Good Night Poems

Comforting poems that bring peace, reflection, and warm goodnight wishes to all.

May the night bring you peace, sweet dreams, and a gentle rest till dawn.

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Updated March 1, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Use our good night poems to wish others a good sleep. Words that express thoughts and wishes for a good night.

For some night is a welcome relief from the stress of the day and for others night is dreaded. A good night's sleep is one of the best ways to feel good about the coming day. No matter what has happened during the day, let it go at night - you can't change it tonight - so put it out of your mind and sleep well! We hope these poems are ones that you share!

  1. Night

    Poet: Douglas Malloch

    The arms of night enfold the tired day,
    The heavens light their million little lamps,
    And, where the sun beheld the world's affray,
    The gentle moon reviews its sleeping camps.

    Thank God for night; thank God that men must sleep;
    Thank God that men must pause in toil for gain —
    For, did they not, their eyes must ever weep.
    For, did they not, their hearts must ever pain.

    Thank God for sleep; thank God for night and rest;
    I take the balm and press it to my eyes.
    Here I shall slumber, head upon my breast.
    And here, refreshed, behold the new day rise.

  2. The Day Is Over

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020

    The day is over you've done your best
    Now is the time for you to rest
    You can't change the events of the day
    You can't change the things others say

    Tomorrow is an opportunity to begin
    New opportunities to take in
    A good night sleep will help you decide
    The best opportunities to provide

    Sleep well this night
    Turn out the lights
    Thank God for the day
    And find sleep will be on the way.

  3. Turn out the lights Thank God for the day And find sleep will be on the way.
    Be Thankful Poems

  4. Night

    By Norma Beard

    The sky is lit with a million stars,
    The moon is shining bright -
    The best part of the glorious day
    Is when it turns to night.

    The river's water ripples soft
    In the pale moonlight:
    It seems to sing a happy song,
    A song of great delight.

    The leaves on the trees are dancing
    To a fairy tune;
    They whirl around, twirl around,
    And seem to touch the moon.

    And then the shadowy figures
    Of a hundred cherry trees
    Are lifting their arms up to the sky
    And are laughing in the breeze.

    Of course the bird
    On its outspread wing
    Homeward safely flies -
    And to think I can see it all
    With my own two eyes.

  5. Good Night

    Poet: Bernhart Paul Holst

    Good night! Fade the parting rays of light;
    Now the daily labors end,
    Rest comes to the busy hand,
    Until the morning wakens bright,
    Good night!

    Go to rest!
    Close your eyes with feelings best.
    For the birds have hushed the song
    They were chirping all day long,
    And the night makes this request:
    Go to rest!

    Close your eyes!
    Dream of a happy Paradise,
    Life is not always what it seems,
    But sleep requites with happy dreams
    Recompense for him who tries.
    Close your eyes!

    Good night!
    Slumber on 'till morning light.
    Sleep until the new tomorrow
    Comes with its own toil and sorrow;
    Until the morning wakens bright,
    Good night!

  6. Good Night

    Poet: Max Ehrmann

    Good night, thou sweet, old world, good night;
    Enfold me in the gentle light
    Of other days, when gleams
    Of dewy meadows held my dreams;
    And quiet walks, as day sank low,
    Dispelled each touch of woe.
    Let me forget these joys be gone,
    But feel them coming on
    From out the past, with laughter's cries
    And dream-enamored skies
    Of old. One hand let me hold tight.
    Good night, thou sweet, old world, good night.

  7. Good night, thou sweet, old world, good night
    Poems about Night

  8. Good-Night

    Poet: Percy Bysshk Shell

    Good-night? No, love! the night is ill
    Which severs those it should unite;
    Let us remain together still,
    Then it will be good night.

    How were the night without thee good,
    Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight?
    Be it not said, thought, understood, -
    Then it will be good night.

    The hearts that on each other beat
    From evening close to morning light
    Have nights as good as they are sweet,
    But never say "Good-night."

  9. Good Night

    by Victor Hugo

    Good night! Good night!
    Far flies the light;
    But still God’s love
    Shall flame above,
    Making all bright.
    Good night! Good night!

  10. Good Night

    Poet Unknown

    Sleep sweetly in this quiet room,
    O thou, whoe'er thou art,
    And let no mournful yesterdays
    Disturb thy peaceful heart.

    Nor let tomorrow scare thy rest
    With thoughts of coming ill;
    Thy Maker is thy changeless friend,
    His love surrounds thee still.

    Forget thyself and all the world;
    Put out each feverish light.
    The stars are watching overhead.
    Sleep sweetly then. Good night.

  11. Night Blessing

    Poet: Unknown

    May the God of heaven's vault bless you
    May the God of shimmering moonlight love you
    May the God of sparkling stars lead you
    May the God of haunting songs cheer you.

    May the God of strange shadows calm your nerves
    May the God of straight roads bring you home
    May God be watching from a  familiar window
    And hand in hand with Him may you wait for dawn

    Good Night, may God bless you this night

  12. Good Night, may God bless you this night
    Poems about God's Blessings

  13. A Wish

    Poet: Theodore W. Higginsworth

    A wish for a good night
    And a sleep that is just right.
    Pray that tomorrow you will awake
    And it will be a day you can make
    One more step to make dreams come true
    And you will find success in all you do!

  14. Wishing You

    Poet: Kate Summers

    Wishing you a peaceful sleep
    From you, we will hear not a peep
    Tired from a hard day's work
    Sleep should come without a shirk.

    May you have sweet dreams tonight
    And in the morning awake so bright
    May the angels watch over you
    Keep you safe until the morning dew.

    Tomorrow is a brand new day
    But tonight sleep is needed I must say
    Love you today but tomorrow more
    Life has much for you in-store.

    The night has become so quiet now
    Close your eyes and take a bow
    You did your best the day is done
    Awake in the morning with the sun.

  15. Bid Me Good Morning

    Poet: A. L. Barbauld

    Life! we've been long together
    Through pleasant and through cloudy weather,
    'Tis hard to part when friends are dear, -
    Perhaps 'twill cost a sigh, a tear;
    Then steal away, give little warning.
    Choose thine own time;
    Say not Good Night, - but in some brighter clime
    Bid me Good Morning.

  16. What Is Life?

    Poet: Unknown

    A little crib beside the bed;
    A little face upon the spread;
    A little shoe upon the floor;
    A little frock behind the door;
    A little lad with curly hair;
    A little blue-eyed face and fair;
    A little lane that leads to school;
    A little pencil, slate, and rule;
    A little winsome, blithesome maid;
    A little hand within his laid;
    A little family gathering round;
    A little turf -heaped, tear-dewed mound;
    A little cottage, acres four;
    A little old-time household store;
    A little added to his soil;
    A little rest from hardest toil;
    A little silver in his hair;
    A little stool and an easy chair;
    A little night of earth-lit gloom;
    A little cortege to the tomb.
    We say "Good day" at early dawn;
    We smile when little baby's born;
    We laugh all through the sunshine bright;
    When life is done, we say, "Good night."

  17. We laugh all through the sunshine bright; When life is done, we say, Good night.
    Goodbye Poems

  18. But At Night

    Poet: Sam Fickinsen

    Each day I wish you a good day
    But at night I must say
    I love you see you in the morn
    And let you know you I adore

    Each day with you is a special one
    We always laugh and have some fun
    But night brings and end to the day
    It brings us peace in every way.

    So as we lay down our heads
    And cover up all snug in bed
    I wish you a good night
    And can't wait to see you at first light.

  19. A Ma Future

    by Edwin Arnold

    Where waitest thou.
    Lady I am to love? Thou comest not,
    Thou knowest of my sad and lonely lot —
    I looked for thee ere now.

    It is the May,
    And each sweet sister soul hath found its brother;
    Only we two seek fondly each the other,
    And, seeking, still delay.

    Where art thou, sweet?
    I long for thee as thirsty lips for streams;
    Oh, gentle promised angel of my dreams.

    Why do we never meet?
    Thou art as I —
    Thy soul doth wait for mine, as mine for thee:
    We cannot live apart — must meeting be

    Never before we die?
    Dear soul, not so!
    For time doth keep for us some happy years,
    And God hath portioned us our smiles and tears;
    Thou knowest, and I know.

    Yes, we shall meet;
    And therefore let our searching be the stronger;
    Dark ways of life shall not divide us longer,
    Nor doubt, nor danger, sweet.

    Therefore I bear
    This winter-tide as bravely as I may,
    Patiently waiting for the bright spring day
    That Cometh with thee, dear.

    'Tis the May light
    That crimsons all the quiet college gloom;
    May it shine softly in thy sleeping-room —
    And so, dear wife, good-night!

  20. Dreamland Journey

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    The stars are tiny night-lights, bright,
    They twinkle softly, just right.
    My teddy waits, my blanket’s near,
    The world grows fuzzy, calm, and clear.

    I close my eyes, a story starts,
    Of far-off lands and magic carts.
    With unicorns and skies of blue,
    In Dreamland, there’s so much to do.

    Goodnight, my room, so soft and small,
    Tonight, I’ll dream and see it all.

  21. I close my eyes, a story starts, Of far-off lands and magic carts.
    Poems About Dreams

  22. Johnny Speaks

    Poet: Paul Laurence Dunbar

    The sand–man he’s a jolly old fellow,
    His face is kind and his voice is mellow,
    But he makes your eyelids as heavy as lead,
    And then you got to go off to bed;
    I don’t think I like the sand–man.

    But I’ve been playing this livelong day;
    It does make a fellow so tired to play!
    Oh, my, I’m a–yawning right here before ma,
    I’m the sleepiest fellow that ever you saw.
    I think I do like the sand–man.

  23. Sleep Song

    Poet: Henry VanDyke

    Forget, forget!
    The tide of life is turning; The waves of light ebb slowly down the west:
    Along the edge of dark some stars are burning
    To guide thy spirit safely to an isle of rest.
    A little rocking on the tranquil deep
    Of song, to soothe thy yearning,
    A little slumber and a little sleep,
    And so, forget, forget. . . .
    Read the complete poem, Sleep Song

  24. Good Night

    Poet: Nixon Waterman

    The gold is fading from the west,
    The peaceful worlds is wrapped in rest
    The little stars their candles light.
    Now from the busy day's sojourn
    And all its welcome tasks we turn,
    Bidding the world, fondly good night. . . .
    Read the complete poem, Good Night

  25. Sleep

    Poet: Patience Strong

    Sleep is a soft and gentle hand that charms away all strife -
    And draws us with a magic touch from out the grasp of Life -
    It throws into our tired eyes the golden dust of dreams -
    And we forget our failures and our little futile schemes . . .
    Read the complete poem, Sleep

  26. Sleep is a soft and gentle hand that charms away all strife
    Positive Poems

  27. A Gentle Good Night

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    May your worries fade away,
    As stars shine bright and softly play.
    Close your eyes, rest so deep,
    Drift to dreams in peaceful sleep.

    May the night bring peace anew,
    With skies so calm and twinkling blue.
    Tomorrow waits with hope so bright,
    But for now, dear one, good night.

  28. Sweet Dreams to You

    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    The moon is high, the world is still,
    Let dreams unfold, your heart to fill.
    Rest with ease, no fears in sight,
    Good night, dear one, sleep so light.

    May your dreams be kind and true,
    Bringing joy the whole night through.
    Wake refreshed with morning’s light,
    But for now, sleep well tonight.

  29. Wake refreshed with morning’s light, But for now, sleep well tonight.
     Good Morning Poems

  30. At Night

    Poet: Lillian E Curtis

    Time, when the world with its weary cares and insidious snares,
    With its smiles and frowns, and ups and downs,
    With its harsh words cold, and stares so bold,
    With its many a mansion, and lovers of fashion,
    With its hovels and huts, and scornful cuts,
    With its few generous hands, to reach where Worth stands,
    With its tired brains, its losses and gains,
    With its aching hearts, its cruel darts,
    With its steam of prosperity, its wheels of adversity,
    Time, when the weary world, by Fate's finger twirled,
    Bars its factory door for the rich and the poor,
    From the Squire to the Clerk, all rest from their work,
    And the world is shut in by a door whose hinges are light,
    And the name of this door is the beautiful Night.

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Irish Blessing - Just as a gentle good night brings comfort, an Irish Blessing offers heartfelt wishes of peace, protection, and sweet dreams.

Morning Motivation - A restful night leads to a fresh start—wake up renewed with Morning Motivation to embrace the day ahead.

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Sky Quotes - The night sky holds endless wonder—explore inspiring Sky Quotes that reflect on its vastness and serenity.

Poems About The Moon - The moon’s glow brings peace in the darkness—discover Poems About The Moon that celebrate its quiet grace.

Short Evening Prayers - As you settle in for the night, Short Evening Prayers offer a moment of gratitude and peace before sleep.

Short Prayers - A simple prayer can bring calm at night and strength in the morning—find Short Prayers for any time of day.

Poems about Life - Nighttime reflection often brings clarity—explore Poems About Life that offer wisdom and encouragement.

Poems For Kids - Tuck little ones in with comforting words—Poems For Kids bring warmth and joy before bedtime.

A New Day Poem - A peaceful night leads to a bright tomorrow—be inspired by A New Day Poem as you rise with hope.

May your dreams be peaceful, your rest be deep, and your heart be light as you drift into the night. Good night!

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