9 Poems on Change In Life

There are many times when change in life is needed. Or, when a change has a huge impact on our life. Be encouraged by these short poems about what we can do about changes in our lives. When faced with changes we all need to adjust not only to the change but our attitude towards the change.

We may be facing challenges or issues that we just want to get rid of. As Hal Elrod once said, "Remember, the moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you claim the power to change anything in your life." We hope these poems give you thoughts about changing your life that may encourage you or motivate you to make the changes needed to avoid any frustration that you are feeling.

In summary, read the word of Mary S. Scotsburn, "Talking or wishing will not change a thing. Taking action will change your life."

Poems About Change    /   Poems on Change In Life

  1. Change - It Is Up To Me
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2020

    Change in your life you want to see
    But first, you have to realize it is up to me.

    You have to stop and think about things
    What is it you want to see that life will bring

    Develop a plan and write it down
    Don't sit and wish, you'll look like a clown

    Take action steps one by one
    Complete each one until the step is done

    Don't be discouraged if you run into a roadblock
    There is a way to go around, stop and take stock

    If you have the determination and a plan to follow
    You will find changes and you will not find sorrow

    Always remember it is up to me
    To change my life to the best it can be.

  2. Change Is of Life a Part
    Poet: M. C. L.

    "Change is of life a part." Its power
    As a shadow marks each passing hour.
    It silvers the wave with sparkling light,
    With rainbow beauty, intensely bright.
    In the clouds and tempests that roll on high
    It reigns, in gorgeous revelry.

    "Change is of life a part." Its spell
    Has thrilled the hero’s heart as a knell;
    Clouding his hopes in their hour of pride,
    Till the haughty spirit within him died:
    It came where earthly triumph had been,
    Shading with sadness the gorgeous scene.

    "Change is of life a part." Even where
    Soft music falls on the perfumed air,
    In banquets brilliant as those of old,
    When the red wine sparkled in sculptured gold,
    ’Twill come; like a cloud o’er a summer sky.
    Like a phantom whose presence we cannot fly.

    "Change is of life a part." The flow
    Of time reveals its power below;
    In memory’s visions, as on they sweep.
    Breathing a truth sacred and deep,
    That in heaven alone change cannot be,
    Where the sunlight of bliss shines eternally.

  3. Poems About Life Changes
    Poems About Life Changes

  4. If I Could Change My Life
    Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2015

    If I could change my life,
    What would I actually change.
    This question makes me wonder,
    What change could I arrange.

    First of all, I know that,
    My past would stay the same.
    I would never make a change,
    That would take from the life I came.

    If I could make a change,
    It would be to me here and now.
    Maybe I'd change my habits,
    Or maybe I would change a vow.

    But one thing I know for sure is,
    I like my life as is.
    I'm sure there are things to better myself,
    But I am thankful for life as it is.

  5. We Ourselves Change
    by Thomas Carlyle

    To-day is not yesterday:
    we ourselves change;
    how can our works and thoughts,
    if they are always to be the fittest,
    continue always the same?

    Change, indeed, is painful,
    yet ever needful;
    and, if memory have its force and worth,
    so also has hope.

  6. Days change so many things - yes, hours - We see so differently in suns and showers
    Positive Quotes About Change

  7. Days Change
    Poet: George Klingle

    Days change so many things - yes, hours -
    We see so differently in suns and showers;
    Mistaken words to-night
    May be so cherished by to-morrow's light!
    We may be patient, for we know
    There's such a little way to go.

  8. You Want Change
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    You want change in your life you say
    You talk about it each and every day
    You are not happy with life as such
    You complain it is all to much.

    You want change in your life you say
    You dream about it every day.
    But a dream will not change a thing
    Action taken - change it brings.

    You want to change in your life you say
    You wish away your days.
    Dreaming, wishing and hoping
    Has the same result as moping.

    The change in your life will happen
    Once you set your goals with actions
    Moving forward each day towards those goals
    Will change your life, you know!

  9. In Life Poet:  Catherine Pulsifer In life, change often comes as a call, A chance to grow, to rise and stand tall. Embracing the new with open arms, Brings forth potential and fresh charms. The impact may be grand, a shift profound, Yet amidst the uncertainty, hope is found. So let's see the positive in this game, Change is opportunity, not just a claim.

  10. The Web Of Life
    Poet: Unknown

    A beautiful piece of patches and shreds -
    But stay your passionate grieving -
    Is it late to pick up the broken threads
    And change the pattern of weaving?

    The warp was dyed in the wool and drawn
    To the loom without your willing;
    But the shuttle that flies from dawn to dawn
    Carries the thread of your filling.

    The fabric of life by which you are known
    Is not, perhaps, of your choosing;
    But the matter which gives it light and tone
    Is the color you are using.

    Over the dingy ancestral dyes,
    Over and under, and over,
    The gold of your shuttle tints as it flies
    The blemish it may not cover.

    Forward and onward, you may not pause
    In your own work disbelieving;
    For still by the force of its unseen laws
    The loom goes on with its weaving.

    And your inmost thought is caught in the snare
    By a law that no man knoweth;
    And your purpose, be it false or fair,
    Shows the web, as it groweth.

    Well for you, and well for us all, sweet friend,
    When, at last, our shuttles falter,
    If the weavers beginning where we end
    Find naught in the pattern to alter.

  11. Navigate Through
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    When faced with changes, let's not fret or fight
    But rather adjust with a gracious sight
    Change is inevitable, it's part of life's flow
    Adapting our attitude will help us grow

    Embrace the shifts, with an open mind
    And let positivity be what we always find
    Let's welcome change as a chance to learn and renew
    With grace and poise, we'll navigate through.

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