130 Fear Quotes
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Fear Quotes
Updated December 28, 2024, by Catherine Pulsifer
Fear is something we all face, but it doesn’t have to hold us back. This collection of quotes is here to remind you that with courage and determination, fear can be overcome.
Let these words inspire you to step forward, face your challenges, and discover the strength that lies within you. Remember, fear may knock, but you hold the key to courage.
Our lives should not be consumed by age's fear and anxiety; simply live life to its fullest - for that is our philosophy.
Catherine Pulsifer, Our Philosophy
Plans and memories are tainted with the hopes and fears of thought.
When the many dreams have faded, the only peace begins with God.
John F Zurn, Life Becomes a Simple Prayer
Birthdays come but once a year - A time for fun and lots of cheer
for some they fear the day they don't want to get old and gray.
Catherine Pulsifer, Once A Year
Do not be full of fear I think, but is this not foolhardy like frothy drink?
Robert R. Rivers, Think Beyond The Past

I appreciate your kindness your listening ear
When I tell you of my fears you listen, you hear.
Catherine Pulsifer, How Blessed I Am
The weeds keep multiplying in our garden, which is our mind ruled by fear. Rip them out and call them by name.
Sylvia Browne
On Halloween night, witches cackle as they brew their potions, while skeletons dance in wild motions. But amidst the fright and eerie sounds, one thing is clear: fear truly astounds.
Catherine Pulsifer, Embrace The Weather
With action, we conquer what fear may convey, and in the face of worry, action can make it go away.
Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Let Sadness And Worry
If you have failed, surrender not to fear -
tomorrow has not come; today is here.
T. N. Hanson, Today Is Here
- One task at a time without worry or fear; one day at a time though the morrow draws near
Everett Wentworth Hill, One Task At A Time
Middle age has no cause for fright, unless you count the wrinkles in sight!
Catherine Pulsifer, You're Not Done
Delighting in God’s Word leads us to delight in God, and delight in God drives away fear.
David Jeremiah
The meaning of Christmas can soon disappear
When not meeting a standard becomes a fear.
Catherine Pulsifer, What Is Christmas?
So hold your head up high, and don't let fear hold you back, with resilience and courage, you can overcome any setback.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Courage to Overcome
As long as there are days and years, there will never be another who can alleviate my fears as well as my sweet Mother.
Harry Coughaneur, Mother

Hope is a better companion than fear
Unknown, Hope Is Better
Service to your fellow man. Helping when and where you can, with a word of hope and cheer that may help dispel some fear
Unknown, Daily Service
Delighting in God’s Word leads us to delight in God, and delight in God drives away fear.
David Jeremiah
No matter the fear or the conflict,
if you listen, life will fit like a shoe.
Julie Hebert, Bumpy Road Called Life
Though defeat may seem close, don't fret or fear it, firm resolve can extinguish any chance of defeat
Catherine Pulsifer, Keep Your Attitude Positive
So we can say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?"
Hebrews 13:6 (NLT)
In grief and joy, in hope and fear, Lord, let me feel that Thou art near: hold Thou my hands!
William Canton, Hold Thou My Hands
Though the cover is worn, and the pages are torn...yet more precious than gold is the Book, worn and old, that can shatter and scatter my fears.
Edmund Pillifant, My Old Bible
Believe that you have what it takes to succeed, and do not let fear or anxiety mislead.
Catherine Pulsifer, Confidence Will Grow

Shadows on the wall - noises down the hall life doesn't frighten me at all
Maya Angelou, Life Doesn't Frighten Me
Be never discouraged - Mock, mock at the tears that fall in your pathway, and laugh at the fears
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Be Not Discouraged.
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds, in a believer's ear! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, and drives away his fear.
John Newton
Fear may whisper doubts, as guilt holds its sway, yet truth's gentle whispers ignite a new day,
Catherine Pulsifer, Shadows Of Guilt
I have faced many mountains in my days. Some felt impossible to climb I must say.
But looking back over the years I now realize I had nothing to fear.
Catherine Pulsifer, Facing The Mountains of Life
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Marie Curie
If you are wise, you will ....lose your fears.
William Arthur Ward, If You Are Wise

So if you're faced with a trial or two don't give up, let others help you through.
Catherine Pulsifer, Struggles Come Your Way
Oh, what marvel in the sky appears! A rainbow can take away fears.
Sarah Hale, Rainbows Bring Hope
Thoughts that are powered by fear will cause feelings of anxiety, anger or frustration, which will manifest into your life and create negative or bad experiences.
Joe Hinchliffe
Successful people do not have the fear of defeat, they learn and keep moving.
Catherine Pulsifer
Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid.
Frederick Buechner

Fear waters the weeds of regret.
Steve Maraboli
O, grant me, as Thou shalt approve....from every doubt and fear release and give me confidence and peace.
Unknown, Faith, Love And Patience
If you have a heart for adoption, don’t let fear stand in the way
Doug Chapman
Resilience is not about being fearless, it's about finding the inspiration to face your fears and overcome them.
Author Unknown
Lord I ask that you help all of us never to be anxious; never to fear anything that confronts this world.
B. Pulsifer
Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you.
Bethany Hamilton
There's no need to fear the wind if your haystacks are tied down.
Irish Proverb
Not fearing or doubting, with Christ on our side, We hope to die shouting, "The Lord will provide."
John Newton, Scripture Assures Us
God's way is best...forsake thy fears and doubts, but trusting, submit thyself into his hand.
C. W. Naylor, God's Way Is Best
Time is too swift for those who fear,
Henry VanDyke, Time Is
Fear imprisons, faith liberates; fear paralyzes, faith empowers...
Harry Emerson Fosdick

When you love and accept who you are, you will not be afraid to grow, to learn, to change.
Judy Ford
Worry is a cycle of inefficient thoughts whirling around a center of fear.
Corrie Ten Boom
Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don't be afraid to take that first step.
Muhammad Ali
Don't be afraid, it is all pretend, Halloween night go out with your friends.
Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered.
Michelle Obama
Never fear the thing you feel - only by love is life made real
Sara Teasdale
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
Marie Curie

Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
No matter what faces you tomorrow believe you can overcome any fears
Unknown, Never Forget
That was the first angelic word that the startled shepherds heard; Fear not!
F. R. Havergal, Fear Not
Faith will give comfort in the midst of fear. Unbelief causeth fears in the midst of comfort.
John Bunyan, Faith & Unbelief
I like the man who faces what he must...who fights the daily battle without fear
Sarah Knowles Bolton, The Inevitable
No hurts so strong, no fear so great, that He [Jesus] cannot subdue it,
Greta Zwaan, In His Steps
Nor let tomorrow scare thy rest with thoughts of coming ill
Unknown, Good Night
Men always see in darkness when they fear to turn their eyes toward the sunshine of their dreams, the light of lovelier skies.
Folger M. Kinsey, Toward The Light
You can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.
Michelle Obama
The second key for their success is clear they believed in themselves, they had no fear
Catherine Pulsifer, Look Back

The feeling of being frightened is a normal feeling when we experience changes in life.
Catherine Pulsifer
God is bigger than your problems and bigger than your fears.
Author Unknown
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
Mark Twain
The thing is most people are afraid to step out, to take a chance beyond their established identity.
Demi Moore
Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid.
Frederick Buechner
They say a mother in law is someone to fear but I feel the opposite, in my eyes, you are dear
Catherine Pulsifer, You Are Dear
The pessimist's a hopeless man, he's full of doubt and fear
Author Unknown
Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears.
Rudyard Kipling
So you be the first struggler to shoulder your load; push on, friend, and blaze your way to it. And while they sit near, paralyzed by their fear, just go to it, old comrade, and do it!
David V. Bush
You need not fear the advice you hear but beware whose advice you take!
Clifford Greve, Suggestion

So stay true to who you are, and follow all you're dreams.
And don't be scared of the unknown, be a part of the winning team.
Julie Hebert, Chosen Path
I tremble, not with terror, but with hope, as the great day reveals its coming scope
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, With Hope
The thing is most people are afraid to step out, to take a chance beyond their established identity.
Demi Moore
Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Arthur Somers Roche

Be determined and persevere, don't give in to your fears.
Catherine Pulsifer, Dad's Advice and Wisdom
Need I ever know a fear? Night and day my Father's near: God sees.
Mary Mapes Dodge
Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.
Dante Alighieri
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear - I rise
Maya Angelou, Still I Rise
I can be thankful for all the little things or I can be full of dread and fear
and miss opportunities that are so dear.
Catherine Pulsifer, When I Awake

Making do with less, is something we should all do, corporations and associations, make us fear we need new.
Julie Hebert, Simpler Ways
Part of the inability to see an opportunity before us is the fear of failure
Byron Pulsifer
The first day of school can be a fear for our little ones that are so dear.
Catherine Pulsifer, First Day
There's not a hill you cannot scale once fear is put to rout.
Wilhelmina Stitch, Believe This
Yes, God is love; a thought like this can every gloomy thought remove, and turn all tears, all woes, to bliss
John Bowring, God Is Love
O God! help me to choose the right, and ever ready be;
so when I see life's darksome night, 'twill bring no fears for me.
Mary C. Ryan, Oh! If My Weary Soul

Oh, the loving trust and patience,
that can drive away all fears!
Juliea A. Sullivan, The Open Door
I believe in the angel’s message that we should not be afraid—that the Child of Bethlehem is able to overcome all anxieties and insecurities.
Author Unknown, I Believe That God ...
With God a day is like a thousand years so as we pray about our fears trust in Him and His timing too He knows better than we do.
Catherine Pulsifer, God's Time
O let your light shine, all clear and all bright,
fear not to speak what you know to be right
Caleb Davis Bradlee
It's time to think big and not be scared of the world, as challenges make life interesting and fun.
Julie Hebert, Pick Yourself Up
- When I think of you...The joy and the tears - The expressions of fear.
The good times we've had -The times we've been mad.
Catherine Pulsifer, When I Think Of You
But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue & loneliness.
Max Ehrmann
And if you do the best you can, you'll win the goal in spite of fears.
Bernhart Paul Holst, Press On
Go forward, press onward: 'tis wiser, by far, than fretting and sighing in fear where you are.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Go Forward
Love's presence is a foe to fear when hearts are intertwining!
John Imrie, The Tender Passion

To "let go"...is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.
is to fear less, and love more.
Author Unknown, To Let Go
If we don’t attempt to get over our doubts and fears,
we’ll never discover how wonderful it is to live without them.
Collin McCarty, Reaching For Rainbows
Think about what does winning means? Some people saying that winning is ... conquering your life fears.
Catherine Pulsifer
Speak the truth! Speak it boldy, never fear
Unknown, Speak The Truth
Lord, tell me what will bring You joy, and help me to achieve that, Remove my doubts, remove my fears, and help me to believe that.
Greta Zwaan

Think fear, with brooding mind. And failure's close behind.
Think this: "I'm going to win!' Think not on what has been.
David V. Bush
When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.
Anthony Robbins
We shall plant a hope in the place of fear...
Nixon Waterman
You led me ever fiom the depths of joyless hours, from needs or fears: star of my life — My Mother.
Unknown, Star Of My Life
The roads that I travel, what have I to fear?
What a coward I'd be if I tried not to see tThe roses of hope and the sunshine of cheer.
Edgar A. Guest, Roses and Sunshine

You close the door to your success by entertaining one small fear. -
Think happiness, talk happiness, watch joy then coming near.
Wilhelmina Stitch
He's [Jesus} aware of all the fears that come your way.In His arms you'll find relief when you share your troubled soul,
Greta Zwaan, Jesus, A Friend
I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.
Louisa May Alcott
The clouds of day are only fears which smiles will drive away.
Everett Wentworth Hill, Smile Drive Away

Sometimes, it seems that God may have forgotten us but never fear He is forever by our side
walking with us through every tribulation that comes our way.
Catherine Pulsifer
Though the obstacles were many, though the challenges severe,
gentle faith brought strong persistence, helping to destroy the fear.
Greta Zwaan, Moses' Lessons
Lord, keep me safe this night, secure from all my fears;
D. F. Sprigg, D.D., Lord Keep Me

Lord, I ask that you help all of us never to be anxious;
never to fear anything that confronts this world.
If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.
Flavia Weedn
All hail to Easter Day now here;
away at once our doubt and fear, for Christ has risen!
C D. Bradlee, All Hail To Easter Day

Doubt needs to give up before fear consumes
John F Zurn, The Kingdom of Doubt
Eyes blinded with fear, now look ye above and gaze on God's mountain, the peak of His love.
Wilhelmina Stitch
On every fresh adventure they set out with hearts elate
from chilling fear and bitter dread they keep their spirits free
Edgar A. Guest, Old Age

It seems you’re in a dark tunnel, you grope in your fear and distress, you feel the end is upon you; God calls, “Come to Me, I will bless."
Greta Zwaan, My Purpose
While I was fearing it, it came, but came with less of fear, because that fearing it so long had almost made it dear.
Emily Dickinson, The Inevitable
And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you.
He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you;
do not fear nor be dismayed.
Deuteronomy 31:8 (NKJV)
And so it is with troubles, though they see so great that men complain and fear and hesitate...there never comes a hill, a task, a day, but as we near it, easier the way.
Douglas Malloch

The daring things that we would do when fear was quite unknown; each one of us invincible, we thought we were full grown.
Greta Zwaan, An Appeal
Friends we have been through these years we shared good times and our fears
Catherine Pulsifer, Congrats My Friend
Do not fear. The garden is yours and it is yours to gather the fruits and every flower of every kind,
Helen Hoyt, The Garden
The saddest word we ever hear, full-fraught with sorrow, hope, and fear,
the fount of many a bitter tear: Farewell! Farewell!
John Imrie
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