12 Poems about Following Jesus

Poems about following Jesus, offering inspiration, faith, and encouragement in life.

Following Jesus brings peace in trials and joy in every step.

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Updated February 21, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

One of the most life-changing choices we can make is to follow Jesus. His love, His wisdom, and His sacrifice guide us through life’s joys and struggles. These poems about following Jesus offer words of encouragement and inspiration, reminding us of the peace, strength, and hope that come from walking in His footsteps.

Whether you’re seeking reassurance in your faith, encouragement in times of doubt, or simply a reminder of His unwavering love, these verses will speak to your heart. Let them remind you that no matter where you are on your journey, Jesus is always there, leading the way.

  1. More Than A Conqueror

    Poet: Nila K. Bartley

    Sin came in like a tidal wave,
    But Jesus was there to save,
    Jesus did not consider His life to high a price to pay,
    He paved the way,
    I will get to walk down streets of gold,
    And hear tales from the past and stories of old,
    Down here on earth on my knees I bow,
    And because I meet the Lord in prayer I have victory now,
    Victory over death, the devil, and sin,
    Because I am in Christ I will always win,
    Winning over trial and temptation,
    I keep my eyes focused on Christ. I have victory and elation,
    Elation because the joy of the Lord is ever near,
    Even though sometimes His voice is not always clear,
    What is clear after all these years,
    Without Jesus my life would be filled with tears,
    They would be tears of sorrow, pain, and regret,
    For out of sin I would not be yet,
    Before Jesus sin was my master--- my life was out of control,
    Now thanks to Him I have peace in my spirit and soul,
    All these things: prayer, heaven, saved, peace, joy, victory over trials, and elation,
    All these things are part of the plan of salvation,
    They are here for me to take hold,
    Before I walk the streets of gold,
    I cannot but fail in this short poem to address,
    All the many reasons why He died or to express,
    My depth of gratitude,
    That everyday I should exude,
    I will do that by living my life not as a survivor, but as more than a conqueror you see,
    For that is why Jesus died upon that tree.

  2. Take Up Thy Cross

    Poet: Charles William Everest

    Take up thy cross, the Saviour said,
    If thou wouldst My disciple be;
    Deny thyself, the world forsake,
    And humbly follow after Me.

    Take up thy cross; let not its weight
    Fill thy weak soul with vain alarm;
    His strength shall bear thy spirit up,
    And brace thy heart, and nerve thine arm.

    Take up thy cross, nor heed the shame,
    Nor let thy foolish pride rebel;
    The Lord for thee the cross endured
    To save thy soul from death and hell.

    Take up thy cross, then, in His strength,
    And calmly every danger brave;
    Twill guide thee to a better home,
    And lead to victory o'er the grave.

    Take up thy cross, and follow Christ,
    Nor think till death to lay it down;
    For only he who bears the cross
    May hope to wear the glorious crown.

  3. How To Know Joy

    Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2010

    I want a life of joy, reflecting who I am;
    I want the world to know where I belong.
    My heart's desire is that Christ should be revealed,
    That faith would be real sure and love real strong.

    That others through my life would recognize my Lord,
    Confirming how my walk is greatly changed.
    For I now have new life, for I've been born again,
    My life through Christ is fully rearranged.

    All that I was before is banished to the past,
    My slate is clean, my sins are washed away.
    No efforts of my own can claim this as reward,
    It's through salvation on this glorious day.

    It's Christ's great sacrifice, His death upon the cross,
    All done in love and of His own accord.

    Through Him is my joy, I've righteousness in Christ,
    A grace bestowed on me while yet in sin.
    The honor goes to Him, the privileges are mine,
    The power to live my life complete within.

    His suffering set me free, His death has made me whole,
    His resurrection opened up the door.
    I now claim heaven's peace, I have no cause for fear,
    I'll live and reign with Christ forever more.

  4. My heart's desire is that Christ should be revealed, That faith would be real sure and love real strong.
    Poems About Faith

  5. How Sweet It Is

    Poet: Mary C. Ryan

    How sweet it is, at eveningtide,
    To feel that God our steps will guide,
    And lead us gently through the day,
    If we only trust His way.
    And sweet it is, when night comes on,
    And this vain world to sleep has gone.
    To know that then, on Jesus' breast
    Sheltered from sin, we sink to rest.

    But sweeter still, in early life,
    When we first enter earth's fierce strife.
    To feel that Jesus is our friend,
    "Who'll guide us safely to the end;
    To feel He knows each want and grief,
    And in good time will send relief;
    To feel in Him we fully trust,
    And are redeemed with blood of Christ

  6. What Would Jesus Do

    Poet: Frances Ridley Havergal

    If washed in Jesus' blood,
    Then bear his likeness too,
    And as you onward press
    Ask, What would Jesus do?
    Be brave to do the right,
    And scorn to be untrue;
    When fear would whisper, Yield,
    Ask, What would Jesus do?

  7. The Arm That Never Tires

    Poet: Unknown

    There is an arm that never tires, so gentle, yet so strong;
    The arm on which our igrief expires, and sighing turns to song.
    There is a well that never fails; when earthly springs are low,
    The weary heart in Baca's vales hears the soft overflow.

    There is a light that never fails; clear shining through the years;
    For cangeless love lights up our
    skies, the rainbow gilds our tears.
    There is a song our souls may sing, when lying in the dust,
    A stricken bird with broken wing, it is the song of trust.

    There is a joy that does not depart, whatever seeming ill;
    May throw its shadow on the heart, the joy lof his blest will.
    There is a rest, a sabbath rest, beyond all sin and care;
    But he who leans on Jesus' breast finds heaven is every where.

  8. But  he  who  leans  on  Jesus'  breast finds  heaven  is  every  where
    Heaven Poems

  9. The Call Of Jesus

    Poet: Cecil Frances Alexander

    Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult
    Of our life's wild, restless sea,
    Day by day his sweet voice soundeth,
    Saying, Christian, follow me!

    Jesus calls us from the worship
    Of the vain world's golden store;
    From each idol that would keep us;
    Saying, Christian, love me more!

    In our joys and in our sorrows,
    Days of toil and hours of ease,
    Still he calls, in cares and pleasures,
    Christian, love me more than these!

    Jesus calls us! by thy mercies,
    Saviour, may we hear thy call;
    Give our hearts to thy obedience,
    Serve and love thee best of all.

  10. I want to be like Jesus, So lowly and so meek
    Jesus By My Side

  11. Like Jesus

    Poet: W. Meynell Whittemore

    I want to be like Jesus,
    So lowly and so meek;
    For no one marked an angry word,
    Whoever heard him speak.

    I want to be like Jesus,
    So frequently in prayer;
    Alone upon the mountain top,
    He met his Father there.

    I want to be like Jesus:
    I never, never find,
    That he, though persecuted, was
    To any one unkind.

    I want to be like Jesus,
    Engaged in doing good;
    So that of me it may be said,
    I have done what I could.

  12. Nothing To Wish Or Fear

    Poet: John Newton

    His name yields the richest perfume,
    And sweeter than music his voice;
    His presence disperses my gloom,
    And makes all within me rejoice;
    I should, were he always thus nigh,
    Have nothing to wish or to fear;
    No mortal so happy as I,
    My summer would last all the year.

    Content with beholding his face,
    My all to his pleasure resigned,
    No changes of season or place
    Would make any change in my mind;
    While blest with a sense of his love
    A palace a toy would appear;
    And prisons would palaces prove
    If Jesus would dwell with me there.

  13. And prisons would palaces prove If Jesus would dwell with me there.
    Journey With Jesus Poems

  14. Follow Jesus

    by William C. Gannett

    We follow Jesus in and out of homes;
    children cluster about his feet;
    a dozen men leave net
    and plough to bind to his their fortunes,
    and others go forth by twos, not ones, to imitate him.

    Across the centuries we love and trust him
    all the more because he was a man of many friends.

  15. The Same Hand

    by Max Lucado, from He Chose the Nails

    The same hand that stilled the seas stills your guilt.
    The same hand that cleansed the Temple cleanses your heart.
    The hand is the hand of God.
    The nail is the nail of God.
    And as the hands of Jesus opened for the nail,
    The doors of heaven opened for you.

  16. He Chose to Lay it Down

    Poet: Jason Kirk Bartley

    He knew that He was born to die,
    He did not really care,
    He could not stand the thought of Heaven
    without you or me being there.
    Bravely did He walk this life,
    a heavenly realm had He left behind,
    the religious people treated Him with such hate,
    but He was really kind.
    He knew to love was the only answer,
    ‘Cause it was getting late.
    He chose to lay His own life down,
    to make everyone who followed Him’s paths straight,
    He knew what torture and what pain,
    that He would have to endure,
    But He knew that He must die and rise again,
    this would be our only cure.
    Our sins were laid upon His back,
    His blood so innocent and so pure,
    He knew He was the son of God,
    of this He was so sure.
    Ten thousands of angels awaited His command,
    He chose to say not a word,
    In silence had He said it all,
    He knew He would be heard.
    In such agony,
    Did He take the cross,
    He had such little time,
    a criminal who showed such love,
    and committed no other crime.
    Our creator chose to come and walk among,
    His sinful creation would seem to prevail,
    And save each one of our souls from the depths of hell.
    The only way to pay our cost,
    and give us a robe and crown,
    He chose to give His life a ransom,
    He chose to lay it down.

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Keep your eyes on Jesus, and He will lead you through.

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