22 Fathers Day Verses
Share a short Fathers Day verse with your Dad. Brief but concise verses that express your thanks, appreciation and love for your Father. These are great to use on Father's Day but we encourage you to use them throughout the year to let your Dad
know how special he is!
Fathers Day Poems
You Are The Best
Poet: Kate Summers, ©2011
Dad, today is the day
I have to say
I can't imagine any other Dad for me
You're the best you see.
Cannot Imagine
Poet: B. Rivers, ©2011
Can't imagine being without you
Cause Dad you're the best
I hope this Father's Day will be
Your very happiest.
Family So Complete
Poet: Kate Summers
You make our family so complete
You are our rock - like concrete
On you we can always depend
You're a Dad, but also a friend
Poems About Family
It Is You
Poet: Ann Lynn, ©2011
There is only one Dad
Who makes me glad
It is you, you know
I hope it shows.
Love you MORE
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Oh, I could write a book or two
Or a poem but this verse will have to do.
You see Dad you are such a great guy
I love you MORE that's no lie
To My Dad
Poet: Alvis B. Christiansen
Dad is the hero of his dreams, the king upon the throne,
The pattern for that ideal life which he would make his own.
He knows that Dad well understands the conflicts in his breast.
And shared the problems he must face, though often unexpressed.
Dad Poems
A Wish
Poet: Kate Summers
I wish for you this Fathers Day
The things that make you say hooray.
May you have happiness throughout the year
And everything your heart holds dear.
Just Rest
Poet: A. Lynch
There are few days in a year that you are the guest
But today on Father's Day you want you to rest.
So sit back, relax and just enjoy the day
You're the guest of honor today.
I've Been Blessed
Poet: Unknown
I've been blessed twice,
to call you my Dad
for which I am glad
and to call you a friend
whose love never ends.
Thanks for being you
I love you that's true!
A Verse For You
Poet: Kate Summers
Here is a verse just written for you
To say thank you for all you do.
I love and appreciate you
These words are so very true!
Father Quotes
Not Afraid
Poet: Alice Mortenson
Upon a rocky trail one day
I met a friendly pair,
A father and his little lad-
A storm was in the air.
The precipice was dangerous,
The wind was coming on,
But on that child's trusting face
Was joyfulness and calm.
My own heart quaked a bit with fear
Of what might lie ahead,
But when I said, "Aren't you afraid?"
The laddy shook his head,
Astonished at my ignorance,
"Oh, you don't understand,
Why, Mister, I can't be afraid
When Daddy holds my hand."
We Know
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
We know how much you love us so
You would do anything for us I know.
But today we want to wait on you
And let our love shower you too.
Celebrate You
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
It isn't every day we get to celebrate you
We are thankful for your love and all you do.
Dad we don't tell you enough though
We love you and appreciate you so!

Birthday Poems for Dad
Our Father
Poet: Joanna Smilth
We'll always love and cherish you and
think you're very bold.
For we wouldn't give up our Daddy
for any amount of gold.
A Father Is
Poet: Kate Summers, ©2011
A Father is many things but my Father is:
Faith in me and my abilities
Awesome that describes you
Taught me lots and still teaching me
Helping that is what you always do
E nthusiastic in all you do
Receptive and supportive

Fathers Day Poems From Daughter
Just For You, Father
Poet: John Henry
You're the one we took our problems to
It seems that you always understood.
We always felt free to talk to you
We knew you help us if you could.
We send greetings, Father, just for you.
A Father Like Mine
Poet: Edwin Gordon Lawrence
The lessons which you taught to me
So noble and sublime,
Which lift the soul and bring about
Belief in things divine,
Denote that all of human kind
A father needs like mine.
Father Son Poems
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
I wish I had your attitude
Positive in all you do.
Thanks Dad for influencing me
To be the best that I can be!
Bless Him
Poet: Kate Summers
Thank you God, for my dear Dad
He makes me happy never sad
Please bless him on this special day
As he is special in every way!
Poet: Rose Fyleman
When Daddy shaves and lets me stand and look,
I like it better than a picture-book.
He pulls such lovely faces all the time
Like funny people in a pantomime.
Funny Fathers Day Poems
Happy Times
Poet: Samatha Anne Marie Lynch
Happy times, sad times, great times
You were always there, not just sometimes!
Thank you Dad, you mean the world to me
Having you in my life makes me happy.
I can never repay all you have done
May the coming year bring fun and sun!
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