10 Faith In God Poems

A collection of poems that reflect beliefs and faith in God. May you be inspired and uplifted by these poems. And may they strengthen your faith in God!

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  1. Faith Unwavering
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In every whisper of the breeze, I hear,
    A sacred echo that dispels all fear.
    Through the gentle touch of morning's light,
    I see His grace, forever shining bright.

    In every bloom that adorns the earth's embrace,
    I witness His artistry, sublime and chaste.
    My faith unwavering, in God I trust,
    For His presence surrounds me, just and just.

  2. Poems About God's Grace
    Poems About God's Grace

  3. The Lord He Guideth Me
    Poet: Eloise A. Skimings

    O my heart is light
    And my songs are bright.
    My voice is full of glee.
    No dark cloud of care
    Mv heart can ensnare -
    The Lord He guideth me.

    The vesper hell peals,
    My heart joyous feels
    At its sweet minstrelsy.
    While I list, these notes
    On the light air floats,
    The Lord He guideth me.

    Then with lasting love
    I will look above
    In all humility;
    In notes of sweet song
    Sing the whole day long.
    The Lord He guideth me.

    O my heart is light
    And ray songs are bright,
    My voice is full of glee.
    No dark cloud of care
    My heart can ensnare.
    The Lord He guideth me.

  4. Spiritual Poems
    Spiritual Poems

  5. Come Little Children
    Poet: Eloise A. Skimings

    "Come ye little children unto me.
    For of such is the kingdom of Heaven;"
    Such were the words of our Divine Lord,
    Such dear ones the command he has given.

    Dear little soldiers of Christ you'll be,
    With wreaths and breast-knots of virginal white,
    When ye kneel at the altar God's glory
    Will surround ye, in a halo of light.

    Be brave, little ones, and be pure of heart,
    For God loveth innocence, such as thine;
    Daily ask Him your past sins to forgive,
    "Yes," He will say, "ye are children of mine"

  6. God's Promises Poems
    God's Promises Poems

  7. In Faith
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In faith, I find solace in God's embrace,
    Trusting in His promises when shadows encase.
    His love, a balm, soothes wounds deep within,
    A guiding light amid the trials life tends to spin.

    In His grace, I seek refuge and strength anew,
    For His word illuminates paths that are true.
    Serene whispers lead me through darkness' plight,
    With unwavering trust in God's eternal light.

  8. Trust In God Poems
    Trust In God Poems

  9. Hymn
    Poet: Eloise A. Skimings

    Lord our God, who rules above,
    Accept our earthly works of love
    And fill our souls with faith to prove Thy Majesty.
    Let the Gospel's seed take root and bloom,
    And flowers of faith expel the gloom,
    For Christ has risen from the tomb In Majesty.

    Let ev'ry tongue Thy praise proclaim,
    Let ev'ry knee bow at Thy name,
    For Jesus Thou art still the same In Majesty.
    The heavens with Thy name shall ring,
    And countless angels endless sing.
    We'll live with Thee, our Lord and King, In Majesty.

  10. Poems About Worship
    Poems About Worship

  11. Hard To Bear
    Poet: Eloise A. Skimings

    While my task seems hard to bear;
    Hard to know that on this earth
    I'll never see thee more, ne'er
    See thy smile at my return,
    Nor hear thy fresh young voice in
    Accents fraught with filial love.

    But we will meet again, meet
    To part no more, in the world
    Of heavenly rest, of promise
    Of eternal joy. The Vine,
    The living Branch, whose tendrils
    Take root in the heart alone.
    Knew that our love was earthly,
    That our hearts clung to our child.

    And now we, with humble trust
    In God's goodness, in his word,
    "Come to me all ye that are
    Laden, and I will refresh ye,"
    We will join in the anthem,
    "Abide with me."

  12. Heaven Poems
    Heaven Poems

  13. Eyes Of Faith
    Poet: John Imrie

    Give me the eyes of Faith to see.
    Behind the clouds of sorrow,
    My Father's hand still guiding me
    On to the bright tomorrow;
    And onward still, through good and ill,
    His eye shall safely guide me;
    All dangers past, safe home at last,
    With Jesus close beside me!

  14. poems about Jesus
    Poems About Jesus

  15. My Faith In God
    Poet: Unknown

    I never know where this day leads
    I cannot see its crook and turn.
    I never really know my needs
    But every day I seem to learn.

    I know not where life's torrents rage,
    I only wonder down its path.
    The architect has set the stage
    Often He lines the way with wrath.

    I cannot see across the hill
    I simply climb each craggy peak.
    Sometimes the sea is calm and still,
    'Tis then I hear the master speak.

    He leads me through each stormy day
    Just when I think all hope is gone.
    When skies are dark I hear Him say
    "Press on my child, you're not alone."

    I know not what this day may hold
    Nor if the path be steep to climb,
    My faith in God will keep me bold
    To face this life, one day at a time.

  16. My faith in God will keep me bold To face this life, one day at a time.
    Faith In God Quotes

  17. The Christian
    Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy

    Sweet prospects to the eye of faith
    Beam on the Christian's way,
    As trustingly he follows Him
    Who guides to perfect day.

    Though sometimes faint and sorrowing,
    He trembling looks above,
    And feels a confidence in God
    The earth can never move.

    Though friends forsake, and kindred leave
    His heart is firmly stayed
    Upon the Rock immovable,
    Where all his hopes are laid.

  18. Poems About God's Love
    Poems About God's Love

  19. Three Words Of Strength
    Poet: Friedrich Von Schiller

    There are three lessons I would write, -
    Three words, as with a burning pen,
    In tracings of eternal light.
    Upon the hearts of men.

    Have Hope. Though clouds environ round.
    And gladness hides her face in scorn.
    Put off the shadow from thy brow, -
    No night but hath its mom.

    Have Faith. Whene'er thy bark is driven,
    The calm's disport, the tempest's mirth.
    Know this: God rules the hosts of heaven.
    The inhabitants of earth.

    Have Love. Not love alone for one,
    But man, as man, thy brother call;
    And scatter, like the circling sun.
    Thy charities on alL

    Thus grave these lessons on thy soul,
    Hope, Faith, and Love, - and thou shalt find
    Strength when life's surges rudest roll.
    Light when thou else wert blind.

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