44 Conflict Quotes

Be encouraged by these conflict quotes to help you resolve struggles that you are experiencing. Words from those who have experience conflict and found the wisdom to resolve it.

Conflicts come from across the natural and human challenges and difficulties that we may all come to face at any moment in time. It isn't that conflicts cannot be resolved but it is often the question of who loses and who gains. But, this need not be the situation. Challenges, conflicts, and issues have at their core the opportunity to provide a win-win for each party. The ultimate variable is however whether one party seeks to resolve or to only deepen the problem.

Some authors see conflict as the building blocks of something new and bright while others explain its continuance as an on-going adversarial condition. The elements of resolution are within us all but we need to be able to see beyond our personal self-serving interests.

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  1. Peace is not a static condition defined simply by the absence of war, but rather a dynamic process for managing conflicts without resort to violence. Matthew Levinger, Conflict Analysis
    Poems about Conflict

  2. Careful attention to the elements that make up conflict will help you understand an apparently unresolvable conflict. When conflicts remain muddled and unclear, they cannot be resolved. William Wilmot, Interpersonal Conflict

  3. In the furnace of conflict, anger can either forge animosity or mold understanding. Author Unknown
    Poems About Anger

  4. Conflict is not necessarily absent from friendship but spite and selfishness are. Theodore W. Higginsworth

  5. Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts.
  6. Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts. Sigmund Freud

  7. While conflict at times may be unavoidable in some friendship situations, the quietness of a garden is akin to a peace that passes all understanding felt by a Christain. Byron R. Pulsifer

  8. Real peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the presence of justice. Andrew W. Marlowe
    Poems About Peace

  9. For conflict has no place in hearts at peace. With forgiveness as our guiding light, we engage tomorrow that feels so bright. Catherine Pulsifer, Forgiveness, Our Guiding Light
    Forgiveness Poems

  10. inspirational conflict quotes
  11. The question is not if managers deal with conflict but how managers deal with conflict. Susan S. Raines, Conflict Management for Managers

  12. Friends become wiser together through a healthy clash of viewpoints. Timothy Keller

  13. We have little hope of resolving our nation’s dilemmas until we address them openly and honestly. Joseph F. Healey, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class

  14. So Lie and Truth together went; on different missions they were sent. one went to break the Lord's command, the other took a moral stand. James Henry Thomas, Lie And Truth

  15. Sometimes the simplest solution out of conflict is becoming someone’s friend, instead of saying goodbye forever. Shannon L. Alder

  16. If we noticed little pleasures as we notice little pains....what a comfortable, happy, cheerful place this world would be. Adele E. Ingersoll, If We

  17. A life without any type of conflict is a life lived in solitude.
  18. A life without any type of conflict is a life lived in solitude. Victoria L. Adenson

  19. When people embrace the fullest meaning of compassion as a process of “struggling with” others in creative conflict, they can transform lives, companies, and the world. Nate Regier, Conflict without Casualties

  20. Ideas and not battles mark the forward progress of mankind. L. Ron Hubbard

  21. Every conflict leads us to two different crossroads... we face a choice between fighting and problem solving. Bob Phillips, Overcoming Conflict

  22. All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal. John Steinbeck

  23. Conflict at work is going to happen, no matter what you do... It can be good for you, your team, and your organization. But how you deal with it can make the difference between a negative interaction and a productive one. Amy Gallo, HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict

  24. Unless you learn to resolve conflict, you'll repeatedly find yourself in similar frustrating conflicts, with the same frustrating outcome. Byron R. Pulsifer

  25. encouraging conflict quotes
  26. Conflict is a normal part of life. As long as you live around other people, you’re going to find your opinions and actions bumping up against someone else’s...But it doesn’t have to be that way. Ken Sande, Resolving Everyday Conflict

  27. Conflict is ubiquitous. Workplaces, homes, and communities are riddled with it. The trouble is, not nearly enough people understand what to do about it. The Arbinger Institute, The Anatomy of Peace

  28. We give our energy to reducing anxiety and pain by looking for a solution to the presenting problems without seeing the bigger map of the conflict itself ... without a real sense of the underlying causes and forces in the conflict. John Lederach, Little Book of Conflict Transformation

  29. All conflict can be traced back to someone’s feelings getting hurt, don’t you think? Liane Moriarty

  30. You don’t need to figure out whether someone is a high-conflict person... just respond more carefully and understand that the person may have less self-control than you do. Bill Eddy, Biff: Quick Responses to High-Conflict People

  31. It is only when we use our Human brain that we become optimal problem solvers and conflict resolvers. Rory Miller, ConCom: Conflict Communication

  32. Faulty communication engenders misunderstanding, which may lead to conflict, and conflict often leads to a breakdown of communication. Peter T. Coleman, Morton Deutsch, Eric C. Marcus, The Handbook of Conflict Resolution

  33. With enough practice, conflict can be transformed into closeness and couples can achieve the closeness, friendship, intimacy, peace, and support that brings us joy and reduces our suffering. Alan E. Fruzzetti, The High-Conflict Couple

  34. We have the notion that life treats us harsh, determined that things go our way; but if there is conflict we're quick to complain, we want to keep troubles at bay. Greta Zwaan, Our Capable God

  35. Leaders encourage the free discovery of ideas and the sharing of information to solve problems. They are not afraid to test their ideas, even if full disclosure threatens to reveal deeper conflicts. Kenneth Cloke, Resolving Conflicts at Work

  36. I hate conflict! I really do. Not just a little, but a lot
  37. I hate conflict! I really do. Not just a little, but a lot. Tim Ursiny, The Coward's Guide to Conflict

  38. Conflict offers us the chance to reflect Christ's love through our responses. Max Lucado

  39. Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict - alternatives to passive or aggressive responses, alternatives to violence.” Dorothy Thompson

  40. Ideas stand in the corner and laugh while we fight over them. Marty Rubin

  41. In the harsh light of life-and-death conflicts, the dynamics of how people create new realities are painted in bright colors. Adam Kahane, Solving Tough Problems

  42. I loved libraries, in general—they were the one place so many conflicting ideas could stand being next to each other. Rob Rufus

  43. Like other natural resources, water has the potential to trigger conflicts over its availability and use. Beatrice Mosello, How to Deal with Climate Change?

  44. inspiring conflict quotes
  45. The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the Lord will prosper. Proverbs 28:25 (NIV)

  46. Whether you are in conflict with someone you love or someone you hate, an inner urge to resist cooperation can get in the way of resolution. Daniel Shapiro, Negotiating the Nonnegotiable

  47. Amidst the messiness of life, there is one vital question. Are you part of the problem or are you part of the solution? Theodore W. Higgingsworth

  48. Because "kindness" is a humble word, it does not invite arrogant debates and conflicts that pit us against them. Tara Cousineau PhD

  49. Conflict is an opportunity for grace to shine, transforming hearts through the crucible of understanding. Joyce Meyer

  50. Be aware of the need for change. Gerardus Blokdyk, Organizational Conflict A Complete Guide

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