40 Christian Poems
Christian poems to uplift, inspire faith, and encourage trust in God.
Short Poems & Quotes
Christian Poems
Updated November 13, 2024 by Catherine Pulsifer
Uplifting Christian poems that will inspire, uplift, and strengthen your faith. Be inspired by the words of these Poets. The verses
are great to reflect on and to share with others who need an uplifting message.
Some are classic poems that have been inspiring people for many years and others are poems that have been recently penned but all give us
encouragement in God and His son Jesus Christ. They remind us to praise and trust God not only in the good times but also in
the more challenging times.
If you have any doubts or if you are experiencing issues in life then read these poems and be uplifted. May they give you hope and faith
that God has a plan and it is good!
Table of Contents
Popular Christian Poems
Let these poems strengthen your faith by giving you verses to reflect upon. Uplifting poems to help us focus on God and the love and peace that only He can give.
I Was On Your Mind
Poet: Jason Kirk Bartley
I was on your mind before the foundations of the world were there,
You knew me in my mother's womb,
You knew the count of all my hair,
I'm created in your image,
You call me by my name,
I'm born into this world that has gone completely insane.
I'm created for a purpose,
to proclaim your holy name
far and wide,
You know my every thought and my heart inside,
You long to hold me,
your arms are opened wide,
Many times I think of you,
this is why you died.
I was on your mind when they led you to that place,
How they beat you and spat upon you,
blood ran down your face,
They mocked you and bowed their knee to an imaginary king,
If only they would have known you were the creator of everything,
You chose to lay it down.
They had placed the thorns upon your head of your imaginary crown.
They led you up that hill to hang you upon the cross,
You counted it a gain,
You were never at a loss.
willingly you went the angels awaiting your command,
They wanted to deliver you,
This was not in your plan.
Our creator had come to suffer
And die a gruesome way,
Only to rise upon that third and final day.
I was on your mind a glorious victory you brought to me,
When I was at my lowest,
and I could not even see.
I was on your mind to walk with you today,
I was on your mind when there was no other way.
I was on your mind.
I Couldn't But God Could
Poet: Jason Kirk Bartley
I could not hang the stars in the sky,
Nor do I hold the answers to all of the world's problems and why.
I cannot change the things I've done within my past,
or cast all of my sins into a sea of forgiveness no matter how vast.
I cannot see any part of my future or how bright that it might be,
or hang the moon into the sky so all the world could see,
The one who could had taken my place upon Golgothas hill,
All of our sins were placed on Him as the whole world just stood still.
Trembling and scared one day, I asked Him into my heart.
He promised me to leave a mark on me, and that He’d never part.
He also promised me my sins wiped clean, and that they were eternally forgiven.
And He gave me the keys to my cell in this life’s prison.
His righteousness came within my soul in such a miraculous way.
I could now testify how I’d been made whole unto this very day.
I point everyone back to God’s own Son and where I knelt to pray,
I point them back to Calvary and where the baby in the Manger lay,
I point them back to this love on the cross and how He came to stay.
I show them how to get ahold of Jesus and claim salvation today.
Poems About God
He Already Knew
Poet: Jason Kirk Bartley
He already knew who'd betray Him and when,
and that we'd drown so deep in sin.
He already knew our plight when taking the cross,
that many would accept His love, but some would be lost.
He already knew how we'd fare,
yet He couldn't stand the thought of Heaven without us there.
He already knew who would and wouldn't seek,
In Jesus's name some would not dare to speak.
But He knew many hearts would be true,
so our Savior went to rescue you.
He died and rose again to save each man from the depths of His sin.
He already knew who would and wouldn't accept His gift of love,
yet He came down to earth and left Heaven's glory above.
He already knew He'd reclaim His throne there,
and that you and I could be joint heirs.
For each one a decision can be made today,
to take our heart and at His feet to lay.
Believing and trusting in Jesus, living as per Jesus' words in the gospel is a sure way to reach Heaven.
Trust In Jesus
Poet: J. J. Thorne
Christians wait and trust in God,
While in this vile world you plod.
In your troubles and despair,
Blessed Jesus is even there.
When we are loaded down with care,
It seems that all are in despair.
We then are further off from harm,
Resting safe in Jesus' arm.
When we rejoice in nature's delight,
Satan is near, mark his flight.
When we are on the mountain peak,
In nature we are always week.
But when we drop clown in the vails,
Jesus is near, he never fails.
When the clouds are looking dark.
And you have lost your trusting spark.
Look to Jesus for your rest,
In whom you were always blessed.
Amid the darkest, dreary night,
Far up above there is light.
Jesus with his smiling face,
Discloses home and heavenly place.
In Jesus up above so far,
You are typical to a star.
The star shoots and faids away.
Typical to your dying day.
A Christian's life is never lost.
Neither a star of the heavenly host.
You reach heaven by angelic grace,
The star proceeds to its former place.
Be inspired and uplifted by these poems:
Poems About Jesus
Poems About The Cross
Christian Easter Poems
Spiritual Poems
If we only realized how much God loves us - our world would change!
Love Of God
Poet: Horatius Bonar
O love of God, how strong and true!
Eternal, and yet ever new;
Uncomprehended and unbought,
Beyond all knowledge and all thought!
O heavenly love, how precious still!
In days of weariness and ill,
In nights of pain and helplessness,
To heal, to comfort, and to bless!
O wide-embracing, wondrous Love,
We read Thee in the sky above;
We read Thee in the earth below,
In seas that swell and streams that flow.
We read Thee best in Him who came
To bear for us the cross of shame,
Sent by the Father from on high,
Our life to live, our death to die.
O Love of God, our shield and stay
Through all the perils of our way;
Eternal love, in thee we rest,
Forever safe, forever blest.
My Path
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
My path to graduation was hard and long,
But with faith in Jesus I stayed strong.
Though storms did come, I had the Lord,
With His help I overcame and soared.
The Lord has guided me on every mile,
As I traveled through tears and smiles.
From hearts of joy to waters of pain,
I encountered each one in God’s name.
My school journey was tough and tedious,
But I thank the Lord for His graciousness.
So as I walk across this stage today,
It's Jesus who helped me all the way.

Change The Pattern
Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2017
God did not look down from heaven to see me as one who's a jewel;
He saw far beyond what I'm able, I desperately needed renewal.
My mind was, "I am persuaded not many are serving as well;
I feel that I set an example, for in many points I do excel."
I give and I tithe as required - my funds, my talents and time;
I think that folks are inspired; really, it’s good, quite sublime.
So why am I still without comfort? Why do I feel incomplete?
There's a spot in my heart that feels empty; my efforts still end in defeat.
I ponder and find the conclusion - the story is not about me;
I'm trying to win God's approval while God's plan is setting me free.
My eyes should be focused on Jesus, not what I can achieve;
But on His great plan of salvation, and only on that I should believe.
The pattern of works will soon follow, then willingness follows in kind;
The joy of being His servant will leave self exulting behind.
God will receive all the glory, the rightful owner of praise,
I'll feel blessed and rewarded; I've changed my thoughts to His ways.
More Christian poems:
Poems about Gods Blessings
Praise God Poems
Serving God Poems
Poems About Worship
A poem about being part of God's team, and be willing to work on behalf of God. Accepting God's will and
allowing God to use us brings about a peace.
The Link In The Chain
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2018
I'm not the one to make judgements; I'm not the one to set goals,
I'm just a tool for the Master, part of His team to save souls.
I'm not the one with the answers to all the questions you ask,
I'm not the one full of knowledge; I'm hardly up to the task.
I too am one who is searching, why has the world gone astray?
I have found peace in my Saviour but others have not found their way.
So, God, if You're willing to use me, a link in the chain of events,
Give me instructions to follow, words that to lost souls make sense.
Help me to keep it as simple as Jesus revealed to the crowd;
Not oratorical flourish, not being boisterous or loud.
Simply the plan of salvation, let it appeal to mankind,
Its wonderful peace You have offered,
Peace to the soul and the mind.
Look To The Cross
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In the stillness of the night, you hear the call,
Jesus beckons, He invites one and all.
Up high in heaven, God's Son does reside,
Yet on earth, His love for you does abide.
Look up to the cross, where Jesus bled,
For you, for me, His precious blood shed.
In simple faith, just believe and see,
The saving grace He offers for free.
No need to search in distant skies,
For Jesus is near, He hears your cries.
He walked amongst us, in human form,
To guide us through life's tempest and storm.
God's love is so deep, it knows no end,
His mercy and grace, they always mend.
So come to Jesus, with a heart open wide,
In Him, true peace and joy abide.
Through His word, a message so clear,
Jesus, our Savior, always near.
So heed the call, don't hesitate,
In Jesus, find your eternal fate.
Trust God's Plan
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In the illusion of control, you place your trust,
Thinking your destiny, in your hands, you must adjust.
But God's plan surpasses what your mind can conceive,
In Jesus, true purpose and fulfillment you'll receive.
You may chart your course, with precision and care,
But God's sovereign hand, is always there.
For He alone knows the path you should take,
Without Jesus' guidance, your plans will break.
Your choices matter, of this, there's no doubt,
But God's will prevails, casting shadows of doubt.
In Jesus, find solace, in His guiding light,
Trust in His wisdom, through the darkest night.
So release your grip, on the reins of fate,
And trust in God's timing, it's never too late.
For in His hands, your destiny lies,
In Jesus, find peace, under His skies.
Words that are so true about God knowing what is best.
God Knows Best
Poet: Caleb Davis Bradlee
My God knows best! through all my days
This is my comfort and my rest,
My trust, my peace, my solemn praise,
That God knows all, and God knows best.
My God knows best! That is my chart;
This thought to me is always blest;
It hallows and it soothes my heart,
For all is well, and God knows best.
My God knows best! then tears may fall;
In his great heart I'll find my nest;
For he, my God, is over all,
And he is love, and he knows best.
Christian poems to remind you how much God loves you:
Poems About God's Love
God's Promises Poems
Christian Poems Of Encouragement
Christian Poems of Hope
Christian Poems About Love
A Christian poem that makes us realize that we are reflections of Christ and
that what we say and do shows our Lord to other people.
- The World's Bible
Poet: Annie Johnston Flint
Christ has no hands but our hands
To do his work today;
He has no feet but our feet
To lead men in His way;
He has no tongue but our tongues
To tell men how he died;
He has no help but our help
To bring them to his side.
We are the only Bible
The careless world will read;
We are the sinner’s gospel,
We are the scoffer's creed;
We are the Lord's last message
Given in deed and word-
What if the line is crooked?
What if the type is blurred?
What if our hands are busy
With other work than his?
What if our feet are walking
Where sin's allurement is?
What if our tongues are speaking
Of things his lips would spurn?
How can we hope to help him
Unless from him we learn?
This poem reminds us that we just have to open our eyes to see God around us each and every day.
- God's Power
Poet: Maria J Dodge
In every waving blade of grass,
In every little flower.
That daily in my walks I pass,
I see God's wondrous power.
And every tiny drop of rain
Which falls in gentle shower,
And then in mist ascends again.
Tells of His wondrous power.
The little birds that gaily trill
Their songs in morning hour,
And all the air with music fill.
Sing of His wondrous power.
An inspiring Christian poem reminds us that life is a simple prayer. And peace begins with God. The verses of this
poetry will give you encouragement and hope of peace with the Lord.
- Life Becomes a Simple Prayer
Poet: John F Zurn, ©2019
Life has mostly simple moments
Like the rising sun each day.
The times of truly great excitement
Seem like clouds that drift away.
Plans and memories are tainted
With the hopes and fears of thought.
When the many dreams have faded,
The only peace begins with God.
Then in the moments by the river,
Or walking through a crowded mall,
Simple thoughts of God can linger,
And nothing else exists but God.
In this moment thoughts have ended,
And the spirit fills my heart.
Then the peace of being present
Overwhelms my inner talk.
But just for a short pause only
Does the fleeting moment last.
My eager mind returns and slowly
Thinking fuels by selfishness.
Yet in these quiet simple moments,
My heart perceives that God is near,
Without the rush to trust emotions,
My Iife becomes a simple prayer.
More inspiration:
Poems About Prayer
Christian Poems Of Comfort
Morning Prayer Devotion
In The Chaos Of Life
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In the chaos of life, you seek for peace,
A calm that never fades, a sweet release.
But the world offers empty promises, fleeting,
Only in Jesus, true peace, you'll be meeting.
Non-believers scoff, they cannot comprehend,
The peace that surpasses all, that will never end.
For it's not found in riches or worldly gain,
But in God's love, through Jesus, it will remain.
In trials and tribulations, you may face,
Jesus offers a refuge, a saving grace.
Though storms may rage and troubles abound,
In Jesus, true peace is always found.
It's a peace beyond understanding, they say,
That carries you through each day.
For in Jesus, God's love shines bright,
Bringing peace that conquers the darkest night.
So hold fast to Jesus, let His peace fill your soul,
In His presence, you'll find your heart made whole.
Though misunderstood by those who do not believe,
In Jesus, true peace you will receive.
If you were to write your creed would it have reflections of God in it?
A Christian poem that talks about the words "God bless you". We all want
the Lord's blessings and our prayers often express our wishes for His blessing.
God Bless You
Poet: Julia A. Baker
I cannot find a truer word
Nor fonder to caress you;
Nor song of poem I have heard
Is sweeter than "God bless you!"
God bless you! so I breathe a charm
Lest Grief's dark night oppress you.
Then how can Sorrow bring you harm
If 'tis God's way to bless you.
And so, not "All thy days be fair,
And shadows touch thee never,"
But this alone — God bless you, dear!
So thou art safe forever.
Can It Ever Be?
Poet: Mary C. Ryan
O God! how can it ever be,
That I Thy glorious face can see,
Be cleansed from sin by Thy Son's blood,
Which for man's sins so freely flowed?
That when Thou comest with Thy band
Of mighty angels fair and grand.
To make Thy jewels up for Thee,
That Thou wilt then remember me?
But, ah! how can I ever be
A jewel bright and glow for Thee,
And live with Thee in that fair land.
And with Thy hosts of angels stand?
For now I am so vile and weak.
But trembling, lone. Thy ways I seek.
Thy blood to cleanse. Thy love to guide,
And lead me to my Saviour's side.
How many books have we read searching for the truth? This short poem reminds us the Bible has all the
answers we need - we just need to read and study it.
The Bible
Poet: John Greenleaf Whittier
We search the world for truth, we cull
The good, the pure, the beautiful,
From graven stone and written scroll,
And all old flower-fields of the soul;
And, weary seekers of the best,
We come back laden from our quest,
To find that all the sages said
Is in the Book our mothers read.
The Bible, the best book on how to live a successful life:
Poems About The Bible
I Believe Poems
Spiritual Awakening Poems
The Life And Light
Poet:Thomas Moore
Thou art, O God, the life and light
Of all this wondrous world we see;
Its glow by day, its smile by night,
Are but reflections caught from Thee.
Where'er we turn, Thy Glories shine,
And all things fair and bright are Thine.
When Day, with farewell beam, delays
Among the op'ning clouds of Even,
And we can almost think we gaze
Through golden vistas into Heaven —
Those hues that make the sun's decline
So soft, so radiant, Lord! are Thine.
When Night, with wings of starry gloom,
O'ershadows all the earth and skies,
Like some dark, beauteous bird, whose plume
Is sparkling with unnumbered eyes —
That sacred gloom, those fires divine,
So grand, so countless, Lord! are Thine.
Glorious Days Ahead
Poet: Byron Pulsifer
There are many days to ponder
What should I have done but wander.
I did not stop to aid, to comfort
My own I felt was cowardly discomfort.
For what was the beast so near
It was so sure in my selfish fear.
Why was I so scared
Was I not ready and prepared?
The host of others who ran towards
Was my defense to shrink backwards.
I hope that I should never see
More times to run from so easy.
For in the last of days
There will be no moving sideways.
For we all must face
A certain death without disgrace.
This is not a time to fear
It is really a time to cheer.
For we have been given
A Savior who has risen.
'Tis Evening Tide
Poet:Mary C. Plummer
'Tis evening tide, and chirping birds
To their snug little nests are flying;
'Tis evening tide, and the Master calls
To sinful souls still dying.
'Tis evening tide, and wearied workers
Homeward tread so wearily;
Hark! I hear one softly singing:
Lord, in Thy mercy, shelter me.
Let these poems remind you how blessed we are to have a God of mercy and grace:
Poems About God's Grace
God's Mercy Poems
Poems About God's Timing
How many times have we said, "Help me Lord"? This poem reminds us to reach out to the Lord and to trust Him.
Help Me Lord
Greta Zwaan, © 2011
T’was not the night, the long, long night; I knew that we must part,
But oh, the pain! The deep, deep pain that stirred within my heart.
It’s been so long since this began, so many tears I’ve shed,
So often I have bared my soul, “Let it be me instead!”
To watch him suffer, see his pain for which there was no cure,
I prayed for guidance as I asked, “How long must he endure?”
“God, You’re the healer of mankind, the keeper of his soul,
Could You not touch him with Your power? Restore him? Make him whole?”
Dear God, I’m pleading, give me peace, help me to understand,
Your loving kindness will come through, that our whole life is planned.
I cannot see the path ahead, I wander in a daze,
I reach my hand out for Your love, I want to give You praise.
Oh, precious Lord, give me the strength to trust, to let You guide,
What e’re the outcome of Your plan, walk closely by my side.
Seven Good Rules
Poet Unknown
Acquire thoroughly. - This puts the knowledge in.
Review frequently. - This keeps the knowledge.
Plan your work. - This begins well.
Work your plan. - This finishes well.
Never think of self. - Selfishness spoils all.
Never look back. - Waste no time over failures.
Earn, save, give all you can for Jesus. - Happiness.
Oh, if we could see others as God sees them our outlook and attitude would be much more loving and understanding.
Let Me See
Poet Unknown
God grant to me that I may see
The beauty of a crooked tree,
The blossom of a humble weed,
The glory of a homely seed,
The pathos of a homeless pup,
The way to lift a brother up.
O, grant me the highest art —
The patience of an understanding heart.
Where is God? This poem reminds us to look around and we will see Him everywhere, we just need to open our eyes
God Seen In His Works
Poet: James Cowden Wallace
There's not a tint that paints the rose,
Or decks the lily fair,
Or streaks the humblest flower that blows,
But God has placed it there.
At early dawn, there's not a gale
Across the landscape driven,
And not a breeze that sweeps the vale,
That is not sent by Heaven.
There's not, of grass, a single blade,
Or leaf of loveliest green,
Where heavenly skill is not displayed,
And heavenly wisdom seen.
There's not a tempest, dark and dread,
Or storm that rends the air,
Or blast that sweeps the ocean's bed,
But God's own voice is there.
Wherever space extends,
There God displays His boundless love,
And power with mercy blends.
Christian poems to grow your faith:
Poems About Faith
Trust In God Poems
Faith In God Poems
Heaven Poems
The Weaver Poem
The Peace Of Full Surrender
Poet: Frederic R. Marvin
O the peace of full surrender
All my joy to do His will!
Mine to trust His faithful promise;
His the promise to fulfill.
O the glory and the rapture,
Thus to dwell with Christ the Lord;
New delight and wisdom gaining
From the study of His word.
Pleasure's songs no more entice me,
Nor the bugle notes of Fame;
Sweeter far the holy music
Of my dear Redeemer's name.
O the glory and the rapture -
Earthly burdens pass away!
Stormy winter turns to summer;
Lonely darkness into day.
A poem that talks about what Jesus has done for each and every one of us - with bibical references.
I Gave My Life For Thee
Poet: Frances Ridley Havergal
I gave my life for thee, Gal. 2:20.
My precious blood I shed, 1 Pet. 1:19.
That thou mightest ransomed be, Eph. 1:7.
And quickened from the dead. Eph. 2:1.
I gave my life for thee; Tit. 2:14.
What hast thou given for me? John 21:15-17.
I spent long years for thee 1 Tim. 1:15.
In weariness and woe, Isa. 53:3.
That an eternity John 17:24.
Of joy thou mightest know. John 16:22.
I spent long years for thee John 1:10, 11.
Hast thou spent one for me? 1 Pet. 4:2.
My Father's home of light John 17:5.
My rainbow-circled throne Rev. 4:3.
I left for earthly night Phil. 2:7.
For wanderings sad and lone. Matt. 8:20.
I left it all for thee; 2 Cor. 8:9.
Hast thou left aught for me? Mark 10:29.
I suffered much for thee — Isa. 53:5.
More than thy tongue may tell — Matt. 26:39.
Of bitterest agony, Luke 22:44.
To rescue thee from hell. Rom. 5:9.
I suffered much for thee; 1 Pet. 2:21-24.
What canst thou bear for me? Rom. 8:17, 18.
And I have brought to thee John 4:10, 14.
Down from my home above, John 3:13.
Salvation full and free, Rev. 21:6.
My pardon and my love. Acts 5:31.
Great gifts I brought to thee; Psa. 68:18.
What hast thou brought to me? Rom. 12:1.
Oh, let thy life be given, Rom. 6:13.
Thy years for him be spent, 2 Cor. 5:15.
World-fetters all be riven, Phil. 3:8.
And joy with suffering blent! 1 Pet. 4:13-16
I gave myself for thee; Eph. 5:2.
Give thou thyself to me! Prov. 23:26.
Uplifting Christian poems:
Poems About Miracles
Poems About Angels
Poems About Beliefs
Famous Christian Poems
Born Again
Poet: David V. Bush
I had no joy in flowers,
In dewdrop or in rain;
No thought for shady bowers;
Til I was born again.
But now I love the rose,
The blooms of hill and plain.
And all that nature shows,
Since I am born again.
For idle joys I yearned,
And solemn thoughts gave pain;
Until the truth I learned.
And thus was born again.
My life was filled with pride.
And all my thoughts were vain;
I cared for none beside;
'Til I was born again.
I doubted God's great love,
And mocked His righteous reign;
But now I look above.
Since I am born again.
So every soul is taught
To seek the highest gain;
And wiser grows our thought,
When we are born again.
Yea, Lord
Poet: Julia C. R. Dorr
Yea, Lord! — Yet some must serve,
Not all with tranquil heart,
Even at Thy dear feet,
Wrapped in devotion sweet,
May sit apart.
Yea, Lord! — Yet some must bear
The burden of the day,
Its labor and its heat,
While others at Thy feet
May muse and pray.
Yea, Lord! — Yet some must do
Life's daily task-work; some
Who fain would sing, must toil,
Amid earth's dust and moil,
While lips are dumb.
Yea, Lord! — Yet even Thou
Hast need of earthly care.
I bring the bread and wine
To Thee, O Guest Divine!
Be this my prayer!
A Haven For Sinners
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In the heart of the town, the church stands tall,
A haven for sinners, it welcomes all.
ith open arms and compassionate grace,
It offers forgiveness in a peaceful embrace.
Beneath its roof, troubled souls find solace,
A refuge for those seeking God's grace.
So let us gather, both strong and weak,
For in this sacred place, we find what we seek.
The Christian chuch a place for all:
Poems About Church
Devotion About Prayer
Prayer For Israel
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Oh Christian souls, lift your voices high,
In prayer for Israel under the sky.
Amidst the turmoil, the struggles they face,
Grant them strength, Lord, in Your loving grace.
Protect them from harm, shield them from fear,
Let Your presence, Jesus, be ever near.
Guide their leaders with wisdom and might,
Lead them to peace, in Your holy light.
Though foes do gather, with weapons in hand,
We trust in Your power, Your sovereign command.
For Israel's safety, we fervently pray,
Keep them safe, O Lord, both night and day.
So hear our plea, as we bow in prayer,
Keep Israel safe, in Your tender care.
May Your love and mercy forever shine,
In the land of Israel, Your chosen vine.
Guide My Children
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Oh, Jesus, I come to You in prayer,
In this world where dangers dare.
Raising children, Lord, is no small feat,
In a society where evil seeks to cheat.
Grant me wisdom, Jesus, every day,
To guide my children in Your way.
Shield them from drugs and sinful vice,
Fill their hearts with Your love's spice.
Help me teach them right from wrong,
To stand firm and brave, courageous and strong.
In a world where darkness seems to reign,
Let Your light, dear Jesus, always remain.
Give me patience, Lord, when times are tough,
To show them Your grace, more than enough.
In Your arms, may they find their rest,
Safe and secure, on Your loving breast.
With You by our side, we face each test,
Trusting in Your love to give us rest.
Oh Jesus, be our strength and guide,
As we navigate life's turbulent tide.
Lead them on the path that leads to You,
In Your presence, may their faith renew.
Oh Jesus, listen to this parent's plea,
Guide my children, Lord, eternally free.
Lord, At Peace With Thee
Poet: Juliet Marsh
Lord! if to-morrow's rising sun
Proclaim a battle day for me,
I only ask that setting sun
May find me still at peace with Thee:
Give me the field at eventide,
'Mid song of victory.
Lord! if the shadows, lurking deep,
Some unknown harm from me would hide,
Take Thou my hand, lest in the dark
The space should grow so wide
That never bridging of my prayers
Could reach the other side.
Lord! if these treasures which I have
Would keep me still in greater need,
Loosen the clinging of my hold
Lest they my growth impede;
Take, then, my empty hands in Thine,
And they are full indeed.
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Best Christian Poem in the Bible
It is often asked, "What is the best Christian poem in the Bible?" While there are many poems in the Bible, the most well-known
and favorite of many is Psalm 23 written by King David.
It is a comforting and reassuring expression of trust in the Lord's guidance and provision. Overall, Psalm 23 is a powerful expression of faith, trust, and assurance in God's love and guidance throughout life's journey.
Psalm 23 (KJV)
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

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Poems with Quotes and Practical Reflections
This collection includes inspirational poems about faith and trust in God, each paired with summaries, meaningful quotes, and practical reflections to help readers apply these messages in their own lives.
In God We Trust
Poet: Byron Pulsifer
In God we trust, the Father above,
Creator of all, in His endless love.
Jesus, His Son, born of Mary's womb,
Suffered, crucified, in death's gloom ....
Read the complete poem, with summary, quotes, and application: In God We Trust
Jesus By My Side
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In the depths of despair, I find myself lost,
But Jesus, my anchor, pays the ultimate cost.
Through trials and tribulations, He's by my side,
His love and His comfort, my fears He'll override . . .
Read the complete poem, with summary, quotes, and application: Jesus By My Side
Stand Always For God
Poet: Byron Pulsifer
In the face of darkness, I take my stand,
With Jesus by my side, I'll withstand.
For Satan's temptations, they come my way,
But I choose to follow Jesus each day. . .
Read the complete poem, with summary, quotes, and application: Stand Always For God
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More Christian Poems for Special Occasions
This collection features Christian poems for cherished moments and holidays, including heartfelt verses for Valentine’s Day, New Year, Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, Thanksgiving, and graduation, offering words of faith, gratitude, and celebration for each special occasion
Christian Valentine Poems
Christian New Year Poems
Christian Christmas Poems
Graduation Christian Poems
Thanksgiving Blessings
Thanksgiving Poems
Christmas Poems
Christmas Verses
Good Friday Poem
Easter Poems
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Additional Christian Poems
This section presents thoughtful Christian poems that explore themes of
faith, divine promises, God’s guidance, and personal reflection, with
verses on topics like God’s care, the meaning of Bethlehem, the soul’s
longing, and the importance of embracing faith today.
God Is In Control
Let these poems help you to never doubt that God is in control.
The Promises of God
Be inspired by these poems about the promises of God. The Bible contains many promises if we believe.
God Has A Plan
Never doubt that God has a plan, and as the saying goes, it's all good! Let these poems remind you of this.
Sin Separates Us From God
Be encouraged and find hope in these Christian poems about sin separating us from God!
God Cares For You
Never forget that God cares for you. Let these short poems remind you how much God cares for YOU.
Do I Care Enough
Do we live the teachings of Jesus? Do we care enough? These inspiring Christian poems give you thoughts to consider when answering these questions.
What Happened In Bethlehem
Poems celebrating Jesus’ birth, Bethlehem’s significance, and the joy of Christmas.
The Soul's Desire
Have you ever thought about your soul's desire? These Christian poems were written many years ago but can make us stop and consider what our soul's desires are.
God's Way
Inspiring Christian poems about seeing God His way. There are many things that we don't understand, yet we must believe that God has a plan and His decisions are ones that are the best.
Do Not Wait Until Tomorrow
An inspiring Christian poem about not waiting until tomorrow.
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Short Prayers

Christian Quotes

Christian Quotes About Hope

Christian Quotes for Encouragement

Christian Good Morning Quotes
We hope you have found faith, hope, and love in these Christian poems. Poems
are written by many different Christian Poets but all express a love of God and a Christian heart. Please feel
free to share these uplifting poems with others.
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