8 Birthday Poems to My Son
Birthday poems to share with your son as he turns another year older. They were written in good fun and hopefully will bring a smile to your face and a smile to the face of your son.
These poems are great to
put in a birthday card, or to send by email!
Life has a funny way of creeping up on you - one year passes, then another, and then one day it hits you - where did all the years go? When we look at our sons, we can remember the day they were born and before we
know it they are adults. Sometimes, with sons of their own. The years do pass quickly and we should never miss an opportunity to tell our Sons how much we love and celebrate them!
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Birthday Poems
Birthday Poems to My Son
Another Year Older
Poet: Julie Hebert, ©2011
I must start this off by saying Happy Birthday,
To a son who's always so fun.
It's hard to believe you're getting older,
But don't worry you’ve still got a long run.
Today your just turning a year older,
It's not like you're losing your hair.
Oh wait you have started receding,
I’m so sorry your scalp is going bare.
Next, you'll be seeing wrinkles,
Then comes the bodily displease.
Oh my, getting older is scary,
But I'm sure you’ll age just like old cheese.
Wait, old cheese does not age very well,
I meant you’ll age like old wine.
Oh really, who am I kidding?
You're still the best son, that's the bottom line!
Birthdays are a time for celebration and fun. Share one of our funny birthday poems
with your Son as you celebrate his birthday.
Birthday Quotes
Wisdom They Say
by Kate Summers
One can make a difference,
One haircut can change your appearance,
One smile can cheer someone up,
One kind word can make someone's day
One hour of attention with a child do play.
One negative thought can leave you in dismay,
Son, remember one year older brings wisdom they say!
A Birthday Wish
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2019
A birthday wish is sent to you
Another year older look how much you grew
As you journey down life's road
Be sure to take your raincoat.
As you will have your ups and downs
There will be days you wish you were a clown
But Son, always remember our love for you
We wish only happiness and success for you.
Passed You By
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021
Son, another year has passed you by
You're growing older, we can't deny
The years they seem to quickly fly
Sometimes we say it with a sigh.
Life has a way of moving so fast
We turn around and yesterday has passed
Son, always live each day
Wasting no days, working, and time for play!
A Joyous Day
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Today marks a joyous day,
Our pride for you reaches to the skies
Watching you grow through the years,
From tiny baby to young man so wise.
We are here to witness your dreams,
Through thick and thin by your side,
Your success brings us such delight,
Happy Birthday, enjoy life's ride!
The Blessing of You
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Son, we thank God for the blessing of you
He watched over you as you grew.
He answered our prayers when He gave us you
We give Him thanks each day that's true.
And now on this birthday of yours
We pray He keeps opening doors
So you may live the life of your dreams
Full of confidence and self-esteem.
Happy Birthday Son and best wishes to you
Be sure to thank God in all you do
The years ahead follow God's plan
Do your best and all you can!
Son, We Love You
Poet: Kate Summers, ©2021
A birthday is a time to say,
Get up and have a great day
The days are passing by
Before you know it another birthday will arrive.
Can you believe another year?
Be happy and full of cheer
We want to celebrate with you
Son, we love you and all you do!
Happy Birthday Son
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Happy Birthday Son
We hope your day is full of fun
We can't believe how old you are
Soon you will be driving a car!
May all your dreams come true
May your days be filled with sunshine, too
May happiness fill your heart
And may the coming year be off to a good start.
Always remember we are here for you
We support who you are and what you do
Dear Son, we are so proud of you
A Happy Birthday you are due!
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