What Happened In Bethlehem
Poems celebrating Jesus’ birth, Bethlehem’s significance, and the joy of Christmas.
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What Happened In Bethlehem
By Catherine Pulsifer, last updated November 11, 2024

Much has been written about what happened in Bethlehem many years ago. Be inspired by these poems in which the Poets describe that special, holy night of the Saviour's birth.
The stories of Jesus being born have been passed down through the Bible and by people for centuries. They first started with eyewitnesses to Jesus's birth!
The Little Town
Poet: Clinton Scollakd
O little town, O little town.
Upon the hills so far,
We see you, like a thing sublime.
Across the great gray wastes of time.
And men go up and men go down,
But follow still the star!
And this is humble Bethlehem
In the Judean wild;
And this is lowly Bethlehem
Wherein a mother smiled;
Yea, this is happy Bethlehem
That knew the little Child!
Aye, this is glorious Bethlehem
Where He drew living breath
(Ah, precious, precious Bethlehem!
So every mortal saith)
Who brought to all that tread the earth
Life's triumph over death!
Key Messages in this poem:
The main message of "The Little Town" by Clinton Scollard is about the importance of Bethlehem as the birthplace of Jesus.
The poem describes Bethlehem as a humble place, but one that is honored and remembered because it welcomed Jesus into the world.
Scollard shows Bethlehem as a town with lasting significance, where Jesus, “the little Child,” was born to bring hope and the promise of life beyond death.
This Christmas poem emphasizes how this small town has become a symbol of hope and faith for people everywhere.
When Christ Was Born
Poet: Florence Earle Coates
On that divine all-hallowed morn
When Christ in Bethlehem was born.
How lone did Mary seem to be,
The kindly beasts for company!
But when she saw her infant's face -
Fair with the soul's unfading grace.
Softly she wept for love's excess.
For painless ease and happiness.
She pressed her treasure to her heart -
A lowly mother, set apart
In the dear way that mothers are.
And heaven seemed high, and earth afar:
And when grave kings in sumptuous guise
Adored her babe, she knew them wise;
For at his touch her sense grew dim -
So all her being worshipped him.
A nimbus seemed to crown the head
Low-nestled in that manger-bed.
And Mary's forehead, to our sight,
Wears ever something of its light;
And still the heart - poor pensioner!
In its affliction turns to her -
Best love of all, best understood.
The type of selfless motherhood!
Christmas Quotes
In Bethlehem that Noble Place
Poet: Unknown
In Bethlehem that noble place,
As by prophecy said it was,
Of the Virgin Mary full of grace,
The Savior of the world is born.
On Christmas night an angel it told
To the shepherds, keeping their fold,
That into Bethlehem with beasts wold
The Savior of the world is born.
The shepherds were compassed right,
About them was a great light;
Dread ye nought, said the angel bright,
The Savior of the world is born.
Behold to you we bring great joy;
For why? Jesus is born this day;
To us, of Mary, that mild may
The Savior of the world is born.
And thus in faith find it ye shall,
Lying poorly in an ox-stall.
The shepherds then lauded God all.
The Savior of the world is born.
Key Messages in this poem:
The poem emphasizes that the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was foretold by prophecy, highlighting the importance of this event as part of a divine plan. Bethlehem is celebrated as a noble
place chosen for the Savior's arrival, fulfilling God’s promise to the world.
The poem focuses on the angel’s message to the shepherds, sharing the joy of Jesus' birth. The angel
reassures the shepherds and brings news of hope and salvation, marking Jesus as the Savior born to bring
peace to humanity. The shepherds respond by praising God, underscoring the widespread
joy and reverence surrounding Jesus' birth.
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