God's Way
Inspiring Christian poems about seeing God His way. There are many things that we don't understand, yet we must believe that God has a plan and His decisions are ones that are the best.
And never doubt that God is in control, even if at times we feel like no one is in control. God's ways are not our ways - we can see this time and time again
in the bible. What is important is that we believe and that we trust Him.
As we draw near to Him, and as we develop a relationship with Him, He will transform our ways.
And God's love and promise of salvation is one that is amazing and one that will give us peace as we journey through life.
May you be inspired by these poems.
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Christian Poems
God's Way
See It God's Way
Greta Zwaan, © 2008
You can’t bully God into getting your way,
You can’t force Him into decisions;
The words that you say or the things that you do
Will never obscure God’s clear vision.
It could be said, “God runs a tight ship,”
He holds the reigns; He’s the Master.
Though others might think He’s not in control,
But alone we’d all face disaster.
We may not agree with decisions He makes,
We may be averse to correction;
We may have our plans completely made up
Then rebel at the thought of rejection.
It’s not in God’s plan to be cruel or unfair,
He does not delight in your grieving.
He does not force His will to be yours,
But He’s blessed when He finds you believing.
He won’t be co-orced to give you your way,
He will not be bribed or directed.
Your begging, your pleading is to no avail,
It’s only through love He’s affected.
See your way clear to open your heart,
Watch as He brings transformation.
Draw near to Him as He draws near to you
Rejoice in His love and salvation.
God's Promises Poems
Poet: Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Whenever I am prone to doubt or wonder -
I check myself, and say, "That mighty One
Who made the solar system cannot blunder -
And for the best all things are being done."
Who set the stars on their eternal courses
Has fashioned this strange earth by some sure plan.
Bow low, bow low to those majestic forces,
Nor dare to doubt their wisdom - puny man.
You cannot put one little star in motion,
You cannot shape one single forest leaf,
Nor fling a mountain up, nor sink an ocean,
Presumptuous pigmy, large with unbelief.
You cannot bring one dawn of regal splendour,
Nor bid the day to shadowy twilight fall,
Nor send the pale moon forth with radiance tender,
And dare you doubt the One who has done all?
So much is wrong, there is such pain - such sinning.
Yet look again - behold how much is right!
And He who formed the world from its beginning
Knows how to guide it upward to the light.
Your task, O man, is not to carp and cavil
At God's achievements, but with purpose strong
To cling to good, and turn away from evil -
That is the way to help the world along.

Poems About God
God Is Working
Poet: Arthur F. Ingram
The hands that tend the sick, tend Christ;
the willing feet that go on
errands of love, work for Christ;
the words of comfort to the sorrowful,
and of sympathy to the mourner,
are spoken in the name of Christ
Christ comforts the world through His friends.
How much have you done for Him?
What sort of a friend have you been to Him?
God is working through His people;
Christ is succoring through His friends
it is the vacancies in the ranks of His friends
wherein the mischief lies;
come and fill the one gap.
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