Choose Life
A poem written to support that every baby deserves to be born. It's verses describe how each and everyone of us are a creation of God and part of God's plan. This is a poem that may help any woman
who is considering aborting their child.
Famous Christian Poems
Choose Life
Greta Zwaan, © 2006
A child in the womb, a creation of God,
You have no right to destroy it.
Something so wonderful; beautifully made,
He planned that you should enjoy it.
Not fully formed, but its members all there,
Counted by God and recorded.
Every new day some changes take place,
Soon the picture is clear, not distorted.
Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes,
The workings of God in the making.
A tiny wee soul with a future all planned,
This life is not yours for the taking!
How dare you presume control of this life!
How dare you despise God’s creation!
What gives you the right to plan someone’s life?
Why would you seek deprivation?
You can’t destroy and walk away clean,
Your conscience will always remind you.
You can’t erase the thought from your mind,
It’s the shame and the guilt that will bind you.
The memory survives though the deed has been done,
The evidence quickly discarded.
The world may not know, but God saw it all,
He grieved when that wee soul departed.
And in His great love, His arms stretched out wide,
He retrieved the gift you rejected.
One little soul has entered its rest,
But forever you’ll be affected.
Young lady, think! Don’t plan this in haste;
One error covering another.
God can assist you, He’ll be your aid;
With wisdom, you’ll be a good mother.
Think long and hard of what life will be like;
Think of your grief and your sorrow.
Today may seem bleak, your plans gone astray;
Choose life! Let your child see tomorrow!
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