True Friendship Poems
These true friendship poems express the meaning of friendship and remind us that a true friend is one who is to be cherished. Let these short poems remind you of what it means to be in a true friendship.
As you read the verses and poems think of your friendships - who are the people
in your life that have demonstrated the meaning of friendship. Then think of yourself do you measure up as a true friend?
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Friendship Poems
True Friendship Poems
True Friendship
Poet: W. J. Slater
Lovingly, sorrowing, oft do we sigh,
When the shadows of life bring tears to the eye,
For one whose friendship, like Moses of old,
Was given in love, not bought with gold.
Singing and dying, without any care,
Friendship is like a bird in the air,
It flutters and flies, in summer it comes,
In winter is gone, leaves desolate homes.
Like the flower that blooms in early spring,
It fades away and leaves a sting
In the heart of one, who just then
Needs Friendship's hand, to help him win.
Like the shooting star at early morn,
As it flies through space, and is lost in gloom,
Friendship is offered where none need its hand,
Flies off at a tangent when its in demand.
Like the sun in the heavens its dazzling light
Is gone when the storm is at its height,
Friendship is found in days that are bright
But pales when clouded with want and blight.
Like the moon in its path through a starry sky,
It sinks away as morning draws nigh,
Friendship is found where plenty reigns
But lost when crossing poverty's plains.
But while at times the sun is dim,
The moon it pales, the stars not seen,
God willed it so, and He commands
That Friendship shall extend its hands.
True Friend Poem
True Friend
Poet: Julie Hebert, ©2012
Your friendship means so much,
And this I must explain.
You helped me through tough times,
And I hope I've done the same.
You are there when I call,
No matter what the reason.
If I need you, you'd be right over,
No matter what the season.
A true friend indeed you are,
Someone I can always trust.
You listen to my whine's,
And always have time to discuss.
I hope you can say the same,
That I've been a good friend to you.
One thing is for sure, my friend,
I'll always stay true to you.
more meaningful friendship quotes
A True Friend Is One ...
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
A true friend is one who cares
Friends like this are so rare
No matter what happens to you
They pick you up when you are blue.
A true friend is one who shares
No one else can compare
They are always willing, always there
They always give love and show care.
A true friend is one indeed
That want to see you succeed
They help you up when you are down
They make you laugh acting like a clown.
A true friend is one who acts
By their actions your life it does impact
You never find them overreact
They just stick to the facts.
A true friend lends a helping hand
They always listen and understand
Give thanks for your true friend
To them, appreciation do send!
We have so many things to be thankful in life, friendship being one of them. Read our collection of
be thankful poems to remind you to count your blessings for your friends and
for all the blessings that you have.
quotes for a friend
The Obligation Of Friendship
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
You ought to be fine for the sake of the folks
Who think you are fine.
If others have faith in you doubly you're bound
To stick to the line.
It's not only on you that dishonor descends:
You can't hurt yourself without hurting your friends.
You ought to be true for the sake of the folks
Who believe you are true.
You never should stoop to a deed that your friends
Think you wouldn't do.
If you're false to yourself, be the blemish but small,
You have injured your friends; you've been false to them all.
For friendship, my boy, is a bond between men
That is founded on truth:
It believes in the best of the ones that it loves,
Whether old man or youth;
And the stern rule it lays down for me and for you
Is to be what our friends think we are, through and through.
Verses About Friendship
A Friend
Poet: Unknown
He who befriends in time of need
A true friend shall be called indeed;
For then is man most sure to find
Professions of his friends but wind.
Untrue, they mock his sorry plight,
And from his shadow take their flight,
Alone, in doubt, despair, he sits.
Till Heaven's blessing round him flits.
A friend he finds when most in need,
A heart that o'er his woe doth bleed;
He, doubting, grasps the proffered hand
And finds its strength meets each demand.
Friendship Of The Good And True
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
You can buy, if you've got money, all you need to drink and eat,
You can pay for bread and honey, and can keep your palate sweet.
But when trouble comes to fret you, and when sorrow comes your way,
For the gentle hand of friendship that you need you cannot pay.
You can buy with gold and silver things you've got to have to wear,
You can purchase all that's needful, when your skies are bright and fair;
But when clouds begin to gather and when trouble rules the day
Your money doesn't lure a friend worth while to come your way.
For the hand that's warm and gripping and the heart's that tender, too.
Are what all men living sigh for when they're sorrowful and blue.
For there's nothing that's so soothing and so comforting right then
As the gladly given friendship of a fellow's fellow men.
A hand upon your shoulder and a whispered word of cheer
Are the things that keep you going when your trouble time is here;
And you'll hate the gold you've gathered and the buildings that you own
If you have to bear your troubles and your sorrows all alone.
If you've served a golden idol you will get as your reward
All the luxuries of living that the coins of gold afford.
But you'll be the poorest mortal and the saddest in the end
When the clouds of trouble gather - and you're hungry for a friend.
The friendship of the good and true
Is more to me than gold, And while I welcome one that's new
I'll treasure well the old; Old friends are like the goodly tree
Whose leafy branches throw A grateful shelter over me
When adverse winds may blow!
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Never take true friendship for granted, cherish and appreciate your true friends. We can have lots of friends, but true friendship is special and precious.
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