7 Adoption Poems

A collection of poems about adoption written by mothers who are the adopted mothers and mothers who gave their children up for adoption. Adoption feelings that are full of love for the best of the child.

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  1. To An Adopted Child
    Poet: Anne Campbell

    Dear, do not weep. By every act of mine
    I am your mother . . . by my sleepless nights
    By every step in the long day’s design
    That I have taken; by the sweet delights
    Of your blessed companionship; by the clear gaze
    By all my care in your beginning days;
    Your warm, soft body held against my breast
    Warmed me and dried my disappointed tears.
    You made a real home of our lonely nest.
    Now we look forward to the fruitful years
    With you beside us bearing in your hands
    The love that every mother heart demands
    I am your mother, though you may not be
    Flesh of my flesh. Our love goes deeper still.
    You are my heart’s adopted part of me.
    I am your mother by the power of will.
    Because I did not want to walk alone . . .
    From the whole world, I chose you for my own.

  2. A Mother's Love Poem
    A Mother's Love Poem

  3. Forever Grateful
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In a world full of endless possibilities,
    We searched for a treasure, a love that would seize.
    Our hearts intertwined, yearning to share,
    A bond that transcends, a love so rare.

    Then fate guided us on a remarkable quest,
    And in your eyes, dear child, we found our crest.
    With open arms, we embraced your sweet soul,
    A love unbreakable, making us whole.

    We picked you, a gift from above,
    A precious gem, filling our lives with love.
    In our hearts, you'll forever reside,
    Our cherished child, our joy, our pride.

    Through life's ups and downs, we'll always be near,
    Guiding your steps, wiping away every tear.
    Adoption brought us together, forever we'll stay,
    A family united, come what may.

    So know, dear child, you were chosen with care,
    A testament to the love we gladly share.
    In this journey of life, hand in hand we'll stride,
    Forever grateful, our love for you cannot hide.

  4. poems about children
    Poems About Children

  5. A Gift From Above
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    A precious child, a gift from above,
    Adopted into a family with love.
    God's plan and purpose will unfold,
    Stories yet to be told.

    Joy in our hearts, thrilled to receive,
    The miracle of adoption we believe.
    Welcoming home the little one,
    Into our forever family, God has won.

  6. Christian Poems
    Christian Poems

  7. My Own Child
    Poet: Unknown

    I did not plant you, True,
    But when the season is done,
    When the alternate prayers for sun and rain
    Are counted, and when the pain of weeding,
    And the pride of watching are through
    Then I shall hold you high.
    A shining leaf above a thousand seeds sown wild.
    Not my planting. But by heaven, my harvest.

  8. Poems About Children Growing Up
    Poems About Children Growing Up

  9. We Loved You
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    We loved you the moment we saw you
    We loved you as you grew.
    The bond we felt holding you tight
    We never wanted to leave out of our sight.

    Never think that you were not wanted
    A child is never taken for granted.
    For you, we thanked God above
    For you, we have so much love.

    Our love for you was strong and true
    The moment we laid our eyes upon you.
    Our life was blessed when you entered in
    You were more than we ever imagined.

  10. poems about parents
    Poems About Parents

  11. Legacy of an Adopted Child
    Poet: Unknown

    Once there were two women
    Who never knew each other.
    One you do not remember,
    The other you call mother.

    Two different lives
    Shaped to make yours one.
    One became your guiding star,
    The other became your sun.

    The first gave you life
    And the second taught you to live it.
    The first gave you a need for love
    And the second was there to give it.

    One gave you a nationality,
    The other gave you a name.
    One gave you a seed of talent,
    The other gave you an aim.

    One gave you emotions,
    The other calmed your fears.
    One saw your first sweet smile,
    The other dried your tears.

    One gave you up –
    It was all that she could do.
    The other prayed for a child
    And God led her straight to you.

    And now you ask me
    Through your tears,
    The age-old question
    Through the years:

    Heredity or environment
    Which are you the product of?
    Neither, my darling – neither,
    Just two different kinds of love.

  12. Adoption is not about giving up, it's about giving more.
    Adoption Quotes

  13. Never Doubt
    Poet: Kate Summers

    Never doubt
    that you were not loved.
    I only wanted the best for you.

    I was young and did not know
    Any other way for me to show
    How much I cared

    It broke my heart
    When we were apart
    But I knew it was the right thing to do.

    My prayer was that God above
    Would surround you with people that loved
    And provide for you.

    I think about you every day
    I pray for you in every way
    I loved you so much I didn't keep in touch.

    A day has not passed that I do not think of you
    I gave you to a loving family
    And pray each day God watches over you.

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