All The Way

This inspiring poem reflects faith, surrender, and God's guidance through trials.

Lead me, Lord, from earth to glory; I will follow all the way.

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Updated February 22, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Life is a journey, filled with twists and turns, joys and trials. In All The Way, Clara M. Brooks beautifully captures the transformation that comes when we choose to follow Christ wholeheartedly.

The poem reminds us that while the road may be uncertain, and hardships may arise, we are never alone. Through struggles, through fire, through the unknown—God walks beside us, refining our faith and leading us to His glory. This poem is a testament to unwavering trust, showing that when we surrender to Him, we find peace, strength, and the promise of eternal joy.

All The Way

Poet: Clara M. Brooks

All the way through life's dark journey
Wandered I alone and sad;
Filled with pride and fond ambition,
Naught of joy or peace I had.
Then there came a gentle whisper,
"Wanderer, no longer stray.
I will satisfy your longings
If you'll follow all the way."

"All the way," my lips repeated,
While I turned me quickly round,
Saw my Savior's blood-stained footprints
He had left upon the ground
Saw his visage marred by sorrow
Saw the thorns he wore one day,
Saw the way from earth to glory -
"Lord, I'll follow all the way."

"All the way," untried before me,
Knowing not where it should lead,
Whether thickly strewn with flowers
Or with brier, thorn, and weed;
Whether billows foamed before me,
Daylight reigned or dismal night, -
"All the way," again I whispered,
"Through the darkness or the light."

"All the way" - far up in heaven,
Angels singing round the throne
Stopped to hear the faltering message
Wafted to their shining home:
There was joy that night among them,
So the story we are told;
For another lamb was sheltered
Safe within the Shepherd's fold.

"All the way" - then just before me
Opened wide the furnace door,
And the fiery flames rose upward
As they did in days of yore
When the three unyielding Hebrews
Walked, rejoicing in their shame,
And the Fourth then walked beside them -
Glory be unto his name!

Then I thought of burning martyrs
As I felt its fiery breath,
Till it seemed my feet were treading
On the threshold strong of death;
But I heard a gentle whisper
As through furnace flame I trod,
And I saw a form beside me -
Lo! 'twas like the Son of God.

"All the way!" - oh, words seraphic,
Coming through the sickening heat!
"Fear thou not, for I am with thee" -
Words most wonderful, most sweet -
"That the gold may shine the brighter,
All the dross must be removed.
I will take thee from the furnace
When thy faithfulness I've proved."

At his feet I fell to worship,
Bowed in sweet submission there,
And the furnace seemed a palace
With my blessed Savior near.
"Take my all, dear Lord, and use me
As the potter did the clay";
And his glory showered o'er me
As I added, "All the way."

Once again I saw his visage
Marred by sorrow, grief, and care;
And my heart became a mirror
With his image pictured there.
"Ah, my child, since thou wilt humbly
Share with me the bitter cup,
I will dwell within thy temple
And forever with thee sup."

Then the door swung widely open,
Forth I stepped with joy untold,
For the dross while in the furnace
Had been taken from the gold.
"Father, I will ever trust thee,
Ever say thy way is best;
All thy works are done in wisdom;
I will wait on thee and rest.

"All the way!" again I whispered,
Fearing not the furnace flame
Nor the storms of life surrounding:
"I will suffer for thy name.
Though I walk amid the shadows,
Thou wilt turn my night to day.
Lead me, Lord, from earth to glory;
I will follow all the way."

Key Messages from this poem:


Through every challenge, God remains present.

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