17 Poems about God's Blessings
Discover inspiring poems that remind us of God's daily blessings and love.

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Poems About God's Blessings
Updated March 15, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
God’s blessings surround us each and every day—sometimes in ways we expect, and other times in quiet, simple moments we may overlook. These poems serve as a gentle reminder of His endless love and provision.
There may be times when life feels uncertain, when struggles weigh heavy on our hearts, and we wonder if God has forgotten us. But when we pause, when we open our eyes and truly look, we see His blessings all around. The warmth of the sun, the refreshing rain, the breath in our lungs, and the love of family and friends—each one is a gift from His hand.
No matter what season you are in, may these poems uplift your spirit and remind you that God’s blessings are always near. Sometimes, all we need is a moment of reflection to realize just how much He has given.
All My Help From God
Poet: J. J. Thorne
God's love and mercy gave my birth,
God blessed me on my mother's arm;
God blessed my mother to love me.
To her heart I was a charm.
God blessed me in the cradle,
God blessed my days of youth;
God blessed me with a mother and father.
That always taught me the truth.
God gave me life, health and strength,
And eyes that I might see;
Every blessing of my life
God has handed down to me.
God blessed me with a conscience.
To guide my steps day by day;
Yet am an alien vile and blind.
Open my heart to know thy way.
God has blessed me twenty-eight years of age.
Blessed my arm with a poet's hand;
How my pencil has written this book,
'Tis more than my heart can understand.
My Mission
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
God has blessed me so much,
I'm filled with gladness and joy,
For what He does I can never express enough.
His purpose for me to unlock and employ.
A heart overflowing with gratitude I have,
To share what has been so generously given.
That others would see the Father's great love
His blessings to share is my mission.
A life of abundance that I live;
I am determined to humbly bless others.
With gratitude and joy, it's a life that God giveth;
It's the privilege of blessing our sisters and brothers!
Gratitude Poems
Each Day I Awake
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
I'm filled with joy each day I awake,
Thanking God for the blessings He makes.
Do I give of what I now possess?
Do I share and help others find success?
What I freely give out of love
Brings pleasure to God above.
For those who find joy in giving are blessed,
Giving, helping comes back at best.
Gives Us Many Blessings
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
God gives us many blessings,
Many we cannot see
But if we didn't have them
Oh, where would we be?
God gives us many blessings,
Many we take for granted
Everyday things like
The garden that we planted.
God gives us many blessings
Which gratitude we should show
His blessings are many
Through which His love is shown.
Poems about God
Our Blessings
Poet: Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Sitting to-day in the sunshine,
That touched me with fingers of love,
I thought of the manifold blessings
God scatters on earth, from above;
And they seemed, as I numbered them over,
Far more than we merit, or need,
And all that we lack is the angels
To make earth a heaven indeed.
The winter brings long, pleasant evenings,
The spring brings a promise of flowers
That summer breathes into fruition,
And autumn brings glad, golden hours.
The woodlands re-echo with music,
The moonbeams ensilver the sea;
There is sunlight and beauty about us,
And the world is as fair as can be.
But mortals are always complaining,
Each one thinks his own a sad lot;
And forgetting the good things about him,
Goes mourning for those he has not.
Instead of the star-spangled heavens,
We look on the dust at our feet
We drain out the cup that is bitter,
Forgetting the one that is sweet.
We mourn o'er the thorn in the flower,
Forgetting its odour and bloom;
We pass by a garden of blossoms,
To weep o'er the dust of the tomb.
There are blessings unnumbered about us, -
Like the leaves of the forest they grow;
And the fault is our own - not the Giver's -
That we have not an Eden below.
Quotes About God's Blessings
Blessings He'll Shower On You
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2018
What will happen when your time
Runs out and all your strength ebbs away?
When all the things on earth obtained have come to the point of decay?
When you cannot rise with the morning sun and
The night seems as long as the day?
When the strength of your youth is no longer your source
And all your plans go astray?
I know the results when you try to achieve the goals that you set long ago,
That you're sure with hard work you could reach for the top,
Yet there's so much in life you don't know.
You trust in your skills; you honour your wealth;
Your mind is filled with ideas;
You live a fast pace with no room to make friends;
Being idle you call a disease.
But I want to warn you, your time is quite brief,
In a moment it's all whisked away.
Take heed to this warning while you still have time;
This could be your final day!
Someone will claim what you now call your own,
Things that consumed all your health.
Where is the gain when you cannot enjoy even one day of your wealth?
All that you have, all that you own, really is not yours to claim -
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof;
the deed is made out in His name.
Be wary my friend,
prepare for the day,
Give unto God what is due;
Give Him your heart, give Him your dreams;
Great blessings He'll shower on you.
Bible Verses about Blessings from God
by Rae Cross
Thanksgiving is a state of mind,
It isn't a feast or a day;
It's the joy you feel within your heart
For blessings God sends your way.
It's the knowledge that God is good,
That His is a boundless supply;
That you need but to ask in faith
To make all your good multiply.
Whenever you're prompted to praise
As you kneel in the silence to pray —
When joy and love call forth your thanks-
You are proclaiming Thanksgiving Day.
Motivational Quotes from The Bible
If You Can't Find Joy
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2008
If you can't find joy in your daily life, have you walked away from the source?
Are you letting your problems fill up your heart, are you living in daily remorse?
Does your life feel empty, unchallenged and dull?
Is fulfillment not treasure enough?
Do you feel rejected unneeded, dismayed; is your road so lonely and rough?
Are you searching for treasures beyond your reach, for goals you cannot obtain?
Are you placing your trust in the gold of this world - a substance that will not remain?
Have you been persuaded that life is fulfilled when power is in your control?
Are you surrounded by thoughts of success to the point you've forgotten your soul?
Have you not heard that man is but dust and all earthly efforts are vain?
Are you so centered on what you achieve that other's advice you disdain?
What will you do when your plans are fulfilled?
Will you sit back in your pride and your glee?
Will you tell the whole world of what you've achieved and proudly shout,
"World! Look at me!"?
Friend, I must tell you, your works aren't your own,
there's nothing on earth you possess,
You may have titles to deeds and great wealth, things here on earth to caress.
But God is the owner, Creator of all, who allows you this privilege, this joy.
It's here for a moment and gone in a flash, so quickly time comes to destroy.
Lay not up treasures down here on earth, let not this be your concern.
Life in eternity holds your rewards, investments that bring great return.
Give back to God all that is His, not just the things you can spare,
You'll find more fulfillment, more peace in your heart,
when you willingly give what you share.
God will reward you for giving to Him, more than your heart could request;
His shovel is bigger than any sized pails, be ready to be richly blessed.
Praise God
Poet: Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."
Praise Him who sendeth joy and woe.
The Lord who takes — the Lord who gives —
O praise him, all that dies, and lives.
He opens and he shuts his hand,
But why, we cannot understand.
Pours and dries up his mercies' flood,
And yet is still All-perfect Good.
And when, the tempest passing by,
He gleams out, sun-like, through our sky.
We look up and, through black clouds riven,
We recognize the smile of Heaven.
Ours is no wisdom of the wise.
We have no deep philosophies;
Childlike we take both kiss and rod,
For he who loveth knoweth God.
Praise God Poems
Does Supply My Needs
Poet: J. I. Cover
Oh Lord to Thee on high
Who does my needs supply,
I raise my song.
Thy mercies full and free
On every hand I see,
Thy tender care for me
To keep from wrong.
I praise Thee that Thy grace
Saves from a fallen race
Who come to Thee.
Thy power can make me whole
And fully save my soul;
Where ceaseless ages roll,
There I may be.
May all who know Thy ways,
All join in songs of praise,
Thy name to own.
Guide us along the way,
That we may never stray,
Till we may praise and pray
Around Thy throne.
The Retreat
Poet: Gertrude S. Dupper
I carry in my mind a picture clear —
A low and rambling house; its people dear.
It nestles by a gently rolling hill,
And though I'm far away I hear the trill
Of red birds; hear a purling brooklet sing
Along the broad lawn's edge — its source a spring.
I see the willow with its outflung arm
Stand sentry-like as though to guard from harm
Here water cress grows satin green, and moss
All those who would this crystal-clear stream cross.
Like velvet sheathes its banks, and reaches where
The Rose of Sharon marches tall and fair,
Along the sloping pathway to the door.
And inside there is peace, a goodly store.
All mine from which to draw when nerves and mind
Are taut and weary from the daily grind.
Ah! soon, I'll leave the city and its noise
To steep my heart in peace, regain my poise
Among these friends who carry faith's torch high.
Upon whose simple home God's blessings lie.
Poems About Faith
The Most Wonderful Blessing
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The most wonderful blessing
God gave us from above
Is the birth of His Son,
Whom He sent to us in love.
It is a gift that we didn't deserve
But God loves us so
He wanted to be clear,
He wanted us to know
His love for His children
Is full of mercy and grace
He loves each and every one of us,
the entire human race.
Christ's Friends
by Amos R. Wells
The dearest word
that Christ says to His disciples,
the proudest and most ennobling word,
the word that means
the most for our earthly relationships
as well as the heavenly, is this:
"I have called you friends"
Poems About Blessings
Numbers 6:24-26
New Living Translation Bible
May the Lord bless you
and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his favor
and give you his peace.
A Blessing
Poet: Thomas Otway
Then hear me, bounteous Heaven,
Pour down your, blessings on this beauteous head,
Where everlasting sweets are always springing,
With a continual giving hand: let peace,
Honor, and safety always hover round her:
Feed her with plenty; let her eyes ne'er see
A sight of sorrow, nor her heart know mourning;
Crown all her days with joy, her nights with rest,
Harmless as her own thoughts; and prop her virtue,
To bear the loss of one that too much loved;
And comfort her with patience in our parting.
Blessings of God
Poet: Unknown
May the blessing of God be upon thee;
May the Sun of Glory shine round thy head;
May the gates of plenty, honor, and
Happiness be open to thee.
May no sorrow distress thy days;
May no grief disturb thy nights;
May the pillow of peace kiss thy cheek.
And the pleasure of realization attend
Thy beautiful dreams.
And when length of days makes thee
Tired of earthly joys, and the curtain of
Death gently closes round thy last sleep
Of human existence,
May the angel of God attend thy bed
And take care that the expiring lamp of life
Shall not receive one rude blast to hasten
Its extinction.
New Years Blessings
Thank You For Your Blessings Lord
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
God on high, you have
Blessed us so
Our family, our friends
And our pastor we know.
Each person is a blessing
And a special grace to lend
May the love of your heart
Never be withheld or suspend.
For those in our lives who fill us
With peace and joy untold
Thank you, Lord, for these blessings
Both young and old.
Your Presence is felt in
Such inspiring ways
We give thanks for Your touch
Throughout all of our days.
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