Christian Love Is

Discover the beauty of Christian love through uplifting poetry and inspiration.

Christian love is pure and true,  A love that’s meant for me and you.

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Updated January 15, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Christian love is a reflection of God's perfect love -a love that is pure, selfless, and everlasting. This poem, Christian Love Is, celebrates the essence of true love as described in the Bible. It reminds us that love isn’t just about words; it’s about actions, kindness, and living a life that reflects God’s grace.

As you read this poem, may it inspire you to embrace a love that uplifts, forgives, and sustains. Whether in your relationships, your community, or your daily walk with God, let this love be your guiding light. Christian love is more than a feeling - it’s a way of life, a gift we’re called to share with the world.

Christian Love Is

Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

Christian love is pure and true,
A love that’s meant for me and you.
It’s not just words, it’s what we do,
A love that’s strong and always new.

It’s patient, kind, and never rude,
It never fails, it’s never crude.
It’s always there to lift our mood,
A love that’s real and never shrewd.

It’s selfless, giving, and forgiving,
A love that’s always worth reliving.
It’s what we need to keep on living,
A love that’s always so fulfilling.

So let us love with all our might,
And keep our hearts forever bright.
For Christian love is such a sight,
A love that shines both day and night.

It binds us close in times of pain,
And carries us through loss or gain.
It’s in the sunshine, in the rain,
A love that soothes and will sustain.

It teaches us to serve and care,
To lift each burden, each despair.
To spread God's light everywhere,
A love that's patient, kind, and fair.

Through trials faced and mountains climbed,
It guides our hearts, it keeps us aligned.
For Christian love is so divined,
A gift from God, so well-designed.

In every smile, in every deed,
It plants the seeds of faith we need.
It leads us on, a holy creed,
A love that fills both soul and creed.

So hold this love and let it grow,
In every heart, let its light show.
For Christian love, the world will know,
Is heaven's gift, our greatest glow.

Key Messages from this poem:


For Christian love is so divined, A gift from God, so well-designed.

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