5 Christian Easter Poems
A collection of Christian Easter poems celebrating faith, hope, and Christ’s resurrection.

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Christian Easter Poems
Updated February 14, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
Easter is a time of reflection, renewal, and rejoicing in the incredible gift of Christ’s resurrection. It is a season that reminds us of God’s boundless love and the hope we have through Jesus, who conquered death to give us eternal life.
In this collection of Christian Easter poems, may you find inspiration in the message of faith, grace, and salvation. Each verse reflects on the joy of the risen Lord, encouraging us to walk in His light and embrace the peace He freely gives. Let these poems be a reminder of the victory we have in Christ and the hope that Easter brings to every heart.
Easter Morn
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In the realm of Christian faith, Easter reigns supreme,
When life conquers death, as it did on that day serene.
The power of the resurrected Christ, radiant and divine,
Shines brightly upon our souls, leading us to His design.
Christian hearts rejoice, for Easter morn has come,
A victory so miraculous, it cannot be undone.
The stone rolled away, an empty tomb revealed,
The power of the resurrected Christ, mightily unsealed.
Through His sacrifice, our burdens are set free,
In His resurrection, we find strength and victory.
No sorrow, no pain, can endure His mighty reign,
For the power of the resurrected Christ breaks every chain.
So let us celebrate with joyful voices raised high,
Sing praises to the Lord, our Savior in the sky.
Easter's message echoes across the Earth's expanse,
Proclaiming the triumph of love, in a divine dance.
Easter Poems
Rejoicing In The Easter Embrace
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In the season of Christian grace,
Easter brings a radiant embrace,
The greatest gift we could ever receive,
The sacrifice of Christ, we must believe.
Easter morn, a symbol so profound,
A joyous moment, creation’s crown,
Jesus, the Lamb, crucified and slain,
Rose from the dead, forever to reign.
No human deeds, no works of man,
Could save us from the wicked plan,
In His death, He paid the price,
To redeem us, to give us life.
So let us lift our voices high,
Resounding songs that reach the sky,
Praising God for His perfect grace,
Rejoicing in the Easter embrace.
For Easter tells a wondrous story,
Of redemption, hope, and glory,
No human works can grant us right,
Only by faith in Jesus' light.
Eastertide Poem
Easter's Guiding Light
Poet: Byron Pulsifer
In the joyous season of Easter's embrace,
We gather as Christians in humble grace.
Together we stand, side by side,
United in faith, our spirits allied.
Through the cross, our blessed symbol anew,
We remember the sacrifice of the One who,
Gave His life on Calvary's hill,
To save us from sin and grant us goodwill.
Christian brothers and sisters, hear the call,
To find solace and strength in our faith's enthrall.
In times of doubt or moments of despair,
Hold steadfast to His love, and find comfort there.
For within the Christian identity we share,
Lies the promise of hope, eternal and rare.
A belonging to a greater community,
Where Christ's love is felt in unity.
Easter reminds us of the triumph of light,
Of the resurrection, pure and bright.
From darkness and death, He did arise,
To offer us grace, without deathly cries.
In times of tribulation or doubting days,
May we turn to our faith, like a guiding blaze.
For within these beliefs, we find purpose renewed,
To serve, to love, and in Christ's footsteps, to pursue.
Legend of the Dogwood Tree Poem
Risen in Glory
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The stone was rolled, the tomb was bare,
Christ arose—His love is there.
Hope now shines so bright, so true,
A gift of grace for me and you.
Sin defeated, death is gone,
Victory won through God's own Son.
His mercy flows, His love will stay,
Guiding us each step of the way.
So lift your voice, rejoice and sing,
Praise the Lord, our Risen King!
For through His light, we find our way,
A gift of love this Easter Day.
Easter Carol
Jesus Conquered Death
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
On Easter morn, we gather, Christian souls rejoice,
To celebrate the sacrifice that gave us life and voice.
With eyes turned to the cross, where Jesus bore our sin,
We feel His pain and sorrow, as the nails pierce His skin.
Oh, how deep the love that flowed, from His wounded side,
As crimson blood poured out, our salvation was supplied.
His sacrifice so selfless, the ultimate act of grace,
For in that moment, He carried all the world's sin and disgrace.
For Jesus conquered death, when He rose from the grave,
And on that Easter morning, He came to seek and save.
For in His sacrifice, we find purpose and release,
And in His resurrection, a promise of eternal peace.
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