56 Fate Quotes

Be encouraged by these fate quotes that may give you thoughts on do you determine your fate or is your destiny already determined. Is your life dependent on luck, on chance, on fate, or do you play a role? Let these quotes give you thoughts on this!

By Catherine Pulsifer - Updated September 18, 2024

Quotes    /    fate quotes

  1. You determine your own fate by what goals you set, what action you take and the attitude you have in life. Catherine Pulsifer

  2. There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Will

  3. Sometimes God will place a wall on your path to force you to go in another direction. Suzy Kassem

  4. And if Fate grows harsher still and sterner, and our dearest treasures perish, we know, though we sigh and murmur, earthly idols we should not cherish. Lillian E Curtis, Sunshine and Shadow

  5. It is not fate that casts me down but only destructive thoughts make me drown.
  6. It is not fate that casts me down but only destructive thoughts make me drown. Robert Rivers, Fate Challenged

  7. Always remember age is only a date and you determine your own fate Catherine Pulsifer, Birthday Greetings To You

  8. I am the master of my fate,
    I am the captain of my soul. William Ernest Henley, Invictus

  9. Peace, the sweet glory of the world, faces a duty, too; death is her fate, leaves she one gate for war to enter Edgar A. Guest, Preparedness

  10. And I thank the stars above it was fate that brought us two, for on this day my destiny certainly came true.
  11. And I thank the stars above it was fate that brought us two, for on this day my destiny certainly came true. Catherine Pulsifer, No Greater Day

  12. We have the power to decide our fate, though choices can be difficult to make. Catherine Pulsifer, Mistakes and Regret

  13. We grumpily accept this fate with only a weary sigh - for age catches everyone whether we try to defy. Catherine Pulsifer, No One Immune To Age

  14. What would we do in this world of ours were it not for the dreams ahead? To some it's a dream of a truce with Fate in a constant search for health. Edwin Carlile Litsey, The Dreams Ahead

  15. If you can’t change your fate, change your attitude. Charles Revson

  16. You are the architect of your own fate; Toil on, hope on, and dare to do and be. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, The City

  17. I have no wish to rail at fate,and vow that I'm unfairly treated; I do not give vent to my hate because at times I am defeated. Edgar A. Guest, The Old, Old Story

  18. But, with a smile and words of hope, gives zest to every toiler. He alone is great who by a life heroic conquers fate. Unknown, Faces What He Must

  19. I love you because you have done more than any creed could have done to make me good, and more than any fate to make me happy. Roy Croft, Love

  20. Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends.
  21. Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends. Jacques Delille

  22. My luck was slowly fading, fate seemed out of reach; but with grit and determination, things don't have to be bleak. Catherine Pulsifer, Perseverance A Good Luck Charm

  23. When it comes to life, we spin our own yarn, and where we end up is really, in fact, where we always intended to be. Julia Glass

  24. It's time to explore, the world that awaits. Allow yourself to, embrace your fate. Julie Hebert, The World That Awaits

  25. And though 'tis human fate to fail, 'tis great to hold still fast to that one thing thou lovest best, for it alone will last. Max Ehrmann, Walk Sweetly

  26. Judge not! - though clouds of seeming guilt may dim thy brothers fame; for fate may throw suspicion's shade upon the brightest name Unknown, Judge Not

  27. All of your sitting, sighing never will conquer fate
  28. Few ever fail by trying. few ever win who wait. All of your sitting, sighing never will conquer fate. Douglas Malloch, One Thing Is For Certain, Son

  29. O Lord, let us believe in Thee, and believing, let us have a heart for any fate. George L. Perin, Verge of The Old Year

  30. Just because fate doesn't deal you the right cards, it doesn't mean you should give up. It just means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential. Les Brown

  31. The man of life upright.... Thus, scorning all the cares that fate or fortune brings, he makes the heaven his book, his wisdom heavenly things Thomas Campion, The Happy Life

  32. There is no way to combat fate, for life's a game we The clouds of day are only fears which smiles will drive away. Everett Wentworth Hill, Smiles Drive Away

  33. It is you that determines your fate, you stand with your hand on the knob of fame's doorway to-day, and life asks you to say just what you will make of your job. Edgar A. Guest, The Job

  34. I would live this life so well strangers of me praise might tell....not as one who conquered fate; not as one who rose to fame leaving a remembered name, but as one who served some need with a timely, kindly deed. Edgar A. Guest, Creed

  35. Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; thy fate is the common fate of all, into each life some rain must fall. Some days must be dark and dreary. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Rainy Day

  36. Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.
  37. Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart. Marcus Aurelius

  38. My life is a fault at last, I fear: it seems too much like a fate, indeed! Robert Browning, Life in a Love

  39. I believe that I am the architect of my own fate; therefore, I will be master of circumstances and surroundings, not their slave. Unknown, A Creed

  40. The clock ticks loud as if by the swinging of the pendulum of fate. One waits as for a signal to launch his boat upon an unknown sea — a New Year. George L. Perin, Stroke Of Twelve

  41. The fate that made me wander far at last has brought me home to thee, dear haven of my heart, and I no more will roam. Henry VanDyke, Arrival

  42. Don't let circumstances determine your fate. Choose your fate and mold circumstances to fit your fate of choice. D.B. Harrop

  43. We find that it's ever so in this life's uneven flow; we've only to wait, in the face of fate, for the green grass under the snow. Annie A. Preston, The Green Grass Under The Snow

  44. Who knows what fate has in store, we may meet again someday.
  45. Who knows what fate has in store, we may meet again someday. Julie Hebert, Where Is Mr. Right

  46. Sometimes it is best for men not to attempt to interfere with destiny. Our prayers can be answered in ways which we do not expect and do not welcome. Wilbur Smith

  47. I believe in fate you see, and that is why you've come to me. I knew one day our paths would cross. Julie Hebert, Fate Brought You To Me

  48. Having love in your life, just a brother even a wife, can make all the difference to fate. Julie Hebert, Life Without Love

  49. And if Fate knocks you down with a shattering blow - it may be your big chance in disguise - if you stand up and meet it with courage and faith, looking onward with bright, fearless eyes Patience Strong, Opportunities

  50. Fate may betray you, but you settle first whether to live to your best or your worst. Edgar A. Guest, Decide

  51. Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him. Groucho Marx

  52. Boost, and your spirit's happy; knock, and your fate's unkind; you can reap no boon when you're out of tune, for the crowd never stops to mind! David V. Bush

  53. Man's fate and heart compared to heaven, Is but an evil nod; he cannot thank with a true spirit, or all the mercy of God. J. J. Thorne

  54. A smile is a tonic we all can take in daily mixtures with our fate. We know not, cannot estimate its value.
  55. A smile is a tonic we all can take in daily mixtures with our fate. We know not, cannot estimate its value. Author Unknown

  56. When life seems an empty state. when you pause and question fate...try, try again! David V. Bush, Try Again

  57. I do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing. Ronald Reagan

  58. We will be what we could be. Do not "It might have been, had not or that, or this" - no fate can keep us from the chosen way Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  59. When Fortune frowns and Fate looks cold, though darkness appears to obscure all the light, look straight toward the temples of Truth and Right; press on! Lillian E. Curtis

  60. If Fate assails you ill by ill, do not lose your pep! David V. Bush

  61. Every day we have choices to make they may seem small but they can determine our fate Catherine Pulsifer, Choices We Make

  62. A cheery heart, in spite of fate; the strength to work, the patience to wait; a hand that lifts a brother up and shares with him the bitter cup. Lida Marie Erwin, These Would I Keep

  63. Curse not your fate in accents weak. but be a man, and in the strife. Plunge with the strength of all your life. David V. Bush, You'll Strike Your Stride


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