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Dream Quotes Page 2
Keep your dreams alive - take action, let them thrive.
Catherine Pulsifer, Dreams Alive
Poems On Adventure
Being a parent is a great privilege which sometimes we forget in the
rush to live our other dreams.
Manidipa Bhattacharyya, To Know, 50 Things
Thought Provoking Quotes
So when the light moves forward to green keep going ever so keen
But don't give up when the light is red otherwise, your dreams and goals will be dead.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Lights of Life
Keep Going Poems
And as you share your best with others, lo, slowly above your leaden rim will glow - a nobler future than you dared to dream
Frank Otis Erb, Serve Where You Are
Be The Best You Can Be
Joyous, sunny days, so bright and clear, but, oh, how short a time they last! For ere we dream their close is near, summer has joined the past:
Lillian E. Curtis, October
October Poems
How all my days seemed filled with dreams of you, how sometimes in the silent night
your eyes thrill through me with their tender light...
Author Unknown, If You But Knew
Do You Love Me Poems
If you're serious about making your dream a reality, at some point you are going to have to expose yourself to rejection and criticism
Mark McGuinness, Resilience
Criticism Quotes
Hoping for tomorrow is what makes for progress, even though most of the dreams all born of hope, never come true.
Peter Witt, Forget, Believe, Hope
Wisdom Poems
A best friend is one that we can share our dreams and our plan.
Catherine Pulsifer, Our BFF
BFF Poems
You also can’t achieve success or live your dream without “Believing” in both your dream and yourself. It’s the foundation of anything you will accomplish in your life.
Sarah Centrella, Hustle Believe Receive
Words To Live By
For only while the short-lived dream of childhood lasts are they thine — no longer!
Unknown, How Soon We Lose Them
Poems About Children Growing Up
A dreamer dropped a random thought; 'twas old, and yet 'twas new; a simple fancy of the brain, but strong in being true.
Charles MacKay, Small Beginnings
Little Things Poems
It's time to make dreams a reality, and stop waiting for things to go bad.
Julie Hebert, Stop Wish
Wishing Poems
Follow your dreams and always remember failure is not what it seems.
Catherine Pulsifer, Dad's Advice and Wisdom
Fathers Day Inspirational Poems
How can I wait? The nights alone are kind; they reach forth to a future day, and bring sweet dreams of you to people all my mind
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
And looking forward and thinking high, and dreaming little, and doing much.
Berton Braley
The Recipe
I'd like to find some quaint old boat, and fold its oars, and with it float along the lazy, limpid stream where water-lilies drowse and dream.
Nixon Waterman
Far From The Madding Crowd
You helped to refashion the dream of my heart, and made me turn eagerly to it;
There were others who might have (I question that part)- but, after all, they didn't do it
Grace Stricker Dawson, To A Friend
Thank You Friend Poems
But with confidence undiminished they dream of a world made new, and after their days are finished the wonderful dream comes true!
Berton Braley, The Pioneers
The Builders

We need to realize our dreams and goals as before you know it time has slipped away.
Catherine Pulsifer
Life Is Too Short Poems
"Many people thought my goal of a simpler
lifestyle was crazy. I can remember people saying, 'you'll never make it'.
And, then there were those who said nothing, but I could tell by their actions
that they thought I was only dreaming."
Catherine Pulsifer
You Decide
Keep pushing - 'tis wiser - than sitting aside,
And dreaming and sighing, and waiting the tide:
Daniel C. Colesworthy
Never Say Fail
Life, for all, might become a bright dream, by assisting those whose trials and struggles are rife.
Those pulling hard 'gainst Adversity's stream
Lillian E. Curtis
Lend A Hand
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
Edgar Allan Poe, A Dream Within A Dream
Tis sweet in idle dreams to bask, but here and now do we do our task? Yes, this is the thing our souls must ask, "What have we done today?"
Nixon Waterman
What Have We Done Today
The road is long, and things go wrong. And folks all disagree; in vain our dreams - and yet it seems a mighty good world to me.
Douglas Malloch
It's A Mighty Good World To Me
If we don’t keep our dreams alive, we won’t have our dreams any longer.
Collin McCarty, Reaching For Rainbows
A Life Well Lived Poem
You want change in your life you say - you dream about it every day.
Catherine Pulsifer, You Want Change
Poems on Change in Life
Unfortunately, thousands upon thousands of people believe that "luck" is the most significant aspect that eludes them thus preventing them from being successful or attaining their dreams.
Byron Pulsifer
Oh! Tell Me Not
- Are we following our dreams or the dreams of others?
Catherine Pulsifer
The Man In The Glass Poem
Not but what the doing does deepen it all. It is like putting any other dream into action.
Patience Strong
Cinderella Poem
Happy Retirement a dream come true. If anyone deserves it, it is you!
Catherine Pulsifer, The Best Days
Happy Retirement
He who dreams my dreams with me helps me most of all.
Strickland Gillilan, The Real Helper
The Greatest Gift
Those of us who are fortunate enough to live in a democratic society often take for granted those freedoms only seen as a dream by thousands of less fortunate.
Byron Pulsifer
Blessings Abundance
With forward sight begin aright the castle of your dream.
David V. Bush, Uncrowned
Do It Better
A child, with right to dream and play, to grow just as God's flowers do.
Olive G. Owen, A Child
Hero Wanted
Let Jesus be your cleansing power, let Him fulfill your dreams
Greta Zwaan
Dreams Not Schemes
The new year is a.... thought process that channels the subconscious mind to give renewed birth to dreams and visions of fantastic things that can be achieved.
Byron Pulsifer
In An Open Place
Dreams are not fulfilled by a mere thought; life’s achievements come about through efforts, pain and hardships, worthwhile causes never can be bought.
Greta Zwaan, The Finished Product
God Has A Plan

So stay true to who you are, and follow all you're dreams.
And don't be scared of the unknown, be a part of the winning team.
Julie Hebert, Chosen Path
Follow Your Own Path Poems
All your dreams and fancies are but a breath of air, all your schemes and planning can bring you to despair.
Look up and see your Maker who holds time in His hands, revolve your thoughts around Him, include Him in your plans.
Greta Zwaan, Equality and Ownership
Journey Of Faith
So next time someone is going on and on, about something they are going to do, challenge them to stop talking, and make their dreams come true.
Julie Hebert, Words Without Actions
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
"Dreams seem hectic and random, but each scene holds within it great
meaning that needs to be deciphered by YOU."
Sean Lysaght, Personal Success
Solutions Quotes
May all your Christmas dreams come true - may you feel the love of God surround you
Catherine Pulsifer, Love Of God
My Christmas Wish For You
You always encouraged me to dream, cheered when I succeeded, and urged me to try again when I failed.
Sonny Melendrez, The Art of Living With Enthusiasm!
Try, Try Again Poems
Dreams are never fulfilled without a burning desire to put them into practice so that they, in turn, become a reality.
Byron Pulsifer
Sleep ... throws into our tired eyes the golden dust of dreams - and we forget our failures and our little futile schemes...
Patience Strong
In the history of the world, there has never been an advancement without someone developing an idea, or dream, or a vision of something different, helpful, or useful for all others to utilize.
Byron Pulsifer
If you want something go out and get it, stop sitting and wishing you had.
It's time to make dreams a reality
Julie Hebert, Wishing
Stop Wishing Start Doing
Simplicity and simple things may seem like only a far fetched dream. But you have the power to control by resetting your daily goals.
Catherine Pulsifer, We Get So Busy
Simplicity Poem
How bright it gleams with its illusions, aspirations, dreams!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, How Beautiful Is Youth!
Famous Friendship Poems

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