Life Is Too Short Poems
So true are the words, life is too short. Let these short poems encourage and remind you of how fast time passes. The years can at times seem long, however, life is brief. You realize that the older you get.
Speaking from experience, an event that happened to me seems like yesterday, however, it was 20 years ago, where did the time go. Let the poems remind you to do the things that you love, be with the people you love as life passes by before we know it.
Short Poems & Quotes /
Poems About Life
Life Is Too Short Poems
Life Is Too Short We Know
Poet: Julie Hebert, ©2015
Life is short we all do know,
We cannot take advantage.
We need to live it, and live it well,
We need not carry baggage.
We need to do the things we love,
And always share a smile.
We need to do all we can,
To make this life worthwhile.
Do less of all the things you do,
That you wish you didn't do.
Do less of all the things you hate,
No more feeling blue.
Don't waste more time on people,
Who do not deserve it.
Life is short enough without,
Sharing it with those of no spirit.
Share your life with those,
Who are full of energy and love.
These are the type of people,
Who you never want to get rid of.
Certain people will teach you wonders,
Of this world and worlds above.
Open your heart and your mind,
And you'll find pure love.
We could we all use more positive words as we journey through life. You may be inspired by our collection of
positive poems.
Life Is Too Short Quotes
At Sunset
Poet: Margaret E. Sangster
It isn't the thing you do, dear,
It's the thing you've left undone
Which gives you a bit of heartache
At the setting of the sun.
The tender word forgotten,
The letter you did not write,
The flower you might have sent, dear,
Are your haunting ghosts to-night.
The stone you might have lifted
Out of a brother's way,
The bit of heartsome counsel
You were hurried too much to say,
The loving touch of the hand, dear,
The gentle and winsome tone
That you had no time or thought for,
With troubles enough of your own.
The little act of kindness,
So easily out of mind;
Those chances to be angels,
Which every mortal finds--
They come in night and silence-
Each chill, reproachful wraith--
When hope is faint and flagging,
And a blight has dropped on faith.
For life is all too short, dear,
And sorrow is all too great,
To suffer our slow compassion
That tarries until too late;
And it's not the thing you do, dear,
It's the thing you leave undone,
Which gives you the bit of heartache
At the setting of the sun.
Positive quotes to inspire you.
The Length Of Life
Poet: Amos R. Wells
Are your sorrows hard to bear?
Life is short!
Do you drag the chain of care?
Life is short!
Soon will come the glad release
Into rest and joy and peace;
Soon the weary thread be spun,
And the final labor done.
Keep your courage! Hold the fort!
Life is short!
Are you faint with hope delayed?
Life is long!
Tarries that for which you prayed?
Life is long!
What delights may not abide--
What ambitions satisfied--
What possessions may not be
In God's great eternity?
Lift the heart! Be glad and strong!
Life is long!

Poems Of Encouragement
So True
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2020
Life is too short for being mad,
Get over it and find some glad.
Life is too short to not forgive,
Keep your thoughts positive.
Life is too short feeling blue
Set your goals and pursue.
Life is too short to waste your days
Do your work, leave time for play.
Life is too short, so live each day
Before you know it you'll be turning gray
So live each day and be happy too
As life is too short, oh that's so true!

Forgiveness Poems
Too Short
Poet: Charlotte Becker
Life is too short to fuss and fret,
To waste the hours in vain regret,
To fancy slights, to bother why
This listener gave a vague reply.
Or that one made some jesting threat.
And though dull cares our ways beset.
To court indifference, and let
Each proffered bit of joy slip by -
Life is too short!
But, put the world for mirth in debt,
And strive that odds be gayly met;
Humor in every cross espy,
And no least plea for cheer deny -
Then, for the happiness we get.
Life is too short!

Poems About Happiness
How Easy It Is!
Poet: Unknown
How easy it is to spoil a day!
The thoughtless words of cherished friends,
The selfish act of a child at play,
The strength of will that will not bend,
The slight of a comrade, the scorn of a foe,
The smile that is full of bitter things -
They all can tarnish its golden glow
And take the grace from its airy wings.
By the force of a thought we did not check
Little by little we mold the clay,
And little flaws may the vessel wreck.
The careless waste of a white-winged hour,
That held the blessing we long had sought.
The sudden loss of wealth or power -
And lo, the day is with ill inwrought.
How easy it is to spoil a life -
And many are spoiled ere well begun -
In some life darkened by sin and strife,
Or downward course of a cherished one,
By toil that robs the form of its grace
And undermines till health gives way;
By the peevish temper, the frowning face.
The hopes that go and cares that stay.
A day is too long to be spent in vain;
Some good should come as the hours go by,
Some tangled maze may be made more plain
Some lowered glance may be raised on high.
And life is too short to spoil like this;
If only a prelude, it may be sweet;
Let us bind together its thread of bliss
And nourish the flowers around our feet.
Living Life Poem
What Is Life?
Poet: T. L. Bailey
Ah! what is life? How short it seems! -
A passing mist, a world of dreams,
So soon cut off beyond recall;
Yet full of joy or fraught with woe,
The days and years thus come and go;
Relentless time soon covers all.
He covers all, yet not unseen -
Are moments scattered in between,
The days and hours in pleasure passed,
When thoughts of what beyond us lies,
Unbidden will before us rise,
Like mountains in our pathway cast.
We fly away; the morning dew
Is scarce less transient to our view;
It fades before the rising sun;
Though but the creature of an hour,
The drooping flowers have felt its power,
And gladly own its work "well done."
Then why should life - these fleeting years -
Be filled with anxious doubt and fears?
'Tis far too short, too quickly run;
Then like the dew, perform our part,
And cheer some lonely, drooping heart;
Let no one leave this work undone.
Life is too short not to enjoy life. May these
enjoy life quotes
remind you of this!
You may also be encouraged by our Time Quotes.
Each Day
by Catherine Pulsifer
Life is too short to not enjoy it.
Life is too short to hold a grudge.
Life is too short to frown.
Life is too short to stay angry.
Life is too short not to love.
Life is too short not to appreciate the beauty.
Each day of life, enjoy.
Each day of life forgive.
Each day smile often and lots.
Each day of life find peace.
Each day of life love lots.
Each day give thanks to God for the day!
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More Poems About Life to Encourage
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Encouragement Quotes
We hope the words and verses in these poems have given you food for thought about how quickly life can pass us by. May they remind us
that we need to realize our dreams and goals as before you know it time has slipped away. As William Shakespeare once said,
"life is too short, so live your life to the fullest. . . every second of your life just treasure it. . . " Wise words we all need to live by.
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