8 Graduation Poems For Daughter
Graduation poems for daughter to celebrate and recognize her achievement in graduating. We hope these poems will help you show your daughter just how proud you are of her!
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Graduation Poems
Graduation Poems For Daughter
So Proud Of You Daughter
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
My daughter, of you we are so proud-
The future holds such promise and joy for you;
You worked hard and today the results show -
A day of celebration and best wishes too!
Climbing this mountain of knowledge,
Studying and taking each step ahead;
Your constant focus has met with success -
Today allows you to build dreams instead!
Reach for what you desire, full speed ahead,
Go around any obstacles put in your way
A ribbon of accomplishment is yours this day.
Congratulations on your graduation!
Take A Look Around
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Daughter, at your graduation, take a look around,
Take in the glow that's spread across the crowd.
Truly a day for joy and pride,
For everything you worked for and all you tried.
Daughter, glimpses of your journey come into view
Heartfelt successes beyond what anyone knew.
Today marks an ending yet it is a start anew,
A future of fresh promises opens up for you.
Graduation Poems For High School
Time To Celebrate
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Daughter, it’s a time to celebrate, you did your part,
You say goodbye to school where it all did start.
Enjoy the ceremony and celebrate the day
We are so proud of you in every way.
Graduation is a time when you realize you can
Move forward in life with goals and plans.
You’re now equipped with confidence, knowledge, and strength,
To tackle whatever life will throw at you with unwavering faith.
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
As you graduate, and the memories fade away,
You will take your dreams, and make them a reality someday.
This accomplishment of yours won’t be forgotten,
For this day of joy, we rejoice with no regrets.
Your hard work has paid off in so many ways,
We are so proud of what you have achieved today.
You will soar higher and reach greater heights,
These aspirations you will relentlessly strive to sight.
Congratulations on this marvelous graduation day!
Daughter, you've worked so hard in every way!
A New Chapter In Life Poem
Your Potential
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
My daughter, my pride,
I'm glad to see you thrive.
Your hard work and ambition
bring joy to my mind.
You never accept defeat,
nor submit to any lies.
Now you have reached the peak,
of your greatest climb.
Onwards and upwards,
your future is so bright.
Your dreams will unfold
with some help from the divine.
I always knew that one day
you would make it this far.
Know now that your potential
is above any star.

Poems Of Encouragement
Our Sweet Daughter
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Congratulations, our sweet daughter
Your graduation day has finally arrived.
You worked so hard and now, success,
As your schooling, you did survive!
The journey has been challenging at times
But you used determination and preserved and grew
Get qualities for your future endeavors
Well done! May all your dreams come true!
Graduation Poems From Parents
You Graduate Today
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
My daughter, as you graduate today
Your future awaits you; you're up and away!
You’ve worked hard through highs and lows
Your graduation, your work does show!
I'm confident in life you will succeed
On that, we all agree!
Success awaits at every turn
Stay strong and continue to learn.
Your formal schooling has now ended
But the joys of life are ahead and are so splendid!
Graduation Sayings
You Are Well On Your Way
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Daughter, today you graduate
And your future awaits.
Your hard work and dedication
Are great feats of fate.
This day has been long-anticipated
Since your very first school date.
We've watched you excel with joy,
For this, we can elate.
A bright shining future lies ahead
Now new milestones for you to make.
The start of a new chapter in life starts today
Congratulations our daughter you are well on your way!
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Graduation marks a time of celebration and accomplishment as your daughter reaches a milestone. It can be difficult to find the words to express how proud you are of her accomplishments. We hope you have found the words to express your feelings toward your daughter as she graduates!
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