77 Inspirational God Quotes

Discover uplifting quotes that remind you of God's enduring, unconditional love.

each life of man is but a page in God's great diary  P Wheller, The Book

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Updated February 24, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Let these Ispirational God Quotes uplift your spirit and remind you of God’s constant presence in your life. Each quote is selected for its gentle encouragement and simple truth, inviting you to trust in a loving God who is always near.

These words are here to guide you through life’s challenges and brighten your everyday moments. They speak of hope, trust, and the assurance that you are wonderfully made. As you read, you’ll find comfort in knowing that God’s care is with you every day, offering strength when you need it most.

Let these quotes be a reminder to pause, reflect, and find joy in the little moments. May they inspire you to embrace each day with gratitude, live with purpose, and feel the warmth of His love as you journey forward.

  1. What does unique mean? It means being the only one of its kind. So when we say that you are unique -it means that there is no one else like you. God made you special -there's only one you.   Joyce O'Bryant
    Poems about God

  2. God is not just a higher power; He is the highest power, the Creator of all things.   Charles Stanley
    Christian Poems

  3. Christmas reveals the heart of God – His willingness to enter into our world, bringing hope and redemption.   Timothy Keller
    Christmas Poems

  4. God's blessings are a reminder of His presence in every aspect of our lives.   Louie Giglio
    Poems about God's Blessings

  5. In every twist of life's journey, God is the constant we can always trust.
    Trust In God Poems

  6. Saved from destruction and pow'r of the fall, through Jesus, who died for me.
    John Imrie, A Prayer
    Poems About Jesus

  7. God's miracles remind us that He is not bound by the limitations of the natural world. Rick Warren
    Poems About Miracles

  8. God doesn't measure our faith by its size, but by the sincerity of our hearts.
    Poems About Faith

  9. In worship, we encounter God's presence and are transformed by His love. Joyce Meyer
    Poems About Worship

  10. A garden is a partnership, between two hands and God.   William Arthur Ward, A Garden Is

  11. God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.   Max Lucado
    Christian Quotes

  12. Lord, what a change within us one short hour spent in Thy presence will prevail to make!   Richard C. Trench, Prayer
    Poems About Prayer

  13. God's work and presence can be readily recognized by anyone who is willing to see it.
    Inspirational Poems

  14. I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.   Thomas Jefferson

  15. Praise is the rehearsal of our eternal song. By grace we learn to sing, and in glory we continue to sing. Charles Spurgeon

  16. There’s not a soul on earth that sighs, but what the Lord hath power to heal: He rose from death that we might rise, and in our lives His presence feel.   Ernest Warburton Shurtleff
    Easter Poems

  17. For rain and wind and sunshine and dew and fertile sod; and he who makes a garden works hand and hand with God.   Douglas Malloch, Who Makes A Garden

  18. So, let's cherish those who ease our strife, the angels we meet in this precious life, for whether Heaven-sent or walking this sod, angels on earth reveal the face of God.   Catherine Pulsifer, Angels On Earth
    Poems About Angels

  19. You own no lands, you have no claims but you are royalty, you are a child of God the King, eternal Majesty!  Greta Zwaan, How Terrible To Be Poor
    God's Promises Poems

  20. The durable riches are only found in God.

  21. Faith is not a leap into the unknown; it's a step into the arms of a known and trustworthy God.   Charles Stanley
    Faith Quotes

  22. We serve a God so rapt with wonders that their viewing requires an eternity. A God whose beauty enhances with proximity.   Max Lucado
    Serving God Poems

  23. We may share our dollars, the few we may not need, and call it generous giving, but God will call it greed....You cannot take it with you, you've heard that line before, but souls won for God's glory will share that heavenly shore.   Greta Zwaan, Four-Wall Christians
    Poems About Church

  24. God's blessings are not confined by circumstances; they transcend the challenges we face.   Joyce Meyer
    Quotes About God's Blessings

  25. In the heart of every Christian, God's love is a guiding light that illuminates our faith journey.   Max Lucado
    Faith In God Quotes

  26. God has walked with you each day...may He continue to bless you in all you say and all you do!

  27. The sun ascends, a radiant, golden prize, a morning painting, a gift from God in the skies.   Catherine Pulsifer, A Mornng Paint

  28. Encouragement flows through each embrace, kindling excitement for God's endless grace.   Catherine Pulsifer, Heart Of Devotion

  29. Living in God's will is the surest way to experience His peace. Author Unknown
    God's Will Quotes

  30. The more we trust God, the more we experience His guidance and provision in our lives. Louie Giglio
    Quotes About Trusting God

  31. Oh, Adam was a gardener, and God who made him sees that half a proper gardener’s work is done upon his knees Rudyard Kipling, The Glory Of The Garden

  32. Light and life awaking, murmur, "God is love."   Unknown, God Is Love
    poems about God's love

  33. If God hath made this world so fair...How beautiful beyond compare will paradise be found!   James Montgomery, If God
    Quotes on Heaven

  34. When you feel overwhelmed, take refuge in God's presence; He is your constant source of comfort.   Charles Stanley
    Christian Quotes For Encouragement

  35. . . . from heaven above there came God's gift, God's gift of love. Mary Stoner Wine, Because
    Christmas Poems About Love

  36. God's presence in your life turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. Joyce Meyer
    Christian Quotes For Life

  37. In worship, we shift our focus from ourselves to God, magnifying His goodness and grace. Timothy Keller
    Worship Quotes

  38. Peace comes when there is no cloud between us and God.
    Forgiveness Poems

  39. Let us not be dismayed by the powers of this world or busy ourselves in vain ambitions seeking the praise of men, but may we seek that Divine approval which is of more worth than all the favors of earth.   Edward M. Barney, All-Availing Strength
    Serving God Quotes

  40. The giving of gifts is not something man invented. God started the giving spree when He gave a gift beyond words, the unspeakable gift of His Son. Robert Flatt
    Christmas Card Poem

  41. True joy is found not in circumstances, but in the presence of God.   Max Lucado
    Christian Quotes About Joy

  42. The tendency to deny angelic existence or angelic visitation is precisely the tendency to deny the existence of God.   Bishop Fallows
    Angel Quotes

  43. Sometimes we just have to open our eyes to see God's blessings in our lives. At times we may feel God has forgotten us however if you look around you will see that He is with you each and every day.   Catherine Pulsifer
    Bible verses about blessings from God

  44. God's smile is on the waters, His spirit in the air   Unknown, God's Smile
    poems about peace

  45. Hope is not found in circumstances, but in the unchanging character of God.   Timothy Keller
    Christian Quotes About Hope

  46. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:6
    Motivational Quotes from The Bible

  47. God doesn't work on our timetable. He has a plan that He will execute perfectly and for the highest, greatest good of all, and for His ultimate glory.   Charles R. Swindoll
    God Has A Plan Quotes

  48. The Holy Spirit’s power cannot be harnessed. His power cannot be used to accomplish anything other than the Father’s will. He is not a candy dispenser. He is not a vending machine. He is not a genie waiting for someone to rub His lamp the right way. He is holy God.   Charles F. Stanley
    Quotes About God's Promises

  49. God has two hands - one to receive with and the other to give with. We are the hand of God that receives and gives.   Billy Graham

  50. Oh, wondrous cross, source of hope divine! In your embrace, God's greatest design, redemption unveiled, forgiveness untold, love poured out for all, a story to behold.   Catherine Pulsifer, Wondrous Cross
    Poems About The Cross

  51. God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving. If he gives us the gift of Christmas it is because we all have the ability to understand and receive it.   Pope Francis
    Christmas quotes

  52. Looking for God? Look no further than at nature and the amazing creation. Kate Summers
    Spiritual Quotes

  53. The Holy Bible is the "Manual for Life" Our Creator (God) has provided, in tremendous detail, instructions, warnings, and explanations for everything. Yes, everything! Colin Barnaby, Scriptures for Life
    poems about The Bible

  54. God never hurries. There are no deadlines against which He must work. Only to know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves. A.W. Tozer

  55. One reason God sent His Son to earth was to make sure we would know just how He, God the Father, feels about us and just how He sees us. He is moved by the needs of your life.  Robert Crosby from The One Jesus Loves
    quotes about Jesus

  56. I think we all know deep in our heart that babies are from God and give a fresh start   Catherine Pulsifer, Why

  57. My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me
    The Weaver Poem

  58. It is often those times where we feel like things are silent that we question God’s timing, or His will for us, but when you are constantly communicating with the Lord, you don’t give in to these questions. He gives you a peace that surpasses all understanding.   Heather Lindsey
    Quotes About God's Timing

  59. God requires that we assist the animals when they need our help. Each being (human or creature) has the same right of protection.   St. Francis of Assisi
    St. Francis prayer

  60. Dear God, as I rise this Monday morning, I know that you have granted me another day. This is not a day You have given me to squander through my own self-serving desires.  
    Monday Prayer

  61. O God, forgive the years and years of worldly pride and hopes and fears; forgive, and blot them from thy book   Unknown, Forgiveness
    Forgiveness Quotes

  62. As one Body of Christ, Father God, we confess openly with voices raised that Jesus Christ is Our Lord and Savior.   B. Pulsifer
    Prayer For The Church

  63. Grandchildren ... are a gift from God above - they bring into our lives much love   Catherine Pulsifer, Such Joy
    Poems About Grandchildren

  64. May God be watching from a familiar window and hand in hand with Him may you wait for dawn Unknown, Night Blessing
    Good Night Poems

  65. He who does not have the church as his mother, does not have God as his father.
    Poems about Church

  66. For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.   Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)
    Bible Verses

  67. Miracles are the moments when God breaks into our lives and transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.   Rick Warren
    Quotes About Miracles

  68. But God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn’t come through.   Francis Chan

  69. God's love is not based on what we do; it's based on who He is.   Rick Warren
    Quotes About God's Love

  70. Father! that dear and holy word, all filled with love and power   Caleb Davis Bradlee
    The Lord's Prayer - Our Father

  71. Father God watch over my Mom each day - bless her each day I pray - give her your comfort and love Kate Summers, A Prayer for My Mother
    Prayer for Mother

  72. Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.
    Adoption Poems

  73. In the morning's quiet moments, let God's presence be your source of strength and the anchor for your day.   Charles Stanley
    Christian Good Morning Quotes

  74. One waits as for a signal to launch his boat upon an unknown sea — a New Year. He knows not what storm or tide may catch his craft nor whither it may be driven. ....then he needs a God, bigger than the storms and winds and rocks, a God that lives and stays and speaks.   George L. Perin, Stroke of Twelve
    Christian Poems For The New Year

  75. In prayer, we find solace, strength, and the reassurance that God is always listening.   Louie Giglio
    Prayer Quotes

  76. When we complain about our current situation, we remain in it; when we praise God in the midst of difficulty, He raises us out of it. Joyce Meyer
    Praise God Quotes

  77. God planted the earth. He gave the world birth. He created gardens for all to enjoy   Catherine Pulsifer
    God's Garden Poem

  78. Earth's gifts a sweet enjoyment lend but only God can give a friend.   Dr. Rosalie Carter, Friends

  79. God's presence is not limited to a physical place; He dwells in the hearts of His people, the church.   Charles Stanley
    Quotes About Church

  80. Through the Bible, we gain insight into the character of God and His desire for a relationship with us.   Charles Stanley
    Quotes About The Bible

  81. God is not dead, nor doth He sleep; the wrong shall fail, the right prevail   Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
    Christmas Songs

  82. When our toils are o'er, and our exile past, and we rest in the smile of our God at last.   Ellwood Haines Stokes
    Christmas Joys Poems

  83. Heaven is the place where all that was broken on earth will be made whole by the hands of God.   Rick Warren
    Quotes On Heaven

  84. How sweet it is, at eveningtide, to feel that God our steps will guide   Mary C. Ryan, How Sweet It Is
    Poems about Following Jesus

  85. So much cause to praise the Lord, God, our great Designer; from the dust He formed it all - dust? What can be finer?
    Praise God Poems

  86. God does not live in darkness, nor is He unaware - He sees the peril around us, the hurts we do not share.   Greta Zwaan, Don't Doubt God
    Spiritual Awakening Poems

  87. It is clear that most people go through their day forgetting that they are experiencing a multitude of God's blessings.   Byron Pulsifer
    Daily Blessings

  88. If God provide, 'tis for the best; I ask no lot beside.   Christopher Newman Hall, My Times Are In Thy Hand
    Poems About God's Timing

in God's eye,s each person is unique. Catherine Pulsifer

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