A Year Untried Poem
This poem highlights trusting God’s guidance through the uncertainties of a new year.

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A Year Untried Poem
Updated December 18, 2024, by Catherine Pulsifer
A Year Untried reminds us that the unknown days ahead are nothing to fear when we place our trust in God. In this heartfelt poem by E. M. Offord, we are encouraged to surrender our worries and embrace the new year with faith and confidence. Whether we face joy or sorrow, health or hardship, we are assured that God’s love will guide us through.
Let this poem inspire you to approach the year ahead with a peaceful heart, knowing that whatever comes, God walks beside us. May it remind you that the untried year holds no surprises for Him—and in His care, all things will be for the best.
A Year Untried
Poet: E. M. Offord
A year untried before me lies;
What shall it bring of strange surprise?
Or joy, or grief, I can not tell;
But God, my Father, knoweth well.
I make it no concern of mine,
But leave it all with Love Divine.
Be sickness mine, or rugged health;
Come penury to me, or wealth;
Though lonesome I must pass along,
Or loving friends my way may throng,
Upon my Father's Word I rest;
Whatever shall be shall be best.
No ill can come but he can cure;
His Word doth all of good insure;
He'll see me through the journey's length,
For daily need give daily strength.
'Tis thus I fortify my heart,
And thus do fear and dread depart.
The sun may shed no light by day,
Nor stars at night illume my way;
My soul shall still know no affright,
Since God is all my life and light.
Though all the earthly lamps grow dim.
He walks in light who walks with him.
O year untried! — thou hast for me
Naught but my Father's eye can see:
Nor canst thou bring me loss or gain,
Or health or sickness, ease or pain,
But welcome messenger shall prove
From Him whose name to me is Love.
Key Points from this poem:
Trust in God's Plan
The poet reminds us that the future, though unknown, is safely in God’s hands. Instead of worrying about what lies ahead, we are encouraged to
trust in God and His divine love and wisdom.
Faith in All Circumstances
Whether we face sickness or health, loneliness or companionship, poverty or wealth, God ensures that whatever happens will ultimately be for the best. The poet teaches us to rest in that assurance.
God as Our Light and Strength
No matter how dark or uncertain life may seem, God’s presence brings light and strength. By walking with Him, we find
peace, courage, and the confidence to face an untried year.
This poem beautifully reinforces that faith in God removes fear and gives us hope, no matter what the new year holds.
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