64 Grandma Quotes
Celebrate grandmothers with heartfelt quotes that honor their love, wisdom, and kindness.

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Grandma Quotes
Updated February 5, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
Grandmas are truly special—they give us love without limits, advice when we need it most, and memories that last a lifetime. They have a way of making us feel at home, no matter where we are. Whether it’s through a warm hug, a kind word, or a story from their past, they remind us of what really matters: love, family, and kindness.
The quotes on this page are meant to celebrate the wonderful bond between grandmothers and grandchildren. They’re perfect for sharing with your grandma to show her how much she’s appreciated. They’re also great for those becoming grandmothers, offering a glimpse into the joy and pride that lies ahead.
A grandmother’s love is one of life’s greatest blessings. Take a moment to share one of these quotes with your grandma today. Sometimes, the simplest words can bring the brightest smile. After all, her love has always been there for you—this is your chance to let her know how much it means.
In whose house can I come and still feel as secure as if I'm still at home? Into whose arms can I feel that warm and loving embrace when the world seems so harsh? To my grandmother's house, I run!
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Grandma Poems
Love you, Grandma . . .love the smiles and laughter that we share - love the way you always care
Catherine Pulsifer, Love You, Grandma
Birthday Poems for Grandma

We all need people in our lives who encourage us and believe in us. A Grandma is one of those special people who can do just that.
Catherine Pulsifer
Grandmothers have been a source of joy, love, and encouragement for many generations. They provide us with the support we need to tackle tough times and celebrate the good.
Catherine Pulsifer
Thank You Grandma Poems
If there is one thing I've learned about my grandmother is that she has no bounds to affection, no recriminations and no withholding of that special love that she so freely shares.
Robert Rivers
Mothers Day Poems
There are grandmothers out there who would move heaven and earth for their grandchildren.
Janice Elliott-Howard
Poems About Grandchildren
To hear the little voice call Nana or Gramps is music to our ears.
Catherine Pulsifer
Quotes on Grandparents
When that first grandchild is born, Grandmothers and Grandfathers are full of pride and love.
Kate Summers
Grandpa Poems

Get out of the way of the grandmother on her way to the church nursery to retrieve her grandson before anyone else!
Dr. David J. Merkh, The Grandparents’ Legacy
Grandparent Poems
It's always safe to talk to a grandmother.
Suzette Haden Elgin
Grandmothers provide not only comfort, but also encouragement.
Kate Summers
Grandmother and Grandfather are the old bridge to the new generation.
J. Tisa
Grandpa Quotes
When I arrive at nanna's house, mommy's rules fly out the window. At least, that's what nanna says.
Annabelle Marie Haines
Inspirational Quotes by Women
Today you're more than just a grandmother to me.
You're my friend, and someone I aspire to be.
Julie Hebert, To My Grandmother
Mentor Quotes
I know you'll be a great grandma, as your work here is not yet done!
Julie Hebert, Mother To Grandma
Mother Daughter Poems
Grandmothers, like beauty, lie as much in the eyes and souls of the beholder as in the women themselves. It is the
gratitude, love, strength, and dreams that they inspire in their grandchildren that make them grandmothers.
Jennifer Gates Hayes, Pearls of Wisdom from Grandma
Grandchildren Quotes
When you think of finger-licking, stick-to-your-ribs, all-time comfort foods, Grandma’s house quickly comes to mind.
Taste of Home Grandma's Favorites
Grandma Poems For Mothers Day
When I feel down, Grandma asks me, "Do you do your best?
If the answer is yes, then cheer up and leave the rest!"
Mary S. Scotsburn
Over the river and through the wood -Now grandmother's cap I spy! Hurrah for the fun! Is the pudding done?
Lydia Maria Child
Thanksgiving Day Poem
We are the grandmothers, in our work or in our families or both ... We are taking on more and more powerful positions in society ... We need to be
heard, and our society needs to hear us.
Shirley Ann Ranck, The Grandmother Galaxy
Great-Grandma's traditions, rich and profound, guiding us on life's merry-go-round.
Catherine Pulsifer, Great-Grandma's Traditions
Great Grandma Poems
But a grandmother's kitchen goes beyond good aesthetics - it’s like a bakery plus love.
Author Unknown
As your grandchild, you’re a star that shines,
Forever and always, you’ll be mine.
Catherine Pulsifer
Valentine Poems and Messages for Grandma
I believe God made grandmothers different from everyone else. They seem to love unconditionally - just as God does - holding us close
to their hearts, wanting to protect and guide us.
Becky L. Amble

Grandmothering is about praying and playing.
Author Unknown
If girls are sugar and spice and everything nice
And, boys are snips, snails and puppy-dogs' tails
Then Grandma's are sweet like cookies with a full supply of goodies.
Catherine Pulsifer
You think the bond betwen mother and daughter is special, but the bond between grandmothers and granddaughters is amazing.
Catherine Pulsifer
Birthday Poems For Granddaughter
A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend
Author Unknown
Memories of my grandmother reminded me of the type of grandmother I want to be!
S. Lynch
So what if my grandma has wrinkles? To me they're just happy lines of love.
Stephanie, age 9, More Grandmothers Are Like Snowflakes...No Two Are Alike
Throughout my entire life, you have always been there - loving me, affirming me, encouraging me, supporting me, and taking care of me in ways that only a grandma knows how.
Debbie Webb, Happy Birthday, grandmother
Legacy Quotes

Becoming a grandmother is like have dessert. The best is saved for last.
Carolyn J. Booth, Mindy B. Henderson
In the turmoil of the world around us, there is always one earthly person who is able to ground us in love - grandma.
B. C. Artworst
My grandmother's bestowed on me, through their examples, the importance of developing character, rooted in kindness; and a spirit that might
negotiate loss and rebound from grief to love more deeply.
Adriana Trigiani, Don't Sing at the Table
My grandma always said that God made libraries so that people didn't have any excuse to be stupid.
Joan Bauer
Poems From A Grandmother To Her Granddaughter
Lord, my Grandma is such a blessing to me, and to so many others. I just pray that I might return to her a portion of the benefit I have always felt by being her grandchild.
Debbie Webb

Isn't it terrific that you don't have to look like a grandmother to be one?
Grandma Jan, More Grandmothers Are Like Snowflakes...No Two Are Alike
We are three very ordinary women, three grandmothers who believe in the faithfulness of God. Our hearts’ desire is simply and profoundly to implore
the Lord to equip the next generations to stand strong in their faith.
Kathryn March, My Grandmother Is Praying for Me
Christian Poems
My grandmother always makes me feel that her day is not complete until she sees me, she said I was her sunshine, her happiness.
Kate Summers
... having a grandparent can improve a child's school performance as well as positive behavior and life choices.
Angela Bowen, Today's Grandmother
My best model for doing good came from my grandmother. Her continuous giving heart was always displayed no matter what was happening around her or to her.
Rosy Lee Anderson
Poems About Family

...grandparents, connecting time past and time present, are a vital part of our history and of who we are. And they are one of God's great gifts.
Stuart Hample; Eric Marshal, Grandma, Grandpa, and Me
When I think of my grandmother, I can't help but think of home.
Demi Moore
Life lessons echoed in a warm, tender voice, her love, her strength - our guiding compass by choice.
Catherine Pulsifer, Grandma's Life Lessons
Poems About Grandma For Funeral
Our grandmothers often define the very best in us. Childhood memories of lessons learned at her knee become lessons to be followed in adulthood.
Norman Vincent Peale
A mother thinks she could not love more until she becomes a grandma.
Catherine Pulsifer
Mothers Day Messages

If you are lucky enough to have your grandmother with you, sit and talk with her sometime. Ask her big questions ...I guarantee you’ll be surprised by
what you’ll find out.
Erin Bried, How to Sew a Button
For a child, grandparents are those generous, comfortable folk, who know delicious stories and secrets, who are willing to listen without judgment,
and who always seem to have enough time and love to do the things parents are often too busy for.
Stuart Hample; Eric Marshal, Grandma, Grandpa, and Me
I thank God for my grandmother who stood on the word of God and lived with the spirit of courage and grace.
Maya Angelou
I never dreamed of how fantastic being a grandma would be. To have, to hold, to guide, to love divine children all over again. Neither did I know
how prehistoric I was to be viewed! I love it all.
Catherine Pulsifer

My grandmother's gifts were many, but her enduring presence is the most important.
Natalie Merchant
Hugs, kisses and embracing attitudes, guidance without being dictatorial - where can a child turn to find these qualities? A grandmother.
Freddy J. W. Parkes
A grandmother like you is a dear and precious treasure to be loved.
Mary S. Scotsburn
Appreciation Quotes
My mother says that my grandma sees her grandchildren as more important than her own children, I think she is jealous : )
Kate Summers
Funny Grandma Poems

No one can ever explain the joys of being a grandmother until you are a grandma!
Catherine Pulsifer
No matter what she is doing, a grandmother always loves to see their grandchildren.
Kate Summers
The wisdom of grandmothers never dies but, instead, it rests within the hearts of all those she has touched throughout her lifetime.
Rosy Lee Anderson
Poems About Memories

If you are having a bad day, call 1 - 800 - grandma
Funny Poems About Life
If all Grandma's had your attitude the world would be a better place.
Samatha Anne Marie Lynch
I will always remember the plate I broke at when visiting my Grandma. Her reply was one of love, "I was getting tired of that plate, don't be upset, it's okay."
Victoria L. Adenson

No matter when I called, no matter when I visited Grandma made me feel like I was the most important person in the world.
Author Unknown
Life Journey Poems
Now a Grandma I see the test, that Mom, in fact, did know best
Catherine Pulsifer, Remember The Days
Mom Knows Best
A grandma is warm hugs and sweet memories. She remembers all of your accomplishments and forgets all of your mistakes.
Barbara Cage
We're all here for a reason. It's your duty to go out there and find out what God had in mind when he created you.
Vicky Phillips (advice from her Grandmother, Anabelle England)
We hope you have found words that express your love and appreciation to share with your Grandma.
Words to bring a smile to her face! No matter what your age your Grandma has a special place in her heart for you!

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