76 Angry Quotes
Angry quotes are important because they tell us clearly that anger can only serve to harm you or another person; anger never solves or resolves a problem, issue or concern.
To make anger a companion is to erode the nature of love, that of understanding and mechanisms of compromise.
To be within the destructive forces of anger means a life that is full of bitterness, and negativity with nothing to show that is worthy or good.
We hope these quotes on being angry, encourage you to think seriously about your actions and behaviors.
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Angry Quotes
We can choose to lose our peace, freak out and get angry or
we can choose to take a deep breath, look to God and trust
that He's got it all under control.
Rebecca Bryan, The Carols of Christmas
Poems About Anger
Anxiety brings anger. Anger destroys our health and friendly atmosphere in our home.
Dalai Lama
Poems About Anxiety
Anger may storm, a turbulent flight,
But solutions bloom in peace's gentle light.
Rather than feeling angry about what you do not have, focus your thoughts on thanksgiving for all that you do have.
Catherine Pulsifer

"Life is too short to live in bitterness, anger and negativity."
Grant Ngobean
Poems of Encouragement
Is thy friend angry with thee? then provide him an opportunity of showing thee a great favor. Over that his heart must needs melt, and he will love thee again.
Bridle your tongue, your temper control, and you will have friend when you are old.
Nettie Steeves, Remember
I believe—that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
Unknown, I Believe That
Deliver us, O Lord, each day.....teach us all angry thoughts to chase
Eloise A. Skimings, Deliver Us
- Anger is not the resolution to an issue. Instead, it is compassion, understanding, persuasion, and compromise.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Anger is the ultimate destroyer of peace of mind.
Dalai Lama
Angry words--ah, how I rue them! I shall leave them all behind.
Amos R. Wells, I Pack My Trunk
Don't let hurt or anger go on for a long time as the longer it goes on the harder it is for both sides.
Catherine Pulsifer
Apology Poems
- Patience is the direct antithesis of anger.
Allan Lokos, Pocket Peace
One who smiles rather than angers is always stronger.
David Schary
In the heat of anger, a fiery glow,
But kindness and calm, the seeds we sow.
Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on.
Alice Miller
You will not be sorry....For holding an angry tongue
Unknown, You Will Not Be Sorry
Don't wait for the future your anger to soften, oh, now is the time to forgive and forget.
S. E. Gordon, The Time To Forgive And Forget
Forgiveness Poems
Sometimes people get angry and do things they shouldn't. Things they regret.
Mary Alice Monroe
Regret Quotes
We need more brotherhood attitudes in this world of ours. More brotherhood would result in less fighting and anger.
Catherien Pulsifer
Poems About Brotherhood

If your brother speak in anger, answer not in wrath again.
Even give for anger love and tenderness; and in blessing others you yourself will bless.
Unknown, Little Acts Of Kindness
"Anger: not controlled will lead to stress. We all feel angry at
some points in our lives, but it is how we deal with the anger that
will bring more stress or less stress!"
Catherine Pulsifer
Stress Quotes
When you’re angry, here’s a rule:
Take a deep breath until you cool.
Unknown, Self-Control
Positive Poems
When you learn how to manage your anger without aggression, you gain a sense of accomplishment and success.
Aaron Karmin LCPC, Anger Management Workbook for Men
... we too learn to fear our own anger, not only because it brings about the disapproval of others, but also because it signals the necessity for change.
Harriet Lerner, The Dance of Anger
"Respect is lost when people choose to hold onto their anger
and foster resentment."
Vivian Sandau, Mutual Respect in Marriage
Respect Poem
Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others– it only changes yours.
Shannon Alder
Things You Will Never Regret....destroying a letter written in anger.
... understanding the purpose of anger is essential to learning how to process anger in a constructive manner.
Gary Chapman, Anger
- "Negative energy is only good for batteries."
Laurin Sydney, little things make a big difference
Humorous Quotes
Make us, God, right good and kind, and let no anger stir the mind
Caleb Davis Bradlee
I want to be like Jesus, so lowly and so meek; for no one marked an angry word, whoever heard him speak.
W. Meynell Whittemore, Like Jesus
Turn not from your brother who strangely has err'd, nor speak as in anger a harsh, bitter word
Daniel C. Colesworthy

...the sweet smile of forgiveness when anger's clouds are past.
Mary C. Ryan
To understand and transform anger, we must learn the practice of compassionate listening and using loving speech.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Anger
Addressing the root cause of anger can lead to constructive problem-solving.
I have to say, it makes me angry, when things don't go,
the way they should be. . .
But I have to stay calm, and roll up my sleeves. Maybe some direction, is all that I need.
Julie Hebert
Don't Quit Poems

"When angry, sit down write out your feelings before you do anything else."
Catherine Pulsifer
Brotherhood of man can be a realization can't you see - helping each other, lending a hand rather than anger and demands.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Better Place
If possible, physically distance yourself from the situation for a brief time when you feel angry.
Lose your temper, and you are vanquished: smile, and you'll put 'er through; for anger's the first of your foes - and worst - so smile, and dare, and do!
David V. Bush, It's Better To Smile

"Wise anger is like the fire from the flint;
there is a great ado to bring it out; and when it does come,
it is out again immediately."
M. Henry
Although anger and patience are not opposites, they can be thought of as two sides of the same coin. When one side is visible the other is hard to see.
Allan Lokos, Patience
Rather than react when you feel angry, talk to someone you trust about your feelings before you react.
When you are angry, the best thing to do is to say nothing.
There is a Chinese Proverb that says, "If you are patient in
one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow."
Another technique is to stop and ask yourself, "Is it really important?" or
"Does it really matter?"
Catherine Pulsifer
Letting Go Poem
- Anger creates problems. But having and expressing the right kind of anger in the right way is a good goal.
David Powlison, Good and Angry
"Live according to Gods calling; move in love, love peace and happiness.
Life is too short to live in bitterness, anger and negativity."
Grant Ngobean
When you feel angry, take a few moments and inhale deeply, hold, exhale slowly. Repeat until calm.
An angry garden is like an unattended schoolyard full of children. A little discipline and attention serve to quell the unwanted growth of unproductive behavior.
Sam Fickinsen
"Harsh words, like chickens, love to stray
but they come home to rest each day.
If you have angry words to say-
stop and think!"
Heather K. Barclay

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble in your mind.
Christy Larson, Promise Yourself
We are not angry with people we fear or respect, as long as we fear or respect them; you cannot be afraid of a person and also at the same time angry with him.
Respect Quotes
"Of all the passions that are incident to a man, there is none so impetuous,
or that produceth so terrible effect as anger."
Joseph Hall
The best cure for a short temper is a lengthened prayer life.
William Arthur Ward
"Emotional health at work can be affected by a host of factors including the stress you create yourself by choosing to let your negative emotions, anger, or frustration rule the day."
Byron Pulsifer

"Being anger never resolves anything. Step back, take a deep
breath, and look
for more positive solutions to the situation."
Catherine Pulsifer
There are ways of handling anger that produce good. There are ways to become more peaceful in many situations and more cleanly angry in the
situations that call for it.
David Powlison, Good and Angry
Desiderata Poem
When you feel the anger rising give yourself a moment before reacting, counting slowly to defuse tension.
Jealousy is not a singular emotion; it is actually a collection of several.
It is made up of a mix of; anger, anxiety, fear, insecurity and helplessness.
Lesley Harriot, How To Have Successful Relationships

Uncontrolled anger robs us of happiness and destroys our relationships.
Lilliet Garrison, Getting Unstuck
Don't be foolish and get sour when things don't just come your way"
Strickland Gillilan
When feeling anger, express feelings without blaming others, focusing on your emotions.
... our anger may warn us that others are doing too much for us, at the expense of our own competence and growth.
Harriet Lerner, The Dance of Anger
Fear closes you down, thwarts creativity and limits choices to those of survival.
The same is true for shame, anger, self-doubt, and worry
(all brothers and sisters to fear).
Janeen Latini, Love to Lead. Lead to Love
- Journalling is an excellent and safe way to vent your emotions.
JoAnn Janson, Define Yourself and Discover Your Destiny!
Poems for Women
"To embark on a new quarrel is to wander hand in hand through
the barbed wire and minefields of memory."
Ken Kolb
I am surprised that intelligent men do not see the immense value of good temper in their homes; and am amazed that they will take such pains to have costly houses and fine furniture, and yet sometimes neglect to bring home with them good temper.
Theodore Parker
If you are upset or angry, you're the one who chooses to be that way.
Byron Pulsifer, Emotional Health At Work
You'll find that life will be a lot easier and much more fun when
you make the decision to drop your complaining. All it does is make
you feel sorry for yourself - sad, angry, victimized, suspicious and/or
Richard Carlson, Ph.D., Don't Worry, Make Money

Not the fastest horse can catch a word spoken in anger.
Chinese Proverb
Men have the power to control their anger. To believe that men cannot control their anger is to see violence as an uncontrollable animal instinct.
Aaron Karmin LCPC, Anger Management Workbook for Men
... hearts have broken for harsh words spoken, that sorrow can ne'er set right.
Author Unknown, Think Of It
"Blaming others for your shortcomings or shifting anger on
someone else does little to alleviate anger or help identify the
origin of your feelings."
Amy E. Dean
Blame Quotes
Harsh words, like chickens, love to stray
but they come home to rest each day.
If you have angry words to say-
stop and think!
Heather K. Barclay, Harsh Words
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