Food For Thought
Food for thought quotes covers a vast array of sayings, feelings, and musings as presented by different authors. Some of these thoughts may make perfect sense to you depending
on your own experiences through life. Some thoughts may create feelings of something new or feelings of confusion.
Will these various conscious words impact you? Will they change a pathway in life? Will they speak to you about a change or altered action or behavior?
Each person possesses a wide range of memories that have been stored deep within the subconscious; sometimes these recollections will be near the surface of one's overall being -
a part of you that you either wish to remember or desire to forget. No matter who, or where you are at this very moment in space and time, our thoughts, our thinking, our
joining together of past to change the future may arise because of something we read. It is our hope that all or some of these thoughts help you to look at aspects of life in
a new light or to assist in clarity.
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If you could go back to the forks of the road...if you were there now, a decision to make, o pilgrim of sorrow, which road would you take?
Unknown, Which Road?
Other people have often pulled me toward a higher version of myself than I could see at the time.
Harv Bishop, New Thought Revolution
Remember life can be like a train ride, focus on things that bring you delight.
Find blessings in the little things, as you hum along, be thankful for all life brings.
Catherine Pulsifer, Enjoy The Ride
A life devoid of friendship is comparable to life without air.
Sam Fickinsen
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.
Alfred Austin
A Christian grows in the expression of compassionate love through testing.
Theodore W. Higginsworth
Heaven's jest a leetle nearer in the palace or the cot on Christmas day than any in the year.
C. C. Hassler, Heaven's Nearer
Death is not a period that ends the great sentence of life, but a comma that punctuates it to more lofty significance.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The things that are important are what God gives to you, and how you use that talent that makes His message true.
Greta Zwaan, Four-Wall Christians
Over-thinking is a danger sign of stress issues.
Brandon Parks, Overthinking Beginner Guide
We can even lie by telling the truth - that is, by telling a piece of the truth instead of the whole truth, thus giving a wrong impression.
Henry H. Crane, Lying
May the spirit of prayer abide with us the day through, that we may be dutiful and worthy.
Wilson M. Backus
Any man can be a Father it takes someone special to be a Dad.
Author Unknown
Your flaws are perfect for the heart that’s meant to love you.
Trent Shelton
Immortality is to live your life doing good things, and leaving your mark behind.
Brandon Lee
Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
Charles Dickens
Thanksgiving is a day to reflect on with those we hold dear and to give thanks and pray for all the best in the coming year.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Day For Reflection
You see, I believe, that windows can open for all those who see great future for certain.
Robert R. Rivers, Fate Challenged

'Tis lessons from the past we borrow,-
To-day is ours, but not to-morrow
John Imrie
But what is life? Drops make the sea; and petty cares and small events- small causes and small consequents, make up the sum for you and me
Ellen P. Allerton, Little Things
If I had my life to live over, I'd pick more daisies.
Don Herold
Jesus dying on the cross and His great grace saves us, forgives our sins of the past; amidst all fear and uncertainty He gives us hope at last.
Catherine Pulsifer, Reason To Feel Glad
Jesus Christ Our Lord who died for us so that we may live,He Resurrected that we may have life eternal.Can we ever be unfaithful to that sacrifice and fail to declare Him alone as our Lord? Something to ponder upon!
Henrietta Newton Martin
The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.
Rene Descartes
Is your poor life outside the master plot of Him whose wisdom planned for all else here? Nay, nay; God cares; you are His dearest thought
John Grant Newman, Faith's Sonnet
I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.
Stephenie Meyer
Whoever makes home seem to the young dearer and more happy, is a public benefactor.
Henry Ward Beecher.

He has no time to belittle others, because he fully understands that all are his brothers.
C R McPhee, Brotherly Love
Cunning differs from wisdom as twiight from open day.
Dr. Johnson
There is one name under heaven whereby you can be saved, 'tis certain transportation to where streets with gold are paved
Arthur Franklin Fuller, The Gospel Train
Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
Peter Marshall
Each day I did a little thing and my dream started to bring a reality to my life of being not a dream, but a real thing!
Catherine Pulsifer, A Dream Turned Reality
There is a thin line between the impossible and the possible - that is determination.
Ogwo David Emenike
It doesn't cost any more to wear a smile than it does to wear a frown
Edgar Nye, Keep Smiling

True worth is in being, not in seeming - in doing, each day that goes by
Alice Cary
I think the teaching profession contributes more to the future of our society than any other single profession.
John Wooden
You are not simply observing your thoughts; you are evaluating your choices and actions ... assessing them and then deciding what to do about them.
Jeffrey M. Schwartz, Brain Lock

If we work and trust in faith, our labor will be blessed
J. J. Thorne
We should all help each other
Because in the end, we are all sisters and brothers.
Catherine Pulsifer, Given To Me
By marriage, you become my Mom -I am grateful for that day. We could all use another Mom
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Mother In Law
Forgive and forget! 'Tis a maxim worth heeding, recall the harsh judgment so hasty and stern
S. E. Gordon, The Time To Forgive And Forget

I relive my past to prevent a repeat of any mistakes so that tomorrow may be better evaluated.
Annabelle Marie Anderson
I do not work to live nor do I live to work, Instead, I live because I have a purpose.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
May you always have the courage to spread your wings and fly!
Irish Blessing
Mend a quarrel.
Search out a forgotten friend.
Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.
Author Unknown, Today
You must learn to declutter your mind, removing all of your unnecessary thoughts to make room for the most important thoughts.
Andrew Mood, Stop Overthinking
The best things are nearest; light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand. Do not grasp at the stars, but do life's common duties as the come.
How foolish then for us to reap, and earthly harvests try to keep, for soon, yes soon, our Lord may call, and we'll be forced to leave it all.
Guy Hootman, My Barns Are Full
Human strength and human greatness spring not from life's sunny side
Unknown, Learn To Wait
Time languishes in procrastinating but rapidly dissipates in busyness.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful too.
Beau Taplin

The inner half of every cloud is bright and shining
Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler
Thy "fare-thee-well" was sweet and kind, with hope these lines I jot - Again to come before your mind and say - "Forget-me-not!"
Arthur Franklin Fuller
Not all thoughts are of equal value; some are selfish and destructive, some are mediocre, and some are positive and constructive. Thus, the question
is, where do you desire your thoughts to be?
Freddy J. W. Parkes
Does the grouch get richer quicker than the friendly sort of man?
Edgar A. Guest, It Isn't Costly
... strategies are built around not solving one particular problem, but in planning and putting yourself in the best position to deal with any problems that
may arise.
I. C. Robledo, 7 Thoughts to Live Your Life By

Not all leaders are good leaders
Jocko Willink, Leadership Strategy and Tactics
Think about what a blessing a child is to your life. May this blessing of a child fill your life with happiness and joy.
Kate Summers
We are more than our bodies, our thoughts, and our past experiences. We also have an invisible dimension that we call spirit
Sandra Ingerman, How to Heal Toxic Thoughts
There is no greater disaster in the spiritual life than to be immersed in unreality, for life is maintained and nourished in us by our vital relation with
realities outside and above us.
Thomas Merton, Thoughts In Solitude
It’s simple arithmetic: Your income can grow only to the extent that you do.
T. Harv Eker
True thought leaders have expertise, passion, and a track record of changing the world...when they rise above themselves by sharing their knowledge
so that others can change the world, too.
Denise Brosseau, Ready to Be a Thought Leader?

Our wish for the world is that you get to make the contribution that you were born to make.
Matt Church, The Thought Leaders Practice
Semantics is about the relation of words to thoughts, but it is also about the relation of words to other human concerns. Semantics is about the
relation of words to reality.
Steven Pinker, The Stuff of Thought
How you define and experience competence, success, and failure has everything to do with how confident and competent you feel.
Valerie Young Ed.D, The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women
Reasoning is separate from what is reasoned about.
Richard E. Nisbett, The Geography of Thought
You never know what a person will eat until you are willing to feed them.
Robert R. Rivers
I want you to know that no matter what you are going through, worrying about, stressing or fretting over; no matter how long you have been feeling this
way, Jesus wants you free.
Marybeth Wuenschel, Your Thoughts are Killing You

There is beauty in the chaos of living.
Courtney Peppernell, Pillow Thoughts III
We often tie our happiness and joy in life to some outside influence... you don’t need to set a condition for being happy ... Everything you need to
experience these feelings is already hiding inside you.
Dale East, Intentional Thinking
Desiring is the physical expression of creating conditions that allow us to be receptive; that is, it’s in-the-world preparation for receiving.
Wayne W. Dyer, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life
For eleven months and about twenty days each year, we concentrate upon the shortcomings of others, but for a few days at the turn of New Year we look at our own. It is a good habit.
Arthur H. Sulzberger
When the pain becomes too strong and too enduring, it’s time to do something about it.
Matthew McKay PhD, Thoughts and Feelings

When you worry, it says you think you can solve your own problems better than God can.
Joyce Meyer, Power Thoughts Devotional
I've reached the conclusion that trouble's all right, it brings out the stuff in a man.
Unknown, Reflection
How many friends or colleagues have been hurt, maligned, or scoffed at by the far-reaching effect of spreading so-called truths?
Byron Pulsifer
What is it about the rise of the sun in the morning that brings delight to many but brings tears of sadness to others?
Byron Pulsifer
Let me but live my life from year to year, with forward face and unreluctant soul
Henry VanDyke
I realized that I could spend the rest of my life doubting myself, or I could make the brave decision to work through self-doubt and allow myself to be
stretched in ways I had not been before.
Morgan Harper Nichols, All Along You Were Blooming
One attribute is available to each person that can upset the greatest of nations, the strongest person, or a child. It is not something that one buys or is given...the attribute is the human tongue.
Byron Pulsifer
Say not, "Too poor," but freely give; sigh not, "Too weak," but boldly try
Henry VanDyke
The Pencil reminds you to list your blessings every day
Give thanks for all you have in every way.
Who watches o'er his heart with care, at morning, noon and night,
and lifts to Heaven the fervent prayer to be directed right.
Daniel C. Colesworthy
It’s time to change our tactics, it’s time that we take stock, just what in life is worthwhile, our fortunes or our walk?
Greta Zwaan, Life Is Fragile
"Tis strange to think that your small hands control a grown-up person's very heart and soul - they do, new baby.
Wilhelmina Stitch
You may as well stem back the tide, and make the moon stand still as try to keep a good man down - a man with force and will.
David V. Bush, You Can't Keep A Good Man Down
Words are powerful, they can encourage and support or they can tear down and destroy.... They are easy to say but impossible to take back
Byron Pulsifer
What does your country mean to you? Merely a place to live and make money in? Merely a hive where you gather the honey in, or something that's splendid and true?
Berton Braley
Do not interpret the meaning of life from the darkness, but from the sunshine which falls upon it.
Unknown, Ray Of Sunshine
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