Do I Care Enough
Do we live the teachings of Jesus? Do we care enough? These inspiring Christian poems give you thoughts to consider when answering these questions.
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Christian Poems
Do I Care Enough
Do I Care Enough?
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2006
I didn't see the gnarled hand that reached out for a dime;
I didn't see the swollen joints that were destroyed by time.
I didn't see the body that was bent beneath the load;
Or the heavy cardboard box that he claimed as his abode.
I didn't see the string-like hair, uncombed, so thin, so grey;
Or bones that held so little flesh, I simply looked away.
I gasped in horror at the sight, how could one fall so low?
How come I hadn't noticed? How come I didn't know?
How long had this soul lived here? Was this what he called home?
What made this soul so desperate? Why was he so alone?
I pondered his dilemma and realized, "It's mine!"
This plight caught my attention without a word or a sign.
God had disturbed my spirit, my heart had seen the need;
My soul can't be complacent, I must not harbour greed.
I'd felt quite self-sufficient in all that I'd achieved,
Hard work made me successful, or so I had believed.
But when I saw this fragment of frail humanity,
I thought, "Oh, God! Have mercy! For that could have been me!"
My heart filled with compassion, I saw through Jesus' eyes,
I had to give assistance; no option otherwise.
'Twas through the mind of Jesus that I stretched forth my hand,
As if His voice was prodding; I followed His command.
"That soul you see before you could easily be you,
In truth, could you dismiss him and then forget him too?
He's come to your attention his plight burned in your mind,
Forever a reminder, how weak is all mankind.
He didn't choose this lifestyle; his circumstances did.
One thing led to another; now cardboard is his bed.
All hope of change has vanquished, his faith is all but gone;
There is no inspiration to help him carry on.
It's up to you what happens, has his plight touched your heart?
Have you enough compassion to give him a new start?
Then don't just offer money to clang in his tin cup,
Reach out in love and mercy and help this poor soul up.
Stretch forth your hand and draw him as I have drawn you;
Raise his faith through kindness and prove My gospel's true.
I've said, 'Love one another,' with no exceptions made,
The challenge lies before you, in My name, give him aid!
Who knows what lies before you, an angel unawares,
Then let My plan work through you, and show him, Jesus cares.
Through you the gospel prospers, through you my work is done;
I set this man before you, not others - you're the one!
I'll watch to see your answer. A smile? An outreached hand?
Well done, beloved servant! You've done what I command."

Poems About God
Life Is Fragile
Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2010
Life is ever so fragile, we never know its length,
We live but in the moment, we have so little strength.
We rush about and scurry, there’s so much we must do,
There’s barely time for thinking, we struggle to get through.
What keeps us motivated? What is our final goal?
What has such great importance that we neglect our soul?
All the things we strive for we truly cannot claim,
Not riches, power or fortune, our peerage with our name.
Possessions are all temporal, in time they fade away,
And even we, we’re fragile, we live from day to day.
So why are we so earnest in things we must achieve?
It’s much that we accomplish, it’s much that we will leave.
It’s time to change our tactics, it’s time that we take stock,
Just what in life is worthwhile, our fortunes or our walk?
Will others want to follow the type of life we’ve led?
And give a good appraisal of things we’ve done and said?
Have we considered others, the ones who’ve been in need?
When prodded by our conscience, were we quick to heed?
We are our brother’s keeper, wherever he may live;
Let’s be a first responder, let’s be quick to give.
It’s then that life is worthwhile, it’s when we learn to share,
To follow in Christ’s footsteps, acknowledging we care.
It’s when we’ve met the Saviour and given Him our heart,
That life takes on new meaning, a different path we chart.
We don’t seek recognition, but service to mankind,
It’s there we find fulfillment, it’s there sweet peace we’ll find.

Serving God Poems
Do I Care?
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Do I care more for myself or others?
A question that leaves my conscience somber.
But look at how God weaves His loving care,
An example for us all to truly bear.
In tender moments, He holds us near,
Wiping away every sorrow and tear.
So let us strive, in this world so vast,
To love one another, as God's love will last.
God Cares For You
God's Strength Conveyed
Poet: Washington Gladden
O Master, let me walk with thee,
In lowly paths of service free;
Tell me thy secret, help me bear
The strain of toil, the fret of care.
Help me the slow of heart to move
By some clear, winning word of love;
Teach me the wayward feet to stay,
And guide them in the homeward way.
Teach me thy patience, still with thee
In closer, dearer company,
In work that keeps faith sweet and strong,
In trust that triumphs over wrong.
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