16 Grandpa Poems
Find Grandpa poems that will remind you of how great Grandfathers are. These poems are written for and about Grandfathers. A grandpa is a man who is full of wisdom, one who always makes time for his grandchildren.
Even the toughest of men often melt when they see their grandchildren. It is a relationship that is unique and full of love. Many of our childhood memories include time spent with our
grandfathers. Share these poems with your Grandpa!
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Poems About Family
Grandpa Poems
We Had a Wonderful Grandfather
Poet: Unknown
We had a wonderful grandfather,
One who never really grew old;
His smile was made of sunshine,
And his heart was solid gold;
His eyes were as bright as shining stars,
And in his cheeks fair roses you see.
We had a wonderful grandfather,
And that’s the way it will always be,
But take heed, because
He’s still keeping an eye on all of us,
So let’s make sure
He will like what he sees.
Grandparent Poems
Proud Grandpa
Poet: Betty Jo Mathis
Proud Grandpa went to view
The babies pink and new
Arranged in squalling groups,
Cocoons in sterile coops.
He judged them there en masse,
His nose against the glass
And came with a strange report
"They're all a homely sort
Save one red wrinkled tot
The choicest of the lot;
And it's plain for all to see -
That one's akin to me!"

Baby Poems
Friendship Of A Grandfather
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2011
To never have a grandfather,
Would be to never understand,
The friendship that a grandchild,
Shares with this great man.
To never have a grandfather,
Would be to never understand,
Why a grown man would be sitting,
Playing teacups, cup in hand.
To never have a grandfather,
Would be to never understand,
How a man of 50+,
Finds energy to run hand in hand.
If you have a grandfather,
Then you're a lucky one.
Grandfathers are amazing,
And they are so much fun.
You Are The Pride
Poet: Eloise A. Skimings
You are the pride of thy grandpa's heart,
Thou dost caress his loving hand;
Hourly he watch'd thy little feet
And listen'd to thy voice so sweet,
Whose infant lisps his heart's flame fann'd.
Grandpa Quotes
Poet: Eloise A. Skimings
With wavy locks of silv'ry white,
With soul as pure as morning light,
With voice as sweet as bird on wing;
May heav'n to him new blessings bring.
May many days to him be giv'n,
That he may lead more souls to heav'n,
And be a joy to those on earth,
To those who owe to him their birth.
And when death seals his mortal eyes,
With his lov'd ones in Paradise
He'll praise his God in endless song,
For now his faith is firm and strong.
Poems About Grandchildren
Gramps or Grumps
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Sometimes we call you Gramps
But my Mom calls you Grumps.
But no matter what we say or do
Gramps, we know we love you.
You put up a stern front
But we just have to look and you jump
You are always there with love and care
Even if your looks do scare.
My mom says that us you spoil
There is no plan that you would foil
You do things with us that you haven't done
We know you love us and are having fun.
Funny Poems About Life
Grampa's Time
Poet: Byron Pulsifer, ©2020
The day is so full these days
More than I would ever have thought.
A grandpa never seems to be without
Little needs coming without a doubt.
Each day may start with aches and pains
Or some with a tiring chore
But tired limbs and old bones
Delight in cherishing tiny thrones.
Upon the throne I do squat
With less than royal demeanor
I don't mean to sit alone
And soon am joined with cheery tones.
As I arise with demanding orders given
Little hands grab mine to aid to stand
Without which I'd gladly on my throne to sit
But little hands grab mine to do a skit.
There is no day so long and boring
As those without those grandchildren' soaring.
Up and down the path I trudge
My low sugars crying for a fudge.
The days may seem to hurtle by
But time stands still I surmise
But, when those little hands grab mine
I wait so much for another time.
I may be called the gramps to them
But life's love is to grab hold again.
When those little hands grab mine
I always long for more hands of time.
The Mountain
Poet: Emily Dickinson
The mountain sat upon the plain
In his eternal chair,
His observation omnifold,
His inquest everywhere.
The seasons prayed around his knees,
Like children round a sire:
Grandfather of the days is he,
Of dawn the ancestor
My Anchor And My Rock
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Grandpa, you’re my anchor and my rock,
My go-to when I’m in shock.
You’ve always had faith in me, so strong,
Our bond can never do any wrong.
You have been a mentor and an advisor,
A supporter and just one great guy.
From the time I was young, until now,
Your guidance is something I seriously vow.
Times with you are priceless to me,
The memories we make create history!
Your love for us will last forever,
No amount of words could ever measure!
My Grandpa
Poet: Kate Summers, © 2020
My grandpa is a man
who never screams or demands
He loves me that I can feel
His kindness is so real.
We laugh, we play
We have fun each day
Grandpa makes me smile so
Around him, I'm never low.
And I know I can talk to him
Even about things that are a bit grim
He is always a good listener and so wise
He is always full of surprise!
Grandpa, I love you
And thank you for all you do
I'm so lucky to have you
You're the best Grandpa that is so true!

Appreciation Poems
Grandpa is For
by Samatha Anne Marie Lynch, © 2020
G is for
great, that's what we feel about you
R is for
respect, we respect you that is so true
A is for
appreciation for all you do
N is for
never stop loving you
D is for
dashing, you are never blue
P is for
patience that when we came along instantly grew
A is for
adaptation you so readily do.
Grandfathers' Over Time
Poet Unknown
Up and out I go to catch a train
From the train to work to use my brain
Kids left behind with little hugs
To wait to see them back in my house.
The time screams by oh so quick
Before too long the kids
Are no more around as my sidekicks
For off they go to form new cliques.
Time flies by to prepare the day
For a chance to mend my former ways.
For God has granted more little feet
To hug and hold and sweetly greet.
No longer does my demanding work
Distract me from real lifework.
To play, to hold, to encourage, to love
Grandkids that fit like a glove.
To never waste the time I've been given
How best to show I no longer shun
The time to play, to encourage, to love
All that God has given from above.
Poet: Maria Mulock Craik
Grandpapa's hair is very white,
And Grandpapa walks but slow;
He likes to sit still in his easy-chair,
While the children come and go.
"Hush! - play quietly," says Mama;
"Let nobody trouble dear Grandpapa."
Grandpapa's hand is thin and weak;
It has worked hard all his days:
A strong right hand, and an honest hand,
That has won all good men's praise.
"Kiss it tenderly," says Mama;
"Let every one honor Grandpapa."
Grandpapa's eyes are growing dim;
They have looked on sorrow and death;
But the love - light never went out of them,
Nor the courage and the faith.
"You children, all of you," says Mama,
"Have need to look up to dear Grandpapa."
Grandpapa's years are wearing few,
But he leaves a blessing behind -
A good life lived, and a good fight fought,
True heart and equal mind.
"Remember, my children," says Mama,
"You bear the name of your Grandpapa."
Playing Grandpa!
Poet: Althea Randolph
When I pretend I'm Grandpa old.
Like him, I play, I'm stem and bold!
I don his hat and suit of clothes.
And wear his glasses on my nose!
His cane I take when I go out.
And swing it as I walk about;
Oh, rapture! How I'd love to be
A Grandpa old, - instead of me!
Funny Poems About Aging
An Example
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Grandpa, on his hands and knees, he would
Chase me as I took a different route
Games he always played with me
He let me win, making me happy.
He would willingly share his knowledge
I think he was preparing me for college
He knew so much, so full of wisdom
It was more than I could fathom.
I now realize how he influenced me
To be the best that I could be
He set an example of how to live
To do good and always give.
I'd Rather See A Sermon
The World To Me
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Grandfather, you mean the world to me
Even when you act so silly.
Thanks for all that you do
When I am down and feel blue
You cheer me up, you make me laugh
I love you from the bottom of my heart.
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We hope you have found a grandpa poem to share with your family. As Robert Brault once said,
"There are fathers who do not love their children; there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson."
We hope you see reflections of these words in the verses.
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