Abundance Poem
Be inspired by an abundance poem. When you think of living a life full of abundance does that mean riches and wealth, or does that mean contentment and happiness?
Read the verses in these poems for the thoughts of the poet as to what abundance means to them.
One of the secrets of living an abundant life is being contented with what you have. This does not mean you strive to improve but it does mean being thankful for what you have.
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Inspirational Poems
Abundance Poem
The Common Road
Poet Silas H. Perkins
I want to travel the common road
With the great crowd surging by,
Where there's many a laugh and many a load,
And many a smile and sigh.
I want to be on the common way
With its endless tramping feet,
In the summer bright and winter gray,
In the noonday sun and heat.
In the cool of evening with shadows nigh,
At dawn, when the sun breaks clear,
I want the great crowd passing by,
To ken what they see and hear.
I want to be one of the common herd,
Not live in a sheltered way,
Want to be thrilled, want to be stirred
By the great crowd day by day;
To glimpse the restful valleys deep,
To toil up the rugged hill,
To see the brooks which shyly creep,
To have the torrents thrill.
I want to laugh with the common man
Wherever he chance to be,
I want to aid him when I can
Whenever there's need of me.
I want to lend a helping hand
Over the rough and steep
To a child too young to understand-
To comfort those who weep.
I want to live and work and plan
With the great crowd surging by,
To mingle with the common man,
No better or worse than I.
Poems of Encouragement
What Makes You Happy
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Is abundance, wealth and things
Or is it how much you have in savings
What gives us abundance in life
Could it be a life with no strife?
What do I want in abundance?
Would it be no disturbance?
To answer the question think about
What makes you happy, what makes you glad.
Focus on abundance of happy things
And life will amaze you with what it brings
And the funny thing about it all
That abundance can be very small.
Poems About Being Happy
Abundance Overflows
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In God's embrace, abundance overflows,
His love, a river that ceaselessly flows.
He provides for us, both near and far,
His blessings shine like a radiant star.
Through every season, His grace sustains,
In abundance, our souls find no restraints.
He fills our cups with joy and delight,
His provision a beacon in the darkest night.
In gratitude, we lift our voices high,
Thanking the Lord, who hears every cry.
His riches are boundless, beyond compare,
In His abundance, we find solace and care.
With hearts of trust, we surrender all,
Knowing His blessings will never fall.
In His presence, our needs are supplied,
In His abundant grace, we forever abide.
Christian Poems
An Abundant Attitude
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Be thankful for the little things
The more contentment it will bring.
Focus on a thankful attitude
You will find blessings in a multitude.
With this attitude, your life will be
Abundant and full because you will see
That everyday blessings mean so much
Those material things you'll no longer clutch.
You enter this world with nothing
And, in your passing
You will leave without a thing
Even if you're rich or even a king.
So look around and appreciate
That material things do depreciate
Be abundant in relationships
Spend time in fellowship.
You have more abundance than you realize
Look around and it will materialize
If you could see every blessing you have
You would be more than glad!
Attitude Poems
Abundance Is
Poet: Unknown
Abundance is the blessing of the wise;
The use of riches in discretion lies;
Learn this, ye men of wealth: a heavy purse
In a fool's pocket is a heavy curse.
Abundance Quotes
Poet: Christine Grunt Curless
There isn't much of worldly goods, I know,
That I can claim or really call my own;
But I'll be rich wherever I may go,
Because I've had a friend, and I have known
A peaceful joy that some one trusted me,
That some one cared because I suffered pain.
I'm rich because I'm privileged to see
God's earth, to see the sun and feel the rain.
My wealth is greater than a miser's gold;
And so, at last, as life will onward wend,
I'll find a treasure, all that I can hold,
For I have faith in God, and, have a friend!

Friendship Poems
Abundant Sheaves
Poet: Mary L. Ritter
But it may be, in a diviner air
Transfigured and made pure,
The harvest that we deemed as wholly lost,
Waits perfect and mature;
And the faint heart, that now defeated grieves,
May yet stand smiling 'mid abundant sheaves.
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