134 Appreciation Quotes
A collection of appreciation quotes; to remind you to express gratitude for all the blessings you have and for those special to you.
The multiple facets to appreciation include love for one another no matter one's station or wealth; it is the kindness shown to absolute strangers; it is in the giving of
thanks for each and every blessing. To appreciate also means to offer to share with other people who are less fortunate remembering that it is more than possible in this
life that one can find themselves in an undesirable position of requiring the help of various sorts from strangers.
The old adage is true: the more you give to others the
more you get in a variety of ways including the harmony of spirit.
To appreciate also means being satisfied with what you have without comparing your financial or social situation to what others have been given or have attained.
Short Poems & Quotes /
Appreciation Quotes
Live each day with a thankful heart, grateful for every good thing—no matter how big or how small—that God has done in your life.
Joyce Meyer, The Power of Being Thankful
Appreciation Poems
Surround yourself with people you enjoy being with and with those
that appreciate you for who you are.
Catherine Pulsifer
Friendship Poems
The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do,
and the more genuine may be one's appreciation of fundamental things
like home, and love, and understanding companionship.
Amelia Earhart

Appreciate your uniqueness because it is what adds true value to your life.
Jasmine Miller, Parenting: Words They Will Remember
Inspirational Poems
Appreciation we feel for our Grandparents lifetime of grace; our cherished bond will never be replaced!
Catherine Pulsifer, Cherished Bond
Grandparents Poems
The appreciation of a beautiful garden is a soft assurance for one's spirit.
Victoria L. Adenson
No one can replace Mothers or their profound role, their everlasting love warms us all.
Catherine Pulsifer, Mothers Are...
Poems About Mothers
"You don't like presents or anything new, you don't even need a card.
You prefer your appreciations to be something of helpfulness, for someone
else's regard."
Julie Hebert
Thank You Poems

When you just start thinking positively about yourself, you’ll start appreciating other people and their flaws, since you simply start realizing that you’re all the same.
Becca Earl, Positive Thinking
The appreciation I owe Mom will never fully be paid, I am forever thankful for her love and the sacrifices she has made.
Catherine Pulsifer, Stands By Me
Mom Poems
Just want to say I appreciate you in every way. My wish is for your happiness
Catherine Pulsifer, Thinking of You Today
Thinking Of You Poems
An anchor amidst life's ever-churning sea - a teacher of lessons both learned and taught, we thank you, Grandpa, for all you've done
Catherine Pulsifer, Thank You Grandpa
Birthday Poems For Grandpa
Valentine's day declares our love...So here's a message just for you! I appreciate all that you do.
Short Valentines Day Poems
Valentines Day Poems
Show appreciation to those around you - be the best in what you do.
Catherine Pulsifer, Words of Wisdom For The New Graduate
Graduation Poems
We should appreciate them all - our moments small, for it is in these that life its meaning unveils.
Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Ignore
My love and appreciation for you is more than words could ever tell
Catherine Pulsifer, Celebrate You
Happy Birthday Poems To My Love
For each day appreciating life so grand will take us along joyous roads
Catherine Pulsifer, Roses And Hope
Just a little smile will do it; or a kindly word to show we appreciate the efforts of our fellow-beings so
M. Gertrude Robinson, Sunshine
Your caring ways I appreciate so much
Catherine Pulsifer, Without You
With Dad by our side, we can conquer any strife, his love and guidance will shape our life. Let's appreciate him this Father's Day, be thankful for his wisdom each and every day.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Dad Is More Than A Name
What Is A Dad Poem
We appreciate the efforts of our fellow-beings so that we wish to let them know it by a friendly glance or nod
M. Gertrude Robinson, Sunshine

A daisy - so simple yet so beautiful, a reminder to appreciate the little things in life.
Catherine Pulsifer
A sincere attitude of gratitude is a beatitude for secured altitudes. Appreciate what you have been given and you will be promoted higher.
Israelmore Ayivor
Gratitude Poems
Dear Pastor, oh how we appreciate you, you lead us with your heart and words anew.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Shining Light
Poems about Pastor Appreciation
O cherish those who love you...and God will smile a blessing from above.
Arthur Franklin Fuller
Books should go where they will be most appreciated, and not sit unread, gathering dust on a forgotten shelf, don’t you agree?
Christopher Paolini
Poems About Books
I value your friendship, appreciate all you do, wishing you a happy day.
Catherine Pulsifer, Roses Are Red
Birthday Poems for Friend
By appreciating what you have, not what you don't have will lead you feelings of being happy and content.
Catherine Pulsifer

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
Cynthia Ozick
So let us give thanks and show our appreciation for the veterans who fought for our preservation.
Catherine Pulsifer, Thank You God
Thank You Veteran Poems
None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. We got here because somebody – a parent, a teacher, an Ivy League crony or a few nuns – bent down and helped us pick up our boots.
Thurgood Marshall
Thank You Teacher Quotes
One of the most important things in life is to know when we are good at something and appreciate that gift.
Anne Wilson Schaef
Imagine what our house would look like if Mom you decided to go on strike? So, on this your birthday I just want to say we all appreciate you in every way!
Catherine Pulsifer, One Wish
Birthday Poems For Mom
I look back and smile, appreciating those sweet times well rooted in my soul, I'll never forget our prime.
Catherine Pulsifer, Reminiscing Of Memories

We appreciate all that you do, there's no other mother we would choose.
Catherine Pulsifer, Thank You Mother
Thank You Poems To Mom
You truly don't appreciate your Mom and Dad until to your own family, you do add
Catherine Pulsifer, Oh My Parents!
Poems About Parent
Appreciate your family each day - don't wait until they are old and gray
Catherine Pulsifer, Families Can Be
You spend so much time with our children each day - we appreciate you in every way. You teach them and encourage each one.
Mary S. Scotsburn, We Appreciate You
Teacher Appreciation Poem
So don't take life to seriously - appreciate friends and family
Catherine Pulsifer, Teenage Years
The love and support you always show In our books, you're a hero.
Kate Summers, A Happy Mothers Day To You
Mother In Law Poems

Respect is appreciating other people especially those outside your circle.
Catherine Pulsifer, Respect Is
Respect Poems
Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go.
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman
Respect is appreciating other people especially those outside your circle.
Catherine Pulsifer, Respect Is
We should really pay more attention to the sky. Take the time to stop and look up every once in a while
Kristina Smith
Riches in life are...appreciating the things you have rather than wishing for more and feeling sad.
Catherine Pulsifer, Riches In Life
I appreciate you - I cannot express my thanks for all you do -you make me laugh when I want to cry - you always encourage me to try
Kate Summers, I Appreciate You
Grandma Poems

Start showing appreciation to others and they'll start showing appreciation to you.
Michael Unks, Awesome In Hours
Thank you for being the person you are - in our books, you are a star. You truly are one of a kind
Catherine Pulsifer, A Privilege
Thank You Poems For Volunteers
Sunset is a wonderful opportunity for us to appreciate all the great things the sun gives us!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Of course, it feels good to be appreciated, but the sheer enjoyment of the sun on your face, the smell of the sea, and the giggle of a baby gives true meaning to the word.
Greg Henry Quinn

Thank you for being you - We so appreciate all you are and appreciate all you do.
Catherine Pulsifer, Stepped Into
Step Dad Poems
Soulmates they say, are like you and me - close friends and a soulmate we will be. Thank you, my friend, I appreciate you
Catherine Pulsifer, Lifelong Friends
Soulmate Poems
Sometimes we focus so much on what we don't have that we fail to see, appreciate, and use what we do have!
Jeff Dixon
At bedtime when my day is done I count my blessings one by one
Florence Taylor
Dear God, make me appreciative of all the wonderful gifts You give.
Of all the things in the world that are plentiful Mother is only one. We should always express our appreciation and our love for our Moms.
Catherine Pulsifer
"Each day I give thanks for you and appreciate all that you do."
Catherine Pulsifer

Show appreciation. When something kind is done to you, be thankful.
Carl Sommer, Teen Success in Career and Life Skills
Inspirational Quotes
Yes, I want to talk with the Maker of all this lovely creation. To thank Him that I am partaker exalted whatever my station.
Anne S. Watkins, Summer-time
Our lives are filled with meeting wonderful people. Make sure those that have become a part of your life hear your words of appreciation.
Ace Antonio Hall
... learn to go with thankful heart as onward seasons roll.
Max Ehrmann, Walk Sweetly
Desiderata Poem
Your caring ways are appreciated so and your love always shows.
Catherine Pulsifer, Together
Love Poems For Husband
When we see a butterfly we appreciate the beauty, the colors we see
Catherine Pulsifer, Life Can Be Beautiful
To be a friend a man should be sensitively responsive to the dreams and aims of others and should show sincere appreciation for the contributions others make to the enrichment of his life.
Wilferd Peterson
I will always appreciate you; I will always respect you; I will always look up to you
Catherine Pulsifer, You My Mom
Mothers Day Poems
Give thanks for your true friend - To them, appreciation do send!
Catherine Pulsifer, A True Friend Is One...
True Friendship Poems
... we must first address some mistaken beliefs some leaders have, so they can clearly “hear” the compelling evidence supporting the value of
appreciation and encouragement.
Gary Chapman, The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
My contentment is unaltered in any circumstance, because the Shepherd is the source of my provision and He doeth all things well.
Richard Swenson, Contentment

When you look at your life with an attitude of gratitude, you'll suddenly find a new appreciation for each day.
Alex Uwajeh, The Power of Positive Affirmations
I receive blessings, more than abundant, I have so much to be thankful for
Greta Zwaan, Finding Blessings
Heaven Poems
You can't truly appreciate the top if you've never hit rock bottom.
Vanna B.
Thank you, brother, for being you I appreciate all you do.
Catherine Pulsifer, You Are The Best Brother
Brother Poems From Sister
Live each day and be thankful for the people who love you and adore
Byron Pulsifer, You Deserve The Best Brother
Happy Birthday To My Brother
Be thankful for each month of the year - each month brings a blessing for you to hear!
Catherine Pulsifer, Months Of The Year
Month Poems
Saying no to overspending allowed me to continue living within my means and to appreciate what I did have, instead of comparing what I didn’t have to what others did.
Shannon Lee Simmons, Worry-Free Money
"They say you don't appreciate what you have until you no longer have it.
We found once we returned to this part of Canada, we truly did
appreciate the beauty, the people, and the pace of life."
Catherine Pulsifer
I need less to be happy, because I am being present and sincerely appreciating what I already have.
Marc Chernoff, Getting Back to Happy
Of the many things in life we take for granted - the trees we do, we don't appreciate
Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Take The Tree For Granted
It's only when you grow up and step back from him - or leave him for your own home - it's only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it.
Margaret Truman
Fathers Day Poems
It's the little things you do that bring pleasures day by day
Unknown, Appreciate You
Special Friend Poem
So look around and appreciate that material things do depreciate
Catherine Pulsifer, An Abundant Attitude
The expression "stop and smell the roses" is not simply about literal flowers, but rather how to live our life with a deeper appreciation not only of the world around us but the people who are living with us.
Villamor Quebral; Venice Quebral, Take A Moment To Stop And Smell The Roses

Keep appreciating what you do for each other by expressing it.
Christian Olsen, Marriage Tips
We all have daily blessings but so often we take them for granted not taking the time to stop and appreciate the many blessings we all have.
Byron Pulsifer
Many times we take life and what we have for granted, we strive for more but not taking the time to appreciate and give thanks for what we have
Catherine Pulsifer
Be Thankful Poems
You saw something in me that I never imagined could be.Your encouragement meant so much
Catherine Pulsifer, I Wanted To Quit
Graduation Thank You Poems
"As we age, we have
opportunity to mature in our ability to appreciate others who are challenging."
Patricia King, Dream Big

A healthy organization can’t develop without authentic appreciation.....
Dr. Paul White, The Vibrant Workplace
Appreciate the beauty, stop and look - the sky can change your outlook.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Dawn Comes
Good friends like you are very few I truly appreciate you!
Catherine Pulsifer, I Can't Imagine
Thank You Friend Poems
My greatest joy in raising this child is seeing her sweet, honest concern for others blossom into a mature appreciation of the gifts everyone brings to the table.
Carol Tuttle, The Child Whisperer

I’ve been given more years than many, and had enough narrow escapes along the way to make me appreciate them, not just in memory, but while I lived them.
John McCain, The Restless Wave
Life is the best thing ever happened to you and you need therefore to appreciate it since life even in all its seasons is still worthy of your appreciation.
Nicole Gopher Mampuya
Holidays - a time to stop and give thanks for all that we have and to appreciate the people in our lives that make a difference.
Catherine Pulsifer
Holiday Poems
"The point is simply this: express your gratitude to your
friends for being there (you may want to send appreciation poems
or you can express your thankfulness in words of appreciation."
Byron Pulsifer

Treasure the little that you have, work on it, be happy and appreciate life.
Grant Ngobean, Be What You Want To Be
Teaching your child to take care of their personal belongings means teaching them to appreciate God's blessings.
David Bishopson, How to Discipline a Child
I'd like to do the big things and the splendid things for you, to brush the gray from out your skies and leave them only blue
Edgar A Guest
"A helpful hand is a lesson in sharing and if you have the means why not play your part. Those who refuse your help are foolish, as we all know appreciating the helpful hand is just smart."
Julie Hebert, Receiving Help

"There is a simple universal principle: "Everything in the universe wants to be accepted. All aspects of creation want to be loved and appreciated and included."
Shakti Gawain, The Path of Transformation How Healing Ourselves Can Change The World
Expressing appreciation and thanks makes more difference in people's
lives than you may imagine. Take the time to say thanks now!
Catherine Pulsifer
Think first of someone else.
Appreciate, be kind, be gentle.
Author Unknown, Today

Expressing appreciation is one of the best ways to give more positive energy to your relationship.
Anna Parker, Marriage Help
Why not make suggestions for improvements and you may find that
people respect you for it and appreciate your input.
Joanna Jackson, Self Help
"Appreciate and say thanks to someone who does you a favor."
Jonathan Brown, Depression: How to Overcome Depression And Feel Happy Forever!
Look around you and appreciate those who care about you, be thankful they are in your life.
Catherine Pulsifer
We work quietly, and are often only truly appreciated after we leave our jobs.
Michele Gilbert,The Introvert
Appreciation is not obtained by thoughts but through one's acts of compassion, through selfless assistance and through the ever-lasting sprinkling of love to all.
Byron R. Pulsifer

Appreciation for all you have done for me can never be expressed in words,
but Thank You Mum for Everything.
Catherine Pulsifer
Mothers Day Messages
As you go through your week, month, and even New Year,
recognize the people who have packed your parachute and
enabled you to get where you are today!
Author Unknown
You really can change your life by appreciating what you already have.
Michael Unks, Awesome In Hours
Expressing appreciation and thanks makes more difference in people's lives than you may imagine.
Catherine Pulsifer
When it comes down to it, people can sense if an organization is marked by obligation and expectation, or if it is dripping with a sense of appreciation.
Darren Kizer; Christine Kreisher; Steph Whitacre; The Volunteer Project
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that
happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward
achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.
Brian Tracy

"The more love, kindness, honesty, appreciation and tenderness you give, the more you will receive."
Cat O'Connor, 30 Days of Inspiration
Like many, we often spend far too much time either externalizing the
problems we think we have rather than appreciating what we do have.
Byron Pulsifer
You really can change your life by appreciating what you already have.
Michael Unks, Awesome In Hours
Poems on Change In Life
What better way to do both than to appreciate those we love by
listening to learn, which benefits not only your relationships but also
your long term well-being!
Noelle C. Nelson, Happy Healthy…Dead

No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does.
Christopher Morley
Humorous Quotes
You can give the people who contributed to the betterment of your
life a simple 'Thank You' even through a text message or a short call.
Rocco Cozza, Success Habits For The Morning
Thanks To Those Who Helped Me
How great to have a brother as wonderful as you,
you are loved and appreciated for all you do.
Catherine Pulsifer, How Great to Have A Brother
Poems For My Brother
The cold of winter is a necessary part of life, reminding us to appreciate the warmth and joy that comes with the sunshine of spring.
Catherine Pulsifer
Appreciation spoken, appreciation shown makes people feel special and lets your feelings be known.
Catherine Pulsifer, So Often
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love,
grace and gratitude.
Denis Waitley

Into the quietness, up, up to a peak where beauty is seen and silence can speak
Wilhelmina Stitch
We often appreciate all that is done for us, but there are times
when we should stop and thank the people who have encouraged
and supported us. A simple thank you can mean so much, it can
be a motivator to do more, it is just the right thing to do.
Catherine Pulsifer
There is no outsider anywhere who wouldn't appreciate and
even envy the tremendous advantage sisters have, if properly utilized,
against all odds.
Susan Ripps
The awareness that we are fragile human beings experiencing
a finite lifetime on earth and appreciating our lives can be powerful
motivators for us to take action on our goals each day.
Steve Constantine, S.T.A.R. Personal Performance

Each day we are given is a gift, and a gift we always should appreciate.
Julie Hebert, Poetry about Your Life
I think the time has come for you to know how much I appreciate all you do I am so in love with you!
Kate Summers, My Life Did Change
A latent spark of gratitude that words of kindness move.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Kindness
... someone saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself, and I’m forever grateful.
Clay Scroggins, How to Lead When You're Not in Charge
The concept of appreciation in the workplace remains highly relevant to developing positive workplace environments, and at every level of an organization ...
Gary Chapman, The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
I open the door and a happy greeting gives me an appreciated feeling. Tail a wagging and a bark or two it doesn't matter what I do
Catherine Pulsifer, Faithful Dog
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We hope these appreciation quotes and sayings are ones that make you realize and appreciate all that you have.
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