12 Courage Poems
Be encouraged by these courage poems. Sometimes, we all need encouragement to find the strength to do something that scares us or that we are unsure of. But stepping out and taking action
is one of the ways to overcome any fears. There are times when we need courage each and every day to get through the day. We hope these poems are ones that will inspire you to have courage!
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Courage Poems
Courage To Reframe
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
When you fall, exhausted and drained,
It can be so hard to get back up again.
You’re bruised, hurt, and put to shame.
It takes a lot of courage to reframe.
You try, stumble and take a risk.
Despite scattered pieces, you must persist.
Hold on tight with determination and will.
Rise up with resilience, and climb that hill.
Poems On Determination
Each Day
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
No matter how hard life may be,
Through altering winds and raging seas,
Nothing can take away the courage inside,
Fight through it all to survive and abide.
Every day brings its new challenge anew,
Go forth and find courage to not let it rue.
Take in rare moments of beauty and peace,
Refill your reservoir with a sturdy lease.
With resilience stand still in strength so grand,
Let courage help you complete your plan.

Poems About Resilience
Don't Let Fear Control You
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
I feel my worries creep, their depth so deep.
Fear begins to take control and I could weep.
But courage can light the way and push away dismay,
Allowing me to focus on what I want to achieve that day.
Don't get caught in webs of worry and feigned mist,
You know these feelings you're feeling are just fibs.
Remember they'll be hard days but try to stay brave,
Rise above it all and don't let fear enslave.
Don't let your fears control you
Have courage and do the best you can do.

Poems About Fear
Opportunity In Front Of Thee
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Your path may be dark, the fear be strong,
But summon courage to thwart that wrong.
Hold your head high and stand tall,
Know that you will overcome it all.
Set your sights and aim just right,
Stay focused on your goal tonight.
See what others do not see,
The opportunity in front of thee.

Opportunity Poems
Strength From The Weak
Poet: Phoebe Carey
Once, seeing the inevitable way
My feet must tread, through difficult places lay, —
I cannot go alone, I cry dismayed;
I faint, I fall, I perish, without aid.
Yet, when I looked to see if help was nigh,
A creature weaker, wretcheder than I,
One, on whose head life’s fiercest storm had beat,
Clung to my garments, falling at my feet.
I saw: I paused no more, my courage found,
I stooped and raised her gently from the ground;
Through every peril safe I passed at length.
For she who leaned upon me gave me strength.
Courage Quotes
Poet: George Farquhar
Courage, the highest gift, — that scorns to bend
To mean devices for a sordid end!
Courage, an independent spark from Heaven’s bright throne,
By which the soul stands raised triumphant, high, alone.
Great in itself, not praises of the crowd,
Above ail vice, it stoops not to be proud.
Fortitude And Trials
Poet Unknown
O, never from thy tempted heart
Let thine integrity depart!
When Disappointment fills thy cup,
Undaunted, nobly drink it up;
Truth will prevail and Justice show
Her tardy honors, sure, though slow.
Bear on — bear bravely on!
Bear on! Our life is not a dream.
Though often such its mazes seem;
We were not bom for lives of ease,
Ourselves alone to aid and please.
To each a daily task is given,
A labor which shall fit for Heaven;
When Duty calls, let Love grow warm;
Amid the sunshine and the storm.
With Faith life's trials boldly breast,
And come a conqueror to thy rest.
Bear on — bear bravely on!

Poems About Life Struggles
Poet: John Askham
’Tis a good thing sometimes to be alone, —
Sit calmly down and look Self in the face,
Ransack the heart, search every secret place;
Prayerful, uproot the baneful seeds there sown,
Pluck out the weeds ere the full crop is grown,
Gird up the loins afresh to run the race,
Foster all noble thoughts, cast out the base,
Thrust forth the bad and make the good thine own.
Who has this courage thus to look within,
Keep faithful watch and ward, with inner eyes,
The foe may harass, but can ne’er surprise,
Or over him ignoble conquest win.
Oh, doubt it not, if thou wouldst wear a crown,
Self, baser Self, must first be trampled down!
Encouragement Quotes
Poet: Charlotte Perkins Stetson
It takes great strength to train
To modem service your ancestral brain;
To lift the weight of the unnumbered years
Of dead men's habits, methods, and ideas;
To hold that back with one hand, and support
With the other the weak steps of the new thought.
It takes great strength to bring your life up square
With your accepted thought and hold it there;
Resisting the inertia that drags back
From new attempts to the old habit's track.
It is so easy to drift back, to sink;
So hard to live abreast of what you think.
It takes great strength to live where you belong
When other people think that you are wrong;
People you love, and who love you, and whose
Approval is a pleasure you would choose.
To bear this pressure and succeed at length
In living your belief — well, it takes strength.
And courage, too. But what does courage mean
Save strength to help you face a pain foreseen?
Courage to undertake this lifelong strain
Of setting yours against your grandsire's brain;
Dangerous risk of walking lone and free
Out of the easy paths that used to be.
And the fierce pain of hurting those we love
When love meets truth, and truth must ride above.
But the best courage man has ever shown
Is daring to cut loose and think alone.
Dark are the unlit chambers of clear space
Where light shines back from no reflecting face.
Our sun's wide glare, our heaven's shining blue,
We owe to fog and dust they fumble through;
And our rich wisdom that we treasure so
Shines from the thousand things that we don't know.
But to think new — it takes a courage grim
As led Columbus over the world's rim.
To think it cost some courage. And to go —
Try it. It takes every power you know.
It takes great love to stir the human heart
To live beyond the others and apart.
A love that is not shallow, is not small.
Is not for one or two, but for them all.
Love that can wound love for its higher need;
Love that can leave love, though the heart may bleed;
Love that can lose love, family and friend.
Yet steadfastly live, loving, to the end.
A love that asks no answer, that can live
Moved by one burning, deathless force — to give.
Love, strength, and courage; courage, strength, and love.
The heroes of all time are built thereof.

Poems About Strength
Poet: James Russell Lowell
We will speak on; we will be heard;
Though all earth's systems crack,
We will not bate a single word.
Nor take a letter back.
We speak the truth; and what care we
For hissing and for scorn
While some faint gleaming we can see
Of Freedom's coming morn!
Let liars fear; let cowards shrink;
Let traitors turn away;
Whatever we have dared to think,
That dare we also say.

Poems About Truth
Poet: Phoebe Cary
Here’s a hand to the boy who has courage
To do what he knows to be right;
When he falls in the way of temptation,
He has a hard battle to fight.
Who strives against self and his comrade
Will find a most powerful foe.
All honor to him if he conquers.
A cheer for the boy who says, “No!”
There’s many a battle fought daily
The world knows nothing about;
There’s many a brave little soldier
Whose strength puts a legion to rout.
And he who fights sin singlehanded
Is more of a hero, I say,
Than he who leads soldiers to battle
And conquers by arms in the fray.
Be steadfast, my boy, when you’re tempted,
To do what you know to be right.
Stand firm by the colors of manhood,
And you will o’ercome in the fight.
“The right,” be your battle cry ever
In waging the warfare of life,
And God, who knows who are the heroes,
Will give you the strength for the strife.”

Christian Poems
Poet: Florens Folsom
Courage! Courage! Courage! The word is a marching-song;
Trumpets and bugles and drums to these seven sounds belong;
Banners and flags and pennons; shouts, applause, acclaim;
But what of the courage that grubs in the dark, with never a dream of fame?
The courage for dull routine; for Monotony's treadmill round;
That cannot always smile, but aye at its post is found;
That clinches Duty with bull-dog grip; that silently shoulders and bears
Taunts, reproaches, temptings, burdens, labors, cares.
Courage in the dark; Courage in shabby dress;
Courage forgetful of self, unavid of Happiness,
Not relying on Heaven, not afraid of Hell,
This is the kind of Courage for Me, though it toll a passing-bell!
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There are many ways to demonstrate courage. We hope these poems remind you to use courage as you journey through life.
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