotes
The old, old home where happy hours were often passed in childish play; where memories sweet did pass away
Unknown, The Old Home
Poems About Home
As I say goodbye, remember me, memories we will both hold dear
Catherine Pulsifer, Remember Me
Forget Me Not Poem
I can remember years gone by when I worked. That's why I am thankful
that while memories are often of the 'good ole days' that is more
often a dream rather than a reality.
Byron Pulsifer
Retirement Quotes

Journaling is a great way to express your feelings and a good way to save the memories for years to come.
Tara Grant, Simple Scrapbooking Tips and Ideas
But all he's done that's bright and true can never disappear, and will in time rise up to view, and be to memory dear.
Caleb Davis Bradlee, One We All Loved
In Loving Memory Poems
Now I am all grown up, but memories I still cherish the times with you my Dad, are times I still relish.
Catherine Puslifer, Times I Still Cherish
Fathers Day Poems From Daughter
Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.
Corrie Ten Boom

Christmas is here, merry old Christmas, gift bearing, heart touching, joy bringing Christmas, a day of grand memories, king of the year.
Washington Irving
Christmas Verses
The leaves of memory seemed to make A mournful rustling in the dark
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Hours now dark with care and sorrow. Love that comes to dry the eye are the memories of tomorrow we shall treasure, you and I.
Edgar A. Guest, Memories of Tomorrow
I am learning that simplicity is more meaningful. It brings more memories
because you have the time to enjoy things and relish the moment.
Dionna Sanchez
Poems About Living A Simple Life
- The happiest memories are of moments that ended when they should have.
Robert Brault
Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.
Oscar Wilde
'Tis joy of past pleasures and friendships which gives - the charm that shall linger while memory lives.
Author Unknown, Closing Of The Year
New Year Poems
Most of us end up with no more than five or six people who remember us. Teachers have thousands of people who remember them for the rest of their lives.
Andy Rooney
Thank You Teacher Quotes
In memory of joy that's been something of joy is, still
Alice Carey, The Lights Of Days Gone By
Old Year Memories
As we look back over the year that's almost past, year with clouds and sunshine overcast,....what record would we leave on Memory's wide page?
Lillian E. Curtis, What Shall We Leave On Memory's Page?
The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance
of a great example.
Benjamin Disraeli
Legacy Quotes

The palest ink is better than the best memory.
Chinese Proverb
And when to-day their blooms I see, always the mother smiles at me; the mind's bright chambers, life unlocks each summer with the hollyhocks.
Edgar A. Guest
Hollyhocks Poems
Memory is a skill you can learn. It's a muscle you can strengthen.
Rick Warren
We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories.
Some take us forward, they're called dreams.
Jeremy Irons
Dream Quotes

Memories. Love's best preservative.
Og Mandino, The Choice
Valentines Poems
The octopus has only so many tentacles to make connections, just as
your working memory has only so many things it can hold at once.
Barbara Oakley, A Mind For Numbers
When thy smiles and affections another has won... E'en then in thy mem'ry keep a green spot for one who so truly has loved you for years.
Mary C. Ryan
Everybody needs his memories. They keep the wolf of insignificance from
the door.
Saul Bellow
Grateful, positive people report they have better lives and more positive memories.
Deborah Norville
Gratitude Poems
My fondest recollections are those that are a reflection of a kindness
given simply for its own sake.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Kindness Quotes
Oftentimes, the best times we have experienced in the past with our friend or colleague are modified by our memories; memories that can be recounted at anytime or anywhere
Byron Pulsifer
It is, perhaps, because the remembrance of things past is such an indicator of present shortcomings, that so many fishing writers tend always to think that things were better then that they are now.
Jeremy Paxman, Fish, Fishing and the Meaning of Life

It's surprising how much of memory is built around things unnoticed at the time.
Barbara Kingsolver
When you find a golden memory, savor it.
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Life, The Greatest Ride of All
Saying goodbye can be a new beginning - our memories will always be a blessing.
Catherine Pulsifer
Saying Goodbye Poem
The memories of many a fall season come back to life each year even now as the years have passed
Byron Pulsifer
Autumn Time

Some memories are realities, and are better than anything that can ever happen to one again.
Willa Sibert Cather
If all we are allowed is hours, minutes, I want to be able to etch each of them on to my memory with exquisite clarity so that I can recall them at moments like this...
Jojo Moyes, The Last Letter from Your Lover
Life Is Too Short Quotes
And the memories keep alive; the deeds of valor that crown the boys.
Of sixty-one to sixty-five.
C. C. Hassler, Veteran's
Veterans Poem
There is a garden which my memory knows, a grand old garden of the days gone by
George Arnold, The Garden Of Memory
If there is any substitute for love, it is memory.
Joseph Brodsky

As time progresses memories become more precious and treasured.
Catherine Pulsifer
In July, we embrace the magic of summertime and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Author Unknown
September holds stories of nostalgia and memories.
Author Unknown
September Quotes
Winter can feel like a long season, but thankfully our memories of other seasons remain with us throughout the winter months.
Byron Pulsifer
Quotes About The Seasons
I remember it as October days are always remembered, cloudless, maple-flavored, the air gold and so clean it quivers.
Leif Enger
October Poems
There is a garden which my memory knows, a grand old garden of the days gone by
George Arnold, The Garden Of Memory
Tis only a rosebud, faded and dead! But around it still fond memories cling.
Mary C Ryan

At six - I well remember when - I fancied all folks old at ten.
Marc Cook
Growing Old Poems
In the morning light, I remembered how much I loved the sound of wind through the trees. I laid back and closed my eyes, and
I was comforted by the sound of a million tiny leaves dancing on a summer morning.
Patrick Carman, The Tenth City
Tree Poems

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