An Appeal To Heaven
The poem, An Appeal To Heaven, will encourage and inspire you when you face challenges and issues. The focus that the Poet has is not what issues they are facing today but the focus is on the future and all that heaven has in store. The beginning of the
poem expresses the challenge of aging but reflecting back on youth and raising a family. Even though difficulties are being
faced, and life seems difficult there is a thankfulness for the life had and hope of a better home in heaven.
Many times in our prayers we appeal to God, however, we
must always trust that God's timing is perfect and that He has a plan. You may also be inspired by our collection of quotes on heaven.
Christian Poems
/ Heaven Poems /
An Appeal
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2018
I don’t want to live here in this body anymore,
If I sit or lie or stand, everything is sore.
I thought that aging was a time to laugh, a time to reminisce,
Recalling all the years with joy, the challenges, the bliss.
The daring things that we would do when fear was quite unknown;
Each one of us invincible, we thought we were full grown.
We swam cold rivers, climbed high trees – so free, without a care;
The freedom of a carefree life that each of us could share.
But times must change and youth becomes within a few short years
An adult in a busy world and freedom disappears.
We hold down jobs, we set new goals, we raise a family;
We find our faith essential now, it brings stability.
So quickly all the years fly by, our families grow and leave
To make their own mark in the world; a mark they will achieve.
And then one day I’m all alone, the hours crawl slowly by;
Folks are busy with their own lives and I’m left high and dry.
I try to cope, to get around to do the things I must,
But movement has become a chore; my walking I don’t trust.
I finally order “Meals on Wheels” and they discuss my case:
“It’s time to find a home for you; a caring, safer place.”
So here I am, with just four walls, they’re closing in on me;
I ache in every place I can; I’m longing to be free!
I’ve time to think, rehash my life, reflecting on the past.
I’ve come to realize one thing – only my faith will last.
The wiry child, the robust youth are all encased in time;
They vanish as the years go by but faith remains sublime.
For now I long to be released, to go to my reward;
To leave these aches and pain behind, to meet my blessed Lord.
My life’s been good but can’t compare with what God has in store,
A mansion in a heavenly realm, a home forever more!
Harmony And Heaven
Poet: Kate Louise Wheeler
Our souls are made of harmony
To sing and live forever;
For Harmony and Heaven are one
Where discord soundeth never.
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