15 Middle Age Poems
As we reach middle age, some people are offended if you ask what is your age Read the poems here to remind people the number is not important, but how they act is.
Celebrate middle age as it is a great stage of life, it is all how you look at it!
Great poetry to use in a birthday card. Hopefully, the birthday verses will bring a smile to the birthday person.
By Catherine Pulsifer, Updated August 23, 2024
Birthday Poems
What Is Your Age?
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2012
When you're old and grey,
And life seems to be getting away,
Hold on to your life preserver,
And grab on to that sleigh.
It's time to make a change,
A change that will reflect,
The way you feel inside,
Which seems to have been neglect.
We all know how we feel,
And the age we feel inside,
Is not the age we're given,
By the rules that lead our lives.
So never act your age,
Act the age you feel inside.
Live your life as you see fit,
Then you can stand with pride.
Our wish is to start a new movement
For birthdays the number is not important
Live your life and forget your age
Birthdays don't be discouraged, live life encouraged!
Find more poems of encouragement to share with someone who is feeling
discouraged about their age!
more quotes about aging
Middle Age
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Middle age things begin to change
Your body goes a bit strange.
And the color of your hair -
Gray shows up with a flare.
But middle age can bring
A feeling of living.
You may feel your halfway there
Your wisdom you start to share.
Your perspective may start to shift
Material things may start to drift
You realize the importance of relationships
And enjoy the time in friendships.
Middle age is not a time to be sad
It is a time to be happy and to be glad.
Celebrate your life this far
It is not time to write your memoir!
Funny Birthday Poems
My Mind
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Years have fled so quickly like a gust of wind
My time, this life has flown and I am no longer thin.
The memories of youth bring tears of joy at times
My heart knows to feel alive but my mind seems in decline.
So many moments, long hours pass by and days gone by
When did age overtake my spirit, leaving me to cry?
My mind may fool itself, thinking youths still abound
But when I look in the mirror I can only see Middle Age around.
Funny Birthday Poems About Old Age
Our Philosophy
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Ah, my friend, life is so sweet,
Though our perimeters have expanded, our wrinkles we must meet.
Aging's lessons sometimes is hard to swallow -
But we've no choice as find ourselves in the midst of midlife's hallow.
So embrace each new wrinkle with a playful smile on your face,
Celebrate the changing tide with a renewed pace.
Our lives should not be consumed by age's fear and anxiety;
Simply live life to its fullest - for that is our philosophy.
Funny Birthday Poems For Friends
Middle Age Is Grand
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In middle age life can be grand,
It gives us knowledge we may not have had.
Our worries and our self-doubt lessen,
We become more secure and strengthened.
Our mind sees further than it did before,
We're able to think deeper and explore.
Life experience leading to valuable decisions,
Time of maturity -second chances and revisions.

The Four Ages Of Man Poem
How Old Are You
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
You won't say how old you are
You say the years have passed in a blur
We can't believe you would tell a lie
Tell us your age, without blinking an eye.
We can predict your age by actions
Then the number would be half a fraction
You live your life to the fullest each day
So just tell us your age, if you may
We know no matter what
Age is not really important, but
We just want to know
If your age is what you show!
Poems on Aging
The Middle
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The middle of anything
Is certainly not the end.
It is not the beginning
And it is not the end
It is just the middle, my friend!
So don't get hung up on age
We just move to another stage.
We can be happy or sad
Or, we can be gloomy or glad.
Celebrate your brand new age
Call it the middle, look at the page
Keep writing your story, live each day
And celebrate the middle in every way!
Birthday Celebration Poems
Thy Birthday
Poet: Unknown
This is thy Birthday, may it be,
A source of happiness to thee,
And may each Birthday yet in store,
Be brighter than the one before.
A number is not your age
So how do you gage?
It is how you see the world
That will make you old or younger.
Let another birthday roll by
Smile lots forget the sighs
Live each day and the number forget
Live your life with no regrets.
Midlife Quotes
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In middle age, the days can wear on,
Life is filled with an unknown fate,
We can't go back to our younger selves,
Youth is left at the gate.
As strength and time are running out,
How best can I invest?
With purpose, I search for my reality
For needs, I must assess.
Though life's marvels now blend in grey haze,
I'll attempt a course seldom traveled;
Discovering things of true delight -
A new path I'll unravel.

Poems on Change In Life
My Age
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
My age - have I reached the middle?
I haven't even started playing the fiddle.
So many things I want to do
I guess I had better put them in a queue.
Or is it that the end is near?
Should I look forward with some fear?
Some think middle age is the end
But not me, I have more life to spend.
So moving forward, age and all
I will live my life having a ball
I'll love those around me
And be thankful and happy.
Short Poems on Reaching Middle Age
In the middle of the journey, not young nor old,
Life's tales unfold, a story to be told.
Happy middle age, where wisdom takes its stage,
A chapter rich with experience and sage.
Midway through the journey, the path winds,
Middle age, where a new adventure finds.
Happy birthday, as the pages flip,
Middle age: a journey on wisdom's ship.
Life's odometer turns, middle age in view,
A tapestry of moments, both old and new.
Happy middle age, where laughter and grace,
Blend with experience in life's embrace.
Halfway through life's delightful stage,
Middle age, where wisdom sets the page.
Happy birthday, in the middle of the spin,
Middle age, where the best is yet to begin.
Midlife's dance, a vibrant parade,
A symphony of memories, a serenade.
Happy birthday, in the middle of the play,
Middle age, where dreams find their own way.
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