Sin Separates Us From God
Be encouraged and find hope in these Christian poems about sin separating us from God!
These words, sin separates us from God, are ones that we should all give thought to. However, the good news
is that Jesus died to save us from our sins. The Bible is clear that if we ask God for forgiveness and that
we believe that Jesus died and rose again our sins will be forgiven.
Let these poems about sin encourage you.
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Christian Poems
Sin Separates Us From God
If the Devil Had His Way!
Poet: Jason Kirk Bartley
If the devil had his way,
I'd find no time to pray.
I'd rush here and there,
All the time I'd swear,
Not representing Jesus anywhere,
If the devil had his way.
If the devil had his way,
In bed I'd stay all day,
Church I would find boring all the time.
I would quit going and not find it a crime,
If the devil had his way.
If the devil had his way,
Each day I'd really dread,
I'd profess the Lord as being my Savior,
But my heart would really be dead.
This war would be rambling in my head,
If the devil had his way.
If the devil had his way,
I'd go about each day having fun, not helping anyone
Or even thinking about Jesus and what He's done.
If the devil had his way.
If the devil had his way,
I would not embrace this day.
My time in this world I'd waste
And not make haste,
If the devil had his way.
If the devil had his way,
I'd serve myself each day.
I would not witness in the street,
Or read my Bible, all the sins I'd repeat,
If the devil had his way.
If the devil had his way,
Off of God's path I'd stray,
I'd be lost, not counting the cost,
If the devil had his way.
I'd lift up my eyes in hell,
And find out the devil had his way.
A Poem About Sin
Poet: Greta Zwaan, 2010
Sin will be punished by you or by Christ;
Never blame God for your acts.
The road of salvation is clear before you,
Don't be dissuaded by earth's sinful facts.
There's much to tempt you, much to distract you,
Satan would have you destroyed;
It's a dangerous path to follow his lead,
But truly, he wants you employed.
The pictures he paints are enticing and cruel,
His evil knows no human bounds,
He's subtle, destructive, demanding and false,
No evil expressed so resounds.
All over the world there's anguish expressed,
The folly? "I've made the wrong choice,
If only I'd listened when conscience spoke up,
Adhered to my self's inner voice."
Am I too late for amends to be made?
Too late to express my regret?
Can I escape these clutches I'm in?
Is there hope for a change in me yet?
Oh! Praise the Lord! Christ has paid for my sin,
The blood of the Lamb covers all.
I have confessed and now I've been cleansed,
Christ rescued me from the fall.

Poems About Jesus
Gods World
Poet: Edna St. Vincent Millay
O World,
I cannot hold thee
close enough!
Thy winds,
thy wide grey skies!
Thy mists that roll and rise!
Thy woods, this autumn day,
that ache and sag
And all but cry with colour!
That gaunt crag
To crush!
To lift the lean
of that black bluff!
World, World, I cannot get
thee close enough!
Long have I known a glory in
it all,
But never knew I this;
Here such a passion is
As stretcheth me apart. Lord,
I do fear
Thou'st made the world too
beautiful this year.
My soul is all but out of me,—
let fall
No burning leaf; prithee,
let no bird call.

Spiritual Poems
Cleansing Tears
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2012
Tears became the water, and her hair the towel to dry;
Sins were then forgiven while others asked, “Why?”
Don’t You know her history? Have You not seen her sin?
Do You not have discernment of the filth she has within?
You ought to know her lifestyle, her vile and wicked state;
You should have better judgment, if You’re so smart, so great!”
Tears come from repentance, and a broken, contrite heart;
I see her grief, her sorrow, a new life has its start.
Until we see our failures and feel the guilt and shame
We cannot be persuaded, we will not take the blame.
I see her heart’s condition; I realize her need,
I came to grant her freedom; and now, she’s free indeed!

Poems About God
A Great Story
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2008
Can you see the King become a beggar for your sake?
“Oh, that’s not possible,” you say, “there must be some mistake.
Who would relinquish power and the glory of a throne,
To join the down and outers, to walk the road alone?”
No one is quite that foolish, the idea is absurd!
I’m sorry, I can’t see it; I don’t believe a word.
It’s someone’s idle gossip, a rumour from somewhere,
How do these things get started? These tales that people share?”
This truth is all recorded, a book describes the scene;
It gives you all the details of what these stories mean.
“Oh, I see, a book of fables, the fairy tales of old,
I must say, they intrigue me, there’s morals to behold.”
No, no, you’re quite mistaken, the entire story’s true;
It’s God’s plan of salvation to rescue me and you.
Because of His great mercy and love henceforth unknown,
He claims us as His children; He claims us as His own.
“But,” you say, “He is holy, He’s pure and without sin
Why would He want to love us? How does it all begin?”
Long before creation God had this glorious plan,
And when it was unfolded, He gave the world to man.
With only one restriction, God granted him free reign;
But if God’s law was broken, man would suffer pain.
Precisely! That’s what happened, man gave into lust.
The fellowship was broken when man betrayed God’s trust.
“Well, naturally, that happens, they turn their back on you,
It’s really quite ungrateful, but that’s what people do.”
Yes, but God shows mercy, His arms are open wide,
If we ask Him for mercy, He’ll gladly be our guide.
Forgiveness will be granted, your new life will begin,
Your Ruler now is Jesus, the Victor over sin.

Forgiveness Poems
No Fishing!
Greta Zwaan, © 2010
Don't go fishing where you ought not to be
If God has forgiven your sin.
You have no right reclaiming the acts,
No right to bring them back in.
If Jesus has buried your sins with His death,
He leaves them there to decay,
How could you refute an act so divine
And fish them back out every day?
Anything buried should not be retrieved,
For nothing of value remains,
The hurts, the heartaches, all in the past
Are miseries with unchanging stains.
If God can eliminate sin's dark and drear,
Why can't you leave them alone?
There's no good can come from retrieving past woes,
That's stuff you no longer own.
The tears they have caused should be flowing no more,
The joy should return to your heart,
Once God has cleansed the slate of your life,
It's factual! You have a new start.

The Weaver Poem
I Will
Poet: Arthur Franklin Fuller
Brother, life's day is short -
Eternity has no end;
You should claim salvation now,
Judgment day you'll need a Friend;
Jesus gave His blood for you,
Jesus is a friend who's true;
Brother, how can you stay?
Renounce the world and say:
I WILL heed the Saviour's knock,
And become one of his flock;
If He will forgive the past,
With the Cross my lot I'll cast;
I WILL take the manly stand.
Turn from sin, do God's command,
I WILL answer while I may -
I WILL yield my soul today.
Jesus is at the door -
O fail not to let him in;
You should take Him for your guide,
It is death to live in sin;
You cannot be saved by tears,
Give no mind to mortal fears;
Trust Him and strive and pray,
Come up, dear soul, and say:
I WILL heed the Saviour's knock,
And become one of his flock;
If He will forgive the past,
With the Cross my lot I'll cast;
I WILL take the manly stand.
Turn from sin, do God's command,
I WILL answer while I may -
I WILL yield my soul today.
Satan will strive to hold -
His triumph is now at stake;
Every day his fetters grow.
Break them while you've power to break;
Say not, you are free from sin -
Mortal man has never been;
Vaunt not your pride today.
Take sides with Christ, and say:
I WILL heed the Saviour's knock,
And become one of his flock;
If He will forgive the past,
With the Cross my lot I'll cast;
I WILL take the manly stand.
Turn from sin, do God's command,
I WILL answer while I may -
I WILL yield my soul today.

Poems About Following Jesus
Hope Emerges
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In shadows, sin's seductive lure prevails,
A distance deepened, God's presence veiled.
It tears asunder what was once entwined,
Leaving hearts fractured, souls confined.
Yet amidst the darkness, hope emerged anew -
Through Jesus' sacrifice, redemption drew.
His death and resurrection we embrace,
The bridge that restores us to God's grace.
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