Keys For Life
What are the keys for life? Find the answers in these poems that talk about the keys for life. Wise words for children and for adults are found in these verses.
Poems For Kids /
Golden Keys
Poet: Unknown
A bunch of golden keys is mine,
To make each day with gladness shine.
Good morning! that's the golden key
That unlocks every day for me.
When evening comes, "Good night!" I say,
And close the door of each glad day.
When at the table, "If you please!"
I take from my bunch of keys.
When friends give anything to me,
I use a little "Thank you!" key.
Excuse me! beg your pardon! too,
When by mistake some harm I do.
Or if unkindly harm I've given,
"Forgive me! I shall be forgiven.
On a golden ring these keys I'll bind,
This is its motto: Be ye kind!"
Kindness Poems
Find The Keys
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
For success in life, we must find the keys,
To unlock doors to a future that's sure to please.
Set clear goals like stars in the nighttime sky,
Guiding our path as we aim oh so high.
With a thirst for knowledge, we'll never tire,
Learning's flame burning, rising higher and higher.
Resilience is our shield, we won't easily bend,
Even when faced with challenges we know it's not the end
In the face of problems, we stand tall and bright,
A positive mindset gives our attitude light.
With these keys in hand, our journey we'll take in stride,
Towards a successful life, with hearts open wide.

Poems of Encouragement
Who Am I?
Poet: Unknown
I am a little thing with a big meaning.
I help everybody.
I unlock doors -open hearts dispel prejudice.
I create friendship and good-will. I inspire respect and admiration.
Everybody loves me. I bore nobody. I violate no law.
I cost nothing.
Many have praised me no one has condemned me.
I am pleasing to those of high and low degree.
I am useful every moment of the day.
I am Courtesy.

Respect Poems
Good Manners
Poet: R. L. Stevenson
A child should always say what’s true,
And speak when he is spoken to,
And behave mannerly at the table,
At least as far as he is able.
Poet: Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Give, and thou shalt receive. Give thoughts of cheer,
Of courage and success, to friend and stranger;
And from a thousand sources, far and near,
Strength will be sent thee in thy hour of danger.
Give words of comfort, of defense and hope,
To mortals crushed by sorrow and by error;
And though thy feet through shadowy paths may grope,
Thou shalt not walk in loneliness or terror.
Give of thy love, nor wait to know the worth
Of what thou lovest, and ask no returning;
And wheresoe'er thy pathway leads on earth,
There thou shalt find the lamp of love-light burning.

Giving Poems
Six Things You Will Never Regret
Author Unknown
Showing kindness to an aged person.
Destroying a letter written in anger.
Offering an apology that saves a friendship.
Stopping a scandal that is ruining a reputation.
Taking time to show consideration to your parents.
Remembering God in all things

Christian Poems
Forget - Remember
Poet: Priscilla Leonard
Forget each kindness that you do,
As soon as you have done it;
Forget the praise that falls to you,
The moment you have won it;
Forget the slander that you hear,
Before you can repeat it:
Forget each slight, each spite, each sneer,
Wherever you may meet it.
Remember every kindness done
To you, whate'er its measure;
Remember praise by others won,
And pass it on with pleasure;
Remember every promise made,
And keep it to the letter;
Remember those who lend you aid,
And be a grateful debtor.
Remember all the happiness
That comes your way in living;
Forget each worry and distress,
Be hopeful and forgiving;
Remember good, remember truth,
Remember heaven's above you, -
And you will find, through age and youth,
True joys and hearts to love you.
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