A Bride To Her Husband
A poem that a bride expresses her thoughts to her husband about her love, and her joy about being his bride. She also expresses thoughts of not only the good times but the times of adversity that they will go through together.
And, she communicates thoughts of her anticipation of the future in growing old with this man. A great short poem for a bride to share with her husband-to-be.
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A Bride To Her Husband
Poet: Lillian E. Curtis
Now, confidingly I place my hand in thine,
(May it be a helping hand,)
And pledge myself by thee to stand.
Whether clouds are dark or the sun does shine;
So thou art e'er unfaltering true to me.
Fidelity's hand shall ne'er be withdrawn from thee.
My cup of joy seems full to overflowing,
Yet may I see sorrow and tears,
But alike in all the coming years,
In love and patience will I be growing;
Of this I dream while standing by thy protecting side.
To welcome joy and love, who crown me as a bride.
I feel the pressure of thy encircling arm.
May that same, through the tempests of life.
When storms of adversity are rife.
Be a shield mid fierce peril's alarm;
Trials can I bear for they e'er must accrue.
But woe to thee, if thou shouldst e'er prove untrue.
Love's links are closely bound together,
So securely they might last for aye,
But should the cement prove nought but clay,
They'd break, and, breaking, break forever!
By faith and education I stand your equal,
We may be happy - time must tell the sequel.
From no olden ties have I to part,
For no one living, or in the grave sleeping.
Ever held a place within the heart,
Which now I place in thy keeping;
And still I'll not exact as much from thee.
Be it but a whole heart thou giv'st to me.
But time will change the face now fair,
And she who stands where praises glide
To crown the head of a youthful bride,
Will a look of wan dejection wear;
And furrows will sit on this unwrinkled brow,
Say, wilt thou Iove me then as now?
True, no dark forebodings by doubt are pressed.
There's no feeling not joyous and free.
Of perfect love and trust in thee.
There's no lurking twinges of unrest,
For guardian spirits that round us be.
Seem whispering "your bridal sure is blest."
Yet time works changes we little reck.
Circumstances make a friend a foe;
Lay our highest hopes in ashes low;
Destroy the castles that Faith may deck;
Still, Faith sails on reliant golden wings,
And Truth and Honor can do great things.
In the light of God our voyage we'll begin together.
May He lead us o'er life's surging tide
Thus may we cross to the other side.
Having known Distrust's dark cloud, ah, never,
And wake to know that, tho' we have failed,
Our sacred vows have not been assailed.
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