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15 Trust In God Poems

Believe and trust in God. Those words can transform your life. These short poems remind us to trust in God and if you have faith and confidence in God the world changes for the better. You will find your outlook changing. You will find hope in a broken world. You need to have belief and have confidence in your faith. We hope these poems about trusting in God will encourage you.

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  1. Hope And Trust
    Poet: Bernhart Paul Holst

    Whoever plants an acorn seed,
    With faith that it will fill a need;
    Who seeks for potence in the sod,
    He lives in hope and trusts in God.

    Whoever plows 'and tills the soil.
    And plants the seed with earnest toil;
    Who waits on nature to reward,
    He lives in hope and trusts in God.

    Whoever guides a youthful mind,
    That it might power and wisdom find;
    Who aims that sin be overawed.
    He lives in hope and trusts in God.

    Whoever teaches men to know.
    That they must reap whate'er they sow,
    Who stands for truth, unshorn, unshod,
    He lives in hope and trusts in God.

    Whoever leads a mighty host.
    To save a cause that's almost lost;
    Who pleads for right, 'gainst every odd,
    He lives in hope and trusts in God.

    Whoever keeps the faith secure.
    Though death may hover at the door;
    Who is alert, though others nod.
    He lives in hope and trusts in God.

  2. The faith of a child is something we can all learn from. The poem, God Is With You, was written by a 10 year old, be inspired by her words!

  3. God Is With You
    Poet: Alexa A. M. Hebert, © 2020

    Are you sick
    Are you sad
    Well pray to God
    And you'll be glad

    Take a sleep
    Take a rest
    And let God do the rest
    For He loves you

    Today, tomorrow
    You'll feel the best
    As God said He'll do the rest
    For God is for you every day.

  4. Believe And Trust
    Poet Kate Summers

    Believe and trust in God, the guiding light,
    Through darkest storms and deepest strife.
    In faith, find strength to face each day,
    His love and grace will light your way.

  5. This I Know
    Poet Unknown

    I do not know what next may come,
    Across my pilgrim way;
    I do not know this next year's road,
    Nor see beyond today;
    But this I know, my Saviour knows
    The path I can not see;
    And I can trust His wounded hand
    To guide and care for me.

    I do not know what may be mine
    Of glowing skies' or rain;
    I do not know what may befall
    Of pleasure or of pain;
    But this I. know, my Father sends
    My sunshine and my shade
    And naught that comes from out His love,
    Can make my soul afraid.

    I do not know what may await,
    Or what this next year brings,
    But with a glad salute of faith
    I hail its opening wings.
    For this I know, that in my Lord
    Shall all my need be met;
    And I can trust the heart of Him
    Who has not failed me yet.

  6. The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him
    Quotes about Trusting God

    In the poem, Our 24-7 God, the Poet offers lots of questions about God. She is questioning your confidence, your beliefs, but in the end points out that God is with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  7. Our 24-7 God
    Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2008

    If God says, "Jump," do we fear to obey Him?
    Can He be trusted that He will perform?
    Is there a chance, a slight possibility,
    He'd turn His back and laugh you to scorn?

    Has He been proven to always be faithful?
    Will He be willing to carry it through?
    How can you trust Him, what is His objective?
    Is there a purpose distinctly for you?

    Is it your thought that God chose at random,
    Simply to let you roam on this earth?
    Why should He care what daily befalls you?
    What has He done since the day of your birth?

    Think on these things: Who daily sustains you?
    Who is the One who knows every thought?
    Who is the One who bears all your burdens?
    Who holds you up when you are distraught?

    Who can foretell, precisely each moment?
    Who is the one who numbers each hair?
    Who knows your path before you have planned it?
    Who can give hope when you're full of despair?

    If on your own, would you have the resources?
    Could you create all the things that you need?
    If crops needed rain, would you know the procedure?
    If you talked to the clouds, do you think they would heed?

    Have you the strength to bear the world's burdens?
    Are you able to dry a child's tears?
    Have you the means to comfort the sorrowing?
    Can you control their turmoil and fears?

    Are you disturbed by the crime all about you?
    Can you make laws that will be obeyed?
    Are you concerned by the world's grave condition?
    Does it bring you tears, are you fully dismayed?

    Now that you're aware of your weakness and failures,
    Now that you see that you're without power,
    Give God the reigns, for He is discerning,
    He is the fortress, a strong, mighty tower.

    Of all those you know, He alone can be trusted,
    He knows each day how you should proceed,
    He holds your hand through the deep, darkest valley,
    He knows the path and He'll willingly lead.

    God is our Lord, and as well, He's our Father,
    He has allowed His grace to provide,
    He is well worthy of all adoration,
    24-7 God's by our side.

  8. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
    Poems about God

    This poem reminds us that God sees everything and as the Bible verse,
    Matthew 10:31 which states:
    "So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows",
     if God cares for the birds it should give us the assurance that God cares for us

  9. The Sparrow's Fall
    John McLeod, ©1982

    The sparrow's fall
    Is seen by God above
    For He sees all
    For all within His love
    And caring
    Are protected, kept from harm
    In sharing of the life-force
    Brightly warm.

    The sparrow's fall
    Personifies our way
    For we, like sparrows, fall
    Each earth-bound day;
    In truth, believe He cares
    Though time grows still,
    You pain He quietly shares
    And ever will.

  10. Stand Thou The Test!
    Poet: John Imrie

    Let not your heart, my friend,
    Be troubled, nor afraid.
    Thy God relief shall send.
    Trust, then, His promised aid;
    He doth not sleep,
    He will thee keep.
    If thou on Him doth stay
    He'll guide thee on thy way!

    Trust not to self, my friend,
    But put thy trust in God;
    Thy heart in meekness bend.
    Even 'neath His chastening rod:
    Stand thou the test,
    Tried gold is best,
    From dross and sin set free -
    The Master's image see!

    Walk ever bravely on -
    God is at thy right hand,
    His strong arm lean upon -
    Firm shalt thou ever stand;
    By night or day
    He knows the way,
    He'll guide thee with His eye
    Up to the realms on high!

    Soon shall thy journey end
    In perfect peace and love,
    Where angels shall attend
    And welcome thee above;
    Life's race well run.
    Well done! well done!
    Thus enter into rest
    Those that have stood the test!

  11. Trust
    Poet: Mrs. M. F. Butts

    Make a little fence of trust
    Around to-day;
    Fill the space with loving work,
    And therein stay.

    Look not through the sheltering bars
    Upon to-morrow;
    God will help thee bear what comes
    Of joy or sorrow.

  12. I Can Trust
    Poet: Unknown

    I cannot see, with my small human sight,
    Why God should lead this way or that for me;
    I only know he saith, "Child, follow me."
    But I can trust.

    I know not why my path should be at times
    So straitly hedged, so strongly barred before;
    I only know God could keep wide the door;
    But I can trust.

    I find no answer, often, when beset
    With questions fierce and subtle on my way,
    And often have but strength to faintly pray;
    But I can trust.

    I often wonder, as with trembling hand
    I cast the seed along the furrowed ground,
    If ripened fruit will in my life be found;
    But I can trust.

    I cannot know why suddenly the storm
    Should rage so fiercely round me in its wrath;
    But this I know--God watches all my path,
    And I can trust.

    I may not draw aside the mystic veil
    That hides the unknown future from my sight;
    Nor know if for me waits the dark or light;
    But I can trust.

    I have no power to look across the tide,
    To see, while here, the land beyond the river;
    But this I know, I shall be God's forever;
    So I can trust.

  13. Let these words give you hope that no matter what you are facing,
    how dark the road may be we should always trust in God and do the right thing!

  14. Trust In God, And Do The Right
    Poet: Norman McLeod

    Courage, brother! do not stumble,
    Though thy path be dark as night;
    There's a star to guide the humble;
    Trust in God and do the right.

    Let the road be rough and dreary,
    And its end far out of sight,
    Foot it bravely! strong or weary,
    Trust in God and do the right.

    Perish policy and cunning!
    Perish all that fears the light!
    "Whether losing, whether winning,
    Trust in God and do the right.

    Trust no party, sect, or faction;
    Trust no leaders in the fight;
    But in every word and action,
    Trust in God and do the right.

    Trust no lovely forms of passion -
    Friends may look like angels bright;
    Trust no custom, school, or fashion,
    Trust in God and do the right.

    Simple rule and safest guiding,
    Inward peace and inward might,
    Star upon our path abiding, -
    Trust in God and do the right.

    Some will hate thee, some will love thee,
    Some will flatter, some will slight:
    Cease from man and look above thee;
    Trust in God and do the right.

  15. In God's Hands
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In God's hands, I place my trust so pure,
    Through trials and joys, His love will endure.
    With faith as my guide, my fears dissolve,
    In His grace, my life begins to evolve.

    Transforming each moment with divine light,
    Guiding me through darkness into sight.
    In God's trust, my heart finds peace and rest,
    My life transformed by His love, truly blessed.

  16. In God's trust, my heart finds peace and rest, My life transformed by His love, truly blessed.

  17. God Knoweth Best
    Poet: J. Grant Anderson

    When softly falls the dew at eventide,
    Then, tired, we lay ourselves away to rest;
    Confiding: in the One who knoweth best,
    We trust in him and nothing- else beside.

    What if dark demons oft attack our soul,
    And friends forsake, and parents look with scorn?
    We'll trust in God; he'll keep from every harm.
    We'll live for him while endless ages roll.

    What if misfortune comes? It comes to all;
    Look ye on him who died upon a tree;
    Acquaint thyself with One who mourned for thee,
    And trust in him whate'er thy life befall.

    Some day we'll reach that land of peace and rest,
    Behold our loved ones who have gone before,
    Enjoy the beauties of that clime forevermore,
    Because we trusted him who knoweth best.

  18. Trusting
    Poet: Eliza L. Martyn

    Here on this neck of land
    I stand.
    The ocean breaks with sullen roar;
    Its white-capped waves dash on the shore,
    And, parting-, sink to rise no more.

    A stormy restless sea
    Taunts me!
    On either hand skies, waters meet,
    Without one sail my eyes to greet,
    While rising tides wash o'er my feet.

    I walked with backward tread.
    He led
    Me through the stretch of fertile land,
    Through barren wastes of rock and sand,
    And here I wait - wait his command.

    Waiting, his love I fully trust.
    I must!
    I know his hand will set me free,
    And though the way I can not see,
    I know his love is guiding me.

  19. Trust God
    Poet: Sarah K. Belton

    Why do we worry about the years
    That our feet have not yet trod?
    Who labors with courage and trust, nor fears,
    Has fellowship with God.

    The best will come in the great "To be,"
    It is ours to serve and wait;
    And the wonderful future we soon shall see,
    For death is but the gate.

  20. Trust God
    by Rick Warren

    In happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
    In difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
    In quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
    In painful moments, TRUST GOD.
    Every moment, THANK GOD.


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We hope these poems have encouraged you to put your trust in God. Jeremiah 17, verses 7 and 8 (NIV) are words from God about trusting Him:

"But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

God is faithful - these words are ones we should think upon to encourage and remind us to put our faith in the Lord!

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