12 Poems On Determination

Be inspired by our collection of poems about determination, where we honor the unwavering determination that drives us closer to our aspirations. In life, we face hurdles and difficulties that challenge our determination. However, it is with determination that we discover the power to endure, continuing to move ahead even in the face of challenges.

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Determination goes beyond being just a characteristic; it encompasses a mentality. When we are resolute, we concentrate on our goals with unshakeable clarity, not allowing obstacles and diversions to discourage us. These poems act as a powerful way to remember that success is usually found right after the obstacles we encounter. By being determined, we can turn challenges into chances and barriers into milestones.

The poems shared here encapsulate the core of determination. They show the determination to continue, the ability to bounce back from failure, and the unwavering chase of ambitions. These verses use colorful and emotive language to encourage us to continue pushing ahead, no matter how difficult the path may be.

While reading these poems, remember that determination is crucial for unlocking our full potential. Overcome obstacles, stay committed to your path, and be determined with every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals. Allow these poems to inspire and encourage you to be determined!

by Catherine Pulsifer, updated September 2, 2024

Inspirational Poems    /   Poems On Determination

    The Essence of Determination

    Poems that explore the fundamental qualities of determination, emphasizing the importance of focus, drive, and an unwavering commitment to achieving one's goals.

  1. Determination We Need
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Without determination,
    No goal is complete
    Without focus, you will
    Find defeat.

    Though it's hard and
    Can be overwhelming
    You must keep going and
    Control your feeling.

    Determination keeps us on track,
    Won't give up even under attack.
    Finding ways around
    What appears to be a dead end

    No one can take away
    This drive to succeed
    For determination is always
    What we need.

  2. Determination
    Poet: David V. Bush

    I'll plan my work and follow it,
    For I'm on victory bent;
    For all the strength and will I need,
    The gods to me have lent.

    I know there's something I can do
    In this great world I'm in!
    The gods give me a vast desire
    To labor and to win.

    I see around me many men
    Who work in skillful way;
    And I affirm God means that I
    Shall do as well as they.

    Of course there's something I can do.
    And do exceeding well;
    I'll find that work and follow it,
    For naught my soul can quell.

  3. Determination
    Poet: John Kendrick Bangs

    What I will must surely be;
    What I wish for I shall see;
    What I'd have must come to me —
    If I will and wish aright,
    And keep at it day and night
    Till at last it heaves in sight,
    And, according to my habit,
    I"ve the nerve to go and grab it!

  4. Related: Never Give Up Poem

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    Perseverance and Persistence

    These poems highlight the power of persistence and the relentless pursuit of success, illustrating how continuous effort and steadfastness lead to overcoming challenges.

  5. Genius And Power
    by Orison Swett Marden

    There is genius and power in persistence.
    It conquers all opposers;
    It gives confidence;
    It annihilates obstacles.
    Everybody believes in the determined man.
    People know that when he undertakes a thing,
    The battle is half won,
    For his rule is to accomplish whatever he sets out to do.

  6. Everybody believes in the determined man

  7. Be Determined
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Be determined in all you do
    To yourself be true.
    Don't take the easy way out
    Stick to the plan, do not doubt.

    Life rewards those who persevere
    Stay focused and don't interfere.
    Be persistent - don't give in
    Over time you will win.

    Determination is a key to success
    When others question, just express,
    "I'm like a dog after a bone
    My determination will be shown."

    Be known for your tenacity
    Keep going, no matter the calamity
    Don't be discouraged if you have to face
    Slow and steady wins the race.

    So be determined in all you do
    You will find success coming to you!

  8. Don't Regress
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Determination can conquer true success,
    To reach your goals, make sure you don't regress,
    Be persistent and do not ever quit,
    Embrace life's challenges and success you will hit.

    Even when the going gets tough and rough
    Keep pushing ahead by faith is enough,
    What lies ahead may be difficult to see,
    Trust your determination and success will be.

    Take each day one step at a time,
    Keep moving forward and success will shine!

  9. Related: Perseverance Poems

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    Overcoming Obstacles

    These poems depict the journey of overcoming obstacles and adversity, showcasing the resilience and ingenuity required to navigate and surmount life's difficulties.

  10. Determination Analogy
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Through the rock and stone
    Sitting all alone
    A beautiful flower did grow
    Brilliant and very yellow.

    No one cleared the stone away
    The ground was a mess and in array
    But determined to push on through
    That little flower it grew.

    It faced obstacles in the stone
    No one helped, it was all alone
    But the flower found a way around
    It was determined to come above the ground.

    Why can't we be like that flower
    And be determined using our mind power
    We give up too easily when faced with roadblocks
    We say life is hard and full of knocks.

    But if determination was our attitude
    We would have so much more fortitude
    We would find a way
    And roadblocks would not sway!

  11. What Makes Success
    by Unknown

    What makes one man succeed where another fails?
    Naturally ability has something to do with it.

    Environment may be a help.
    But every man who has made his mark
    will tell you that the chief factors are energy,
    confidence, indefatigable toil, readiness to learn,
    a determination which never relaxes its grip.

    And if so, why should you not succeed as well as some one else?
    What is there out of these qualities that you may not cultivate?

    Most of us have ability enough,
    if we will add to it the push and hard work and
    determination without which talent is helpless.

  12. Related: Success Poems

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    Motivation and Focus

    Explore poems that inspire motivation and maintain focus, encouraging us to stay dedicated and driven toward our objectives despite potential distractions.

  13. The Road Ahead
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    This road ahead may seem long and harsh,
    No matter the challenge - big or small,
    I must keep my motivation aglow
    I will be determined and persevere all.

    My goals will be achieved if I endure,
    No matter what obstacles cross my way,
    Progress may come slowly at times,
    But I won't waiver nor demise in dismay.

    Determination drives me to success' door,
    This is what I have been working for.

  14. Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal ... that will enable you to attain the success you seek.  Mario Andretti

  15. Your Determination
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    The choices you make,
    The things that keep you awake
    The willpower you possess
    All determine your success.

    How strong is your passion
    Are you willing to take action?
    Is working your intention
    Do you want to make an impression?

    The most important thing
    Is the determination you bring.
    Knowledge is good
    but determination is like food.

    Your determination will decide
    If you keep your dreams & goals alive.
    Only you can decide
    How you feel inside.

    Be like the dog after a bone
    Be determined even if alone
    Your perseverance will succeed
    And life will rewarding indeed!

  16. Related: Motivational Poems

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    Inspiring Resolve

    Poems that celebrate the inner strength and resolve needed to pursue and achieve aspirations, serving as a powerful reminder of the importance of determination in personal success.

  17. Advice For Going Forward
    Poet: F. M Fradenburgh

    The way to learn to do things is to do things.
    The way to learn a trade is to work at it.
    Success teaches how to succeed.
    Begin with the determination to succeed,
    And the work is half done already.
    Delay wastes time, weakens the will,
    Dissipates energy, discourages ambition, and prophesies failure.
    Resolve, and do! Do it now!
    Decide, and get at it!

    To get along in the world and make for yourself a good name,
    You can make no dependence upon mere luck.
    Pluck must be your hero.
    If a chance does come, it will not help you
    Unless you are prepared to take it.
    Hold to your purpose.
    Be not swerved from it.
    Keep at it!
    Always at it - this accomplishes results.

  18. Begin with the determination to succeed, And the work is half done already.
    Determination Quotes

  19. Determined
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Deciding what you want to do
    Exploring all the avenues
    Taking time to set your goals
    Examining the potholes
    Realizing it can be done
    Maybe it won't be all fun
    Instead, adjust your attitude
    Never letting go of fortitude
    Enthusiasm can overcome
    Determination is awesome!

  20. Related: Don't Quit Poem

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Be The Best Version Of You   
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We hope these poems have encouraged you to be determined. As Dan Gable once said, "Gold medals aren't really made of gold. They're made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts." If we showed determination in succeeding like Olympic athletes do we would find success.

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