21st Birthday Poems

Turning twenty-one is an exciting milestone in life and what better way to celebrate this special day than by sharing one of our 21st birthday poems? Whether you are the birthday boy or girl, or a friend or family member looking for the perfect words to express your birthday wishes, these 21st birthday poems offer inspiring messages to encourage the birthday person to embrace the exciting journey ahead.

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  1. Only Yesterday...
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    It feels like only yesterday
    I was a mere sixteen,
    How fast time really does fly,
    My friends can attest to what I mean.

    For birthdays come and go so quickly,
    Bringing us more wisdom each time.
    Today is another milestone,
    As twenty-first is mine.

    My mom threw me a birthday bash
    On the day that marked sixteen,
    But tonight she'll perhaps just pour some wine,
    With age comes new things unseen.

  2. If you want to share a smile, then send one of our funny 21st birthday poems

  3. 21 Today!
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    You're 21 today, the start of a brand-new age
    A fresh journey awaits you at this next stage.
    Set your heart on success and it'll come sooner or later
    You have many dreams that will materialize in greater.

    Your future may be uncertain but may you use your time well
    To strive towards your goals, and on challenges don't dwell
    On this special day, we pause to celebrate with much delight
    For it's a milestone marked on your remarkable life flight.

    Here's wishing for prosperity, joy, and happiness for you forever more
    As the world around you is an open door!

  4. Holds Many Dreams
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Turning twenty one
    Holds so many dreams
    A lifetime of stories
    And endless possibilities.
    You hold the key to the future,  
    Great opportunities to explore,
    Growth and joy ahead,
    Opportunities that can't be ignored

    We are so proud of you
    We wish you success in all you do.
    Turning 21 is cause for celebration
    You truly are our motivation.

  5. Happy 21st Birthday My Friend
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Happy Birthday, my friend,
    It’s your 21st special day!
    Twenty-one is a milestone
    Let’s celebrate before you turn gray!

    Your future years I look forward to
    With new roads to travel down.
    And our bond of friendship, I cherish
    Even when you act like a clown.

    Though time may pass us by,
    This I know will never end…
    Each year we will have a birthday
    But forever we will be friends.

  6. Birthday Poem For Friend
    Birthday Poem For Friend

  7. Happy 21st Birthday Daughter
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Daughter, today on this special day,
    We celebrate your birthday.
    You are 21 years old today,
    The years sure have passed away!

    Our hearts are full of love and pride,
    For the beautiful person, you are inside.
    The kindness and the love that you share
    We know that you always care.

    Happy Birthday with lots of cheer,
    May the year ahead be a great year!

  8. Happy 21st Birthday Son
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Today you are twenty-one,
    Our hearts are filled with pride,
    Look at you, so tall and strong,
    Delightful to our eyes.

    You've grown wise with each year past,
    Your courage ever true,
    The promises of days yet to come
    Opportunities for adventures new.

    Your life ahead beginning today,
    It's yours to explore,
    We will be here for you
    Always now and evermore.

    Happy birthday, Son of mine
    On this day we proudly greet;
    May the beauty of your journey
    Be one you'll always meet!

  9. Birthday Poems To My Son
    Birthday Poems To My Son

  10. Happy 21st
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Happy 21st Birthday, to someone so dear  
    A befitting present and a heartfelt cheer!  
    We wish you success beyond measure  
    That this coming year will bring infinite pleasure!
    Health and wealth, may it shower on you  
    Stay blessed and content in whatever you do!    
    Success and joy to always walk beside you  
    Have the very best birthday, we wish you!!

  11. Wishing you, Success and joy to always walk beside you Have the very best birthday
    Birthday Poems

  12. A Blank Chapter
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Happy 21st Birthday, what a special day,
    Now your journey will begin your way.
    A blank chapter, one that’s new,
    Where many adventures await you.

    The world is a blank page before you;
    May your story see you happy,
    One filled with achievements all around,
    As you create your story may success abound.

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We hope you have found a poem to congratulate  and wish the 21st birthday person all the best!! Turning 21 years of age does vary based on cultural and legal norms in different countries, but universally turning 21 represents a crucial transition into adulthood and the embrace of greater personal freedoms and responsibilities.  Reaching this age marks the beginning of adulthood and all the amazing opportunities that come with it. The next milestone birthday is 25 years of age!

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