Meaningful Friendship Quotes Page 2

Find more meaningful friendship quotes to remind you to value the friends that you have. Great quotes to share with others.

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  1. Light your fire and never fear, life was made for love and cheer. Henry VanDyke
    Inscriptions For A Friend's House

  2. The world is wide, and many friends are dear, and friendships true Unknown
    Love and Friendship Poems

  3. Although you aren't our real Dad - to us, you've been a friend, we are so lucky and so glad. Julie Hebert, To Step Dad From Us
    Step Dad Poems

  4. Let me live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man. Sam Walter Foss, The House By The Side Of The Road
    Poems About Helping Others

  5. A true friend is one who cares - friends like this are so rare Catherine Pulsifer, A True Friend Is One...
    True Friendship Poems

  6. The moral is, don't be too frank, it gits you nuthin' at the bank, just keep your thoughts beneath your hood, I'm tellin' you for your own good. Berton Braley
    Frankness Between Friends

  7. It's doing your job the best you can
    And being just to your fellow man;
    It's making money - but holding friends
    Berton Braley, The Recipe

  8. Friendship is held to be the severest test of character.
  9. Friendship is held to be the severest test of character. Alexander Eastman
    Poems About Character

  10. Rather feel a brother's hand clasped in mine, as friendship's vow than in pomp and pride to stand with a crown upon my brow. Edgar A. Guest, A Choice
    Life Choices Poems

  11. you value a friendship enough to take but a few minutes out of your day to send communication of concern, greetings, congratulations, or of hope and encouragement. Byron Pulsifer
    Weekly Quotes

  12. There's joy for us a-plenty, there are tasks for us to do, and life is worth the living, for the friends we know are true. Edgar A. Guest, The New Days
    A New Day Poem

  13. ...mother - patient kind and true, no other friend in all the world will be so true to you. Poet Unknown
    You Only Get One Mother

  14. For dogs are very special friends and wondrous in their ways, they bring a joy, a healing power that shines out far and wide
  15. For dogs are very special friends and wondrous in their ways, they bring a joy, a healing power that shines out far and wide  John McLeod, The Ever Patient Faithful Friend
    Be Kind to Animals

  16. Union, friendship and devotion, is the cord of love, the golden twine. J. J. Thorne, Sweet Is Contentment
    Poems About Contentment

  17. Graduation is more than just saying, goodbye to a classroom of's leaving behind great friendships Julie Hebert, We're Graduating
    A New Chapter In Life Poem

  18. Your friends may be few, let them feel that in you and your word they can ever depend
    John Imrie, Never Go Back On A Friend

  19. If with promises you've broken, you have chilled the hearts of men; it is vain to look for friendship for it will not come again. Edgar A. Guest, An Easy World
    Poems About Truth

  20. If you want friends, be friendly. Unknown, If
    Poems About Stress

  21. How blessed could we be, to have found each other? I can tell you one thing, I wouldn't want any other.
  22. How blessed could we be, to have found each other?
    I can tell you one thing, I wouldn't want any other. Julie Hebert
    Friends Are A Blessing

  23. To have no patrons but sincere good friend to whom we're bound by naught but friendship ties
    Patience Strong, Independence Day

  24. For This One Hour I can be grateful...for friends, and for a hundred other blessings William Arthur Ward
    For This One Hour

  25. Dandelions are just friendly little weeds who only want to be loved like flowers. Heather Babcock
    Dandelion Poems

  26. The climate of our days is influenced...more by the friends we make than by the people we meet; William Arthur Ward
    Service To Others

  27. When friendship is exercised, it places happiness there. J. J. Thorne
    Hopes Of Joy

  28. Make new friends, but keep the old; those are silver, these are gold.
  29. Make new friends, but keep the old; those are silver, these are gold. Joseph Parry
    Short Positive Quotes

  30. Be a friend. The pay is bigger (Though not written by a figure) than is earned by people clever in what's merely self-endeavor.
    Edgar A. Guest, Be A Friend

  31. When a fellow's feeling blue, and is troubled, through and through...that's the time he needs your friendship and the time he wants your smile. Edgar A. Guest, The Time for Brotherhood
    Poems About Brotherhood

  32. I believe—that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. Unknown, I Believe That
    I Believe Poems

  33. ... learn that hope of gain marks friendship’s worth, that love unselfish is the gift of few. Susan M. Day, Mistakes
    Poems About Mistakes

  34. So doff the sable weeds you wear and whistle something gay - the friend you've lost through frankness would have failed you anyway. Strickland Gillilan, Put To The Test
    When Your Feeling Down Quotes

  35. inspiring and meaningful friendship quotes
  36. As gold more splendid from fire appears; thus friendship brightens by the length of years. Thomas Carlyle
    Poems On Aging

  37. You are richer today than you were yesterday if...made a new friend today Unknown, You Are Richer Today
    You Don't Have To Be Rich

  38. Grown men are wearisome at times, and selfish pleasures jar, But sons and dads throughout the world the truest comrades are. Edgar A. Guest, The Finest Fellowship
    Only A Dad

  39. This understated, overrated, the friendship we have found, Is nothing more than two compadre's standing in the crowd
  40. This understated, overrated, the friendship we have found,
    Is nothing more than two compadre's standing in the crowd. Julie Hebert, My One True Friend
    Short Inspirational Quotes
    The camaraderie between people develops relationships

  41. Be glad, and your friends are many; be sad, and you lose them all
    Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  42. When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand. Steve Maraboli
    Dare To Be

  43. But let us remember that while it is the true friendship of man that Jesus offers us, it is also that of God. Robert Boyd, Christ Our True Friend
    Think Of Jesus

  44. Now we both move on but our friendship will never be gone! Catherine Pulsifer, So Fast
    Graduation Wishes For A Friend

  45. You've always been there for me this I knew. You're not just a Mother, but a dear friend too. Charley, For Mom
    For Mom

  46. A friend to chide me when I'm wrong my inmost soul to see; And that my friendship proves as strong for him as his for me
  47. A friend to chide me when I'm wrong my inmost soul to see;
    And that my friendship proves as strong for him as his for me. John Quincy Adams, Faithful Friend
    Strong Quotes

  48. A friendly smile will open doors of friendship and relieve others hardship. Catherine Pulsifer, A Friendly Smile
    A Friendly Beaming Smile

  49. When a man meets a friend with a cloud on his brow, and a look that shows worry and fret, he should use every effort to lighten his care... Quincy Kilby
    A Laugh Pays Best In The End

  50. They bring a joy, a healing power that shines out far and wide.....The ever patient, faithful friends to keep watch by your side!
  51. "They bring a joy, a healing power that shines out far and wide.....
    The ever patient, faithful friends to keep watch by your side!" John McLeod
    Faithful Friends
    The author is referring to our pets, true companionship and affection can be found in them

  52. To be a friend a man should close his eyes to the faults of others and open them to his own. Wilfred Peterson, You My Friend
    Message For Best Friend

  53. Relationships flourish when all the little things you do and say become your habit not your exception. Byron Pulsifer
    When You Forget Valentines Day

  54. New friends may be poems but old friends are alphabets. Don't forget the alphabets because you will need them to read the poems. William Shakespeare
    New Friends and Old Friends
    A great analogy that supports the foundation of friendship.

  55. For sweet it will be in death's darksome hour, to feel and to know, some kind friend is nigh.
    Mary C Ryan

  56. May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty.
  57. May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty. Irish Saying
    Irish Blessing Quotes

  58. .... true friends, who give of themselves and their resources, do not expect to get anything in return. Byron Pulsifer
    A Friend's Greeting

  59. The joy of this world, when you've summed it all up, is found in the making of friends. Edgar A. Guest
    The Making Of Friends

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Friendship Poems

meaningful friendship quotes
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