Friends Are Blessings
Those three words, friends are blessings, hold so much truth. Read these inspiring short poems that express how friends are truly a blessing in our lives.
The definition of blessings is "God's favor and protection."
And the meaning of friends is "people whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection."
So when you say friends are blessings you could be saying that God has placed these people in your life.
Never take your friends for granted. Share these verses with your friends, let them know how you
feel and how much you appreciate them. Brighten their day with a poem that will remind them how important they are to you!
Short Poems & Quotes /
Friendship Poems
Friends Are Blessings
I Have A Friend
Poet: Frances Angermayer
I have a friend! A friend who is true!
A friend I can tell every sorrow to.
I have a friend who stands by my side.
A friend to whom all things I confide.
I have a friend - one beyond compare!
Oh, World, a loyal friend is rare.
I have a friend who passed the test.
I have a friend! - I am truly blessed.
True Friendship Poems
Roses Are Red
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Roses are red
Violets are blue,
How blessed I am
To have a friend like you!
Skies can be gray
But I can say
Friends like you
Bring sunshine too!
Quotes For A Friend
A Treasure
Poet: Unknown
Friendship like yours
Is something dear
Something to treasure
Year after year
Worth more than money
Sweeter than honey
Your friendship means
So much to me!
Blessed We Are
Poet: Julie Hebert, ©2012
What really can I say,
About the two of us.
One day were strangers,
The next we were blessed.
We've only been friends,
For a very short time.
But it's like we'd been friends,
In some other lifetime.
Right away we clicked,
And best friends we quickly became.
We had the same interests,
Our husbands were also the same.
How blessed could we be,
To have found each other?
I can tell you one thing,
I wouldn't want any other.

Special Friend Poem
Poet: Lucy Barns
What pleasures can friendship impart.
What balm in its virtues we find,
What transport it yields to the heart.
What joy and content to the mind.
The trav'ler fatigu'd and forlorn,
Thro' deserts and wilds forc'd to stray,
For friendship's endearments does mourn,
To comfort his desolate way.
When sickness and trouble appears.
And grief like a shower descends,
How soothing the pitying tears
That flow from a loving kind friend.
No mis'ry so sharp and severe,
Bat friendship's sweet soothing can calm;
Nor pleasure so great nor so rare,
But friendship can heighten its charms.
Thinking of You Poems
Dear Friend
Poet: Amber R. Treeman
Oh, dear friend, you bring me joy and strife,
I truly feel blessed by you in this crazy life,
Are we truly friends or just cake-loving foes?
For a friend who doesn't mention my waistline, nobody knows!
Your birthday gifts can be sweet and oh so grand,
But if they're not blessings for me each day, understand,
Our friendship may crumble like a stale cupcake with age,
So let's make sure to spread blessings every single day!
Birthday Poem For Friend
The Friend Who Just Stands
Poet Unknown
When trouble comes your soul to try,
You love the friend who just "stands by."
Perhaps there’s nothing he can do
The thing is strictly up to you;
For there are troubles all your own,
And paths the soul must tread alone;
Times when love cannot smooth the road
Nor friendship lift the heavy load,
But just to know you have a friend
Who will "stand by" until the end,
Whose sympathy through all endures,
Whose warm handclasp is always yours
It helps, someway, to pull you through,
Although there’s nothing he can do.
And so with fervent heart you cry,
"God bless the friend who just 'stands by’!"
Meaningful Friendship Quotes
Face Of A Friend
Poet Unknown
The face of a friend! How it shines in the darkness
That often assails us! How preciously near
It seems, when the trial of long, long denial
Has made the sweet blessing unspeakably dear!
The heart is consoled, and is lonely no longer,
Its terrors and tremors are all at an end,
And the way that was dreary becomes bright and cheery,
Illumined at once by the face of a friend.

Thanksgiving Friendship Poem
Friends Like You
Poet: Kate Summers
With friends like you
Who help in all I do
I can feel only
God's favor on me
I have been blessed
Because you are the best
A friend indeed
You always exceed!
Blessings in my life are many
Much to be thankful but if any
You are at the top of my list
I have to tell you, I can't resist.
Best Friend Poems
God Sends Us Blessings
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
God sends us blessings every day
To help us as we travel life's highway.
The many blessings in my life
Cause me happiness not strife.
One of the treasured blessings
Is the people around us which create happy feelings
And you, my friend truly are
In my life a shining star.
Friends are a blessing, that's so true
What would my life be without you?
Friends like you are far and few
I thank God for the blessing of you
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
Most every day
I find my way
Made smoother,
Brighter, by a friend;
Some kindly word
My heart has stirred
And caused my
Spirits to ascend.
A handclasp here,
A smile sincere,
A kindly deed
In friendship done
Have made me feel
That life is real
And I have gladly
Journeyed on.
Where'er I turn
'Tis but to learn
The sweetness of
The heart of man,
For everywhere
Are friends, I swear,
Who smooth my path
Where'er they can.
There is no day
Howe'er so gray
But what some friend
With cheerful voice
Is glad to share
My bit of care
And give me
Reason to rejoice.

Inspirational Friendship Poem
Faithful Friend
Poet: J. S. Ogilvie
How sweet to have a faithful friend.
In whom we can confide:
To bless us if we act aright,
And if we err to chide.
Left A Friend
Poet: James R. Lowell
He was so human! whether strong or weak.
Far from his kind he neither sank nor soared,
But sat an equal guest at every board:
No beggar ever felt him condescend.
No prince presume; for still himself he bare
At manhood's simple level, and where'er
He met a stranger, there he left a friend.
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