Graduation Wishes For A Friend
Use our poems to send graduation wishes to a friend. Share these with a fellow graduate, or a friend that you want to send best wishes that will reinforce that they have done great and what their friendship has meant to you.
While graduation is a happy time, a milestone of life, it can bring the fear of the unknown; sometimes can make us have doubts, let these words put forward the positive! Friends sometimes go separate ways but true
friendship can last a lifetime no matter what city you are located in.
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Graduation Poems /
Graduation Wishes For A Friend
We'll All Do Great
Poet: Julie Hebert, ©2011
Means so much,
In different ways,
To each of us.
I feel as if,
A door is closing,
But I know,
Another will open.
Fear to me,
Is not quite knowing,
What's in store for,
My new showing.
I do know something,
About us all.
We'll all do great,
We will not fall.
Wishes I send to you that
Success you will find in all you do!
Poet: Dorothy Whiston
How wrong are they who say that life is short;
They limit it with days and months and years.
How much of all life's fullness do they miss
Fretted away in idleness and tears!
Always searching, always learning something new.
Different ways of doing ancient tasks,
Striving patiently to see the other's view
True beauty and perfection life unmasks.
The world lies waiting for youth's freshning touch
In richest promise lastingly endowed,
And we step forth to make the promise true,
To face the future with our strength unbowed.
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Wishes For You
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Graduation wishes are sent to you
Friends we've been for years that's true
But this time in our life is a milestone
Always remember you are not alone
A new chapter is beginning in our lives,
Congrats to you my friend!
A New Start
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Friend, our graduation marks a new start,
Bringing about opportunity and art.
For all the hard work we’ve done in the past,
We now get to move forward really fast.
A milestone achieved with enthusiasm and glee,
It grants new opportunities for us to see.
As you move forward and spread your wings so wide,
I wish you success, my friend, as you start this great new ride.
A Friend You Are
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A friend you are, a friend you've been,
This little verse of Congrats to you I send!
So on this day, we'll smile cause we made it
We deserve to even giggle a bit!
Wishes for happiness are sent your way
May we never forget this special day!
So Fast
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The years have gone by so fast
But now we have graduated at last.
Best wishes and love are sent to you
May you work hard but enjoy life too!
I'll never forget the fun we had
Feelings of sad and of glad
But now we both move on
But our friendship will never be gone!
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Winds Of Change
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021
Graduation brings winds of change
May your coming day bring lots of sun.
Though our days here now come to an end,
May our friendship remain after all is said and done.
A new chapter is about to begin
Thankfully we've mastered our studies
Our education enables us to reach new heights,
But no matter what may we always be buddies.
Reached The Time
Author M.E.H.
We have reached the time when we must fully realize
we are to depart from our high school and leave our fellow-classmates.
Graduation, which seemed never within our destiny,
is one of the most important milestones of our lives.
Our striving toward success,
however, does not end at graduation,
for we have a future yet to face.
We have been greatly helped in
our preparation for the future by the understanding teachers who
have patiently guided us during our school days and
given us confidence that we can succeed and
to our devoted parents who have given us their
unending affection and encouragement.
This introduction to life given by our high school
enables us to be better citizens
Poet: Margaret Schwerman
Tell us not that we must leave you
Tell us not to say farewell,
For the spirit of all mortals
Shudders at the thought -farewell
Friendship fain would prompt the handclasp
Friendship banish all regret,
We’ll not forget.
Four long years we have been gleaning
Knowledge at this fountain well
All too swift these years are passing
Time has come to say farewell.
Here we pause and heavy hearted
(For the clouds o’er cast the sky)
“Dear old school we’ll always love you
Though we now must say good-by.”
Should our paths in life be rugged
Should they pull against the stream
On that pathway then the lessons
Of our school will surely gleam, we’ll fondly cherish
Lessons you have taught so well
And with whispered fond “God bless you”
We say farewell.
Graduation Sayings
Studies Paid Off
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Your studies have paid off, my friend,
Graduation wishes I do send.
May the knowledge you learn be your guide,
And, always remember these years with pride.
The memories we made, forever they'll stay,
We will remember this day when we're old and gray!
Friend, may your future be wondrous and bright,
Congratulations, you're a success this graduation night!
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Graduation is a new beginning. Wishes can be like blessings offering encouragement
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