Inspirational Christian Quotes
These quotes uplift and inspire, encouraging us to keep faith in God's guidance and grace.
As you go forth today, remember that your success is not solely determined by what you have achieved, but by what you have helped others achieve. - John C. Maxwell
Feelings and thought are changeable guides, but God is the road to perfection.
Forget about luck because it's not a factor here, God has a purpose for each woman and man. - Catherine Pulsifer, God Has A Plan
Hope is the capacity to believe that God is bigger than our circumstances. - T.D. Jakes
No matter what challenge you are facing, open your Bible and find direction on how to handle it. The best self help book ever written - The Bible. - Catherine Pulsifer
With faith as your compass, and trust as your guide you can achieve great things, with the Lord by your side. - Catherine Pulsifer, God's Blessings Follow You
No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
God, for the month of May, we give thanks to thee....amidst the blooms, in nature's majesty we see your hand in every petal that glowed. - Catherine Pulsifer, We Give Thanks
Autumn reminds us of God's faithfulness in the changing seasons, as leaves fall gracefully, revealing the beauty of surrender. - Reverend David Thompson
Thanksgiving day! Sound forth the joyous warning. Rise, Christian hearts, to watch and pray, Thanksgiving lives adorning. - Catharine Ryder, Thanksgiving Day
With steadfastness in heart, we dare to dream, and find in God's embrace our eternal beam. - Catherine Pulsifer, Realms Of Faith
Poems About Jesus
Gird on your armor! Be faithful at toil or rest, whiche'er it be, never doubting God's way is best. - Helen M. Richardion, Work Loyally
As we start afresh with pure intentions, may our hearts be open to God's messages. - Catherine Pulsifer, Open To God's Messages
In the month of May, let us embrace the opportunity for spiritual growth and transformation. Just as the beauty of a flower unfolds petal by petal, may our faith blossom and flourish, revealing the glory of God's presence in our lives. - R. Treeman
Let us not be dismayed by any consciousness of failure in the past. This is a new year, and Thou art still with us. - George L. Perin, The Year's Journey
Live with purpose and appreciate all that God did coordinate. - Catherine Pulsifer, God's Adventure
And every day God gives to you would be a merry Christmas Day. - Edgar A. Guest, Christmas Greeting
Spirit of God, draw near to me. Teach me the lesson of the sea. Whether Thy voice be great or small, make me responsive to Thy call. - Loyal Morris Thompson, The Sea
Miracles happen every day. Not just in remote country villages or holy shrines, but here, in our own lives. - Brennan Manning
With outstretched hand and eager heart, I shall meet the New Year like a messenger of God come to bring me good news. - George L. Perin, This Year Shall Be The Best
The cross is not just an event; it's the very essence of Christianity—the place where Jesus' love and God's justice intersect. - Louie Giglio
Lord, all day be near my soul, and look me through and through, till every wish owns Thy control, and every thought is true. - Lucy Larcom, A Summer Morning Prayer
Thank You God Poems
How wond'rous are the works of God, in wisdom hath he wrought them all, earth was created at His word. - Mary Snell, God Seen In All His Works
Let us serve God in the sunshine, while He makes the sun shine. - Frederick William Faber, Serve God In The Sunshine
I love to read my Bible true, I love my Father's will to do; I love to feel my sins forgiv'n, I love to think of God and Heav'n. - John Imrie, The Loves of An Infant-Class Scholar
Risen, Christ is risen! Hear the angel say; never word so glorious, burst upon the day! - Hezekiah Butterworth, Risen
In the crisp air of January, we can find inspiration in the story of Jesus' birth. Just as the Wise Men followed the star to find the newborn King, let us seek His presence and wisdom as we navigate the path of our lives. - Author Unknown
Just remaining quietly in the presence of God, listening to Him, being attentive to Him requires a lot of courage and know-how. - Thomas Merton
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Christian Quotes About Life
Reflecting on the Christian journey, these quotes offer wisdom and insight for living a life rooted in faith.
Say well is Godly, and helpeth to please, but do well lives Godly, and gives the world ease. - Unknown, Do Well
In trials of life, where shadows may descend, Christian hearts find solace that will not rend. For in belief, they hold a sacred truth, that God walks with them as their guiding youth. - Catherine Pulsifer, Trials of Life
Happiness depends on happenings, but joy depends on Christ. - Rick Warren
As we journey through this Lenten season, let us reflect on Christ's divine reason. May His love and mercy fill our hearts anew. - Catherine Pulsifer, The Sacrifice
How great is the love of God! He loved me long before I knew His name. He wooed me, chased me, enthralled me, and captured my heart. He didn’t prove His love at a candlelight dinner. There were no long-stemmed roses, but there were thorns. Yes, there were thorns. - Katherine J. Walden
It’s not in God’s plan to be cruel or unfair, He does not delight in your grieving. He does not force His will to be yours, but He’s blessed when He finds you believing. - Greta Zwaan, See It God's Way
How utterly terrible is the current idea that Christians can serve God at their own convenience. - A. W. Tozer
Prune ye my vines and fig trees, with care my flowers tend, but keep the pathway open your home is at the end. - Robert Frost, God's Garden
The works of God above, below, within us, and God himself is found. - Keble, The Book Of Nature
A Christian education provides the firm foundation upon which we can build a life of faith, wisdom, and understanding. - Ravi Zacharias
Poems About God's Grace
.... let us seek God's presence in the midst of the busyness, finding solace and strength in His everlasting love and grace. - Max Lucado
As in the earth deep roots the tree, so may my heart, dear Lord, in thee, that I this day may walk upright. - Charles E. Orr, Morning Prayer
Be true to self, be true to man, - Be true to God in joy and tears. - Bernhart Paul Holst, Press On
Sadden'd hell and gladden'd heaven. Death is conquered, Christ is risen! - Ellwood Haines Stokes
A new flower is similar to a new Christian: growth happens with the proper nourishment. - Samantha Anne Marie Lynch
Related: Christian Quotes For Life
Encouraging Christian Quotes
These quotes provide comfort and strength, reminding us of God's love during challenging times.
Feelings of defeat may cloud our days, and cast a shadow on our night, but God shall lead us down a path, where all is right and free of strife. - Catherine Pulsifer, He's Always There
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! - Philippians 4:4 (NIV)
Christians awake, salute the happy morn, whereon the Saviour of the world was born. - Unknown, Saviour Of The World Born
I shall not doubt God's plan for all, or His great care for me. - David V. Bush, I Shall Not Doubt
Poems About God
As Christians, we have no reason to lack hope. Christ has shown the trustworthiness of God and of His Word. - Chuck Colson
That land is great which knows the Lord, whose sons are guided by His Word. - Alexander Blackburn, What Makes A Nation Great?
...the obscurest Christian shall soon be himself conducted by angels to a throne in heaven, compared with which the most splendid seat of royalty on earth loses its lustre and fades away. - Rev. Albert Barnes
My only prayer is, while I live, - God make me worthy of my friends! - Frank Dempster Sherman, Worthy Of My Friends
In the changing seasons, I perceive the hand of God, a masterpiece to conceive. With every shift, a divine brushstroke, a symphony of wonder, the Creator spoke. - Catherine Pulsifer, The Hand Of God
And thank God for home-sweet things, a green and friendly hill, and red geraniums aflame upon my window sill. - Martha Haskell Clark, Red Geraniums
Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed? To do the will of Jesus, this is rest. - Edward Henry Bickersteth, Kept In Perfect Peace
When we cannot see our way, let us trust and still obey; He who bids us forward go. Cannot fail the way to show. - Unknown, When We Cannot See Our Way
For Jesus is my own true friend, and he will guide me to the end. - Mary C. Plummer, Father I thank thee
Spiritual Awakening Poems
Commit your way unto the Lord, He calls, He waits, He hears; there is no sin He can't erase amid this vale of tears. - Greta Zwaan, Serve Him Well
I believe in the safety and peace which surround us all through the overbrooding love of God. - Ozora Davis, Mom Believes
One brief moment and all will be as it was before - how we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again! - Canon Henry Scott-Holland, Death Is Nothing At All
Forgiveness Poems
Forgiveness lightens your load - always take the high road. - Catherine Pulsifer, Forgive Others
Just to let love be our daily key: this is God's will, for you and me. - Unknown, Just To Believe
For peace and calm on land or sea, for blessings ever sure. We know, O Lord, they come from Thee. - Benjamin Walter Rogers Tayler, Our Praise
Go speak a word of hope and cheer to every soul that passes near: for each of them as well as thee that blood was shed on Calvary. - W. C. Martin, The Service Of Smiles
God, please help us be the body of Christ that you asked us to be that guides us to love one another in gentleness and understanding.
And we who keep Christ's loving way will have Thanksgiving every day. - Eleanor Halbrook Zimmerman, Thanksgiving Thought
Trust In God Poems
Christians wait and trust in God, while in this vile world you plod. - J. J. Thorne, Trust In Jesus
God knows your innermost being, He knows what you need in your life, be patient and wait on His timing, in time He’ll remove all your strife. - Greta Zwaan
I do not have the answer; my faith alone says, 'TRUST.' He is the God of mercy, a loving God and just. - Greta Zwaan, How We Feel
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Christian Quotes About Faith
Quotes that delve into the power and beauty of faith, encouraging trust in God's plan.
Prayer is the Christian's vital breath - the Christian's native air. - James Montgomery, Prayer Is
In April's bloom, we contemplate the sacrifice of a lamb so great. On a cross, He bled and died for our sins, our hope revived. - Catherine Pulsifer, In April's Bloom
A spirit of thankfulness is one of the most distinctive marks of a Christian whose heart is attuned to the Lord. Thank God in the midst of trials and every persecution. - Billy Graham
I never saw a useful Christian who was not a student of the Bible. - D. L. Moody
There is no peace in the border lands. The halfway Christian is a torment to himself and of no benefit to others. - Earnest Worker
Four-wall Christians, safe in our way; make little impact if all we do is pray. - Greta Zwaan, Four-Wall Christians
Worry is the sin of distrusting the promise and providence of God, and yet it is a sin that Christians commit perhaps more frequently than any other. - John MacArthur
God's Promises Poems
I love to look at the reminds me of God’s promise and all He has been to me. - Lillian E. Curtis, The Rainbow
Happiness is our heritage when faith becomes our constant companion. - William Arthur Ward, Happiness Is When
Adoption is the visible gospel. - John Piper
A willing heart is the first step in finding God’s will in our lives. We cannot expect God to force us or to plead with us about the calling in our lives. - David Jeremiah
God's will is not about doing, but about being. - Rick Warren
To endure the cross is not tragedy; it is the suffering which is the fruit of an exclusive allegiance to Jesus Christ. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King Jr.
Opportunities for Christian work are constantly slipping by. We recognize them too late... - Rev. Evarts Scudder, Opportunities
Related: Poems About Faith
Christian Love Quotes
Centered on God's love and the love we share with others, these quotes highlight the importance of compassion and kindness.
...let us follow the Saviour's plan - love unstinted to every man; content if, at most, the world should say: He helped his brother along the way! - Unknown, Along The Way
A Christian without an inner and outward display of love for others is just like a garden devoid of any living plant. - Byron R. Pulsifer
In the embrace of Thanksgiving's grace, Christian love envelops every place. - Catherine Pulsifer, Love And Grace
You can show your love to others by not wishing they were better Christians. - St. Francis of Assisi
Honesty is the door to finding a love that brings an identity found only in Christ. - Israel Houghton
The essence of Christian love is not to help those who are like us, but to help those who are not like us. - Tim Keller
All the Christmas presents in the world are worth nothing without the presence of Christ. - Dr. David Jeremiah
Good Friday was a solemn day but we now know God had His way on this day we should reflect and thank God who is perfect. - Catherine Pulsifer, The Day Was So Dark
Christian Christmas Poems
Let us not forget, first, that Christmas is Jesus event! - Julie Hebert, What Christmas Is All About
So Christian when you're called above it will not matter where - You will be happy there to be with God and Christ and friends you love. - Guy Hootman, Contentment
God, whose world-wide voice is singing boundless love to you and me, sinks oppression, with its titles. - Unknown, As Pebbles In The Sea
Ah, yes, for the truest gladness is not in ease or mirth; it has its home in the heart of God not in the loves of the earth. - Marianne Farningham, True Gladness
God, whose world-wide voice is singing boundless love to you and me, sinks oppression, with its titles. - Unknown, As Pebbles In The Sea
Related: Poems About God's Love
Christian Quotes on Strength
These quotes remind us to draw strength from God, especially in moments of hardship, empowering us with courage and resilience.
There is a time to help men seek our God who saves the soul...but never did our God provide a time to treat men wrong. - Walter E. Isenhour, There Is A Time
Pray for those who teach you, instruct you and heal you. They need the support and wisdom to show direction to others. - Cardinal Bergoglio, Using Your Fingers To Pray
Good Friday was a solemn day but we now know God had His way. - Catherine Pulsifer, The Day Was So Dark
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