24 Grandpa Quotes
Share these Grandpa quotes with your grandfather to let him know how much you appreciate and love him. A grandfather is a man who no matter how tough they are melt at the sight of their grandchildren.
Perhaps years mellow some men
and being a Grandfather is a second chance to do things differently and they are certainly more relaxed than when they had the responsibility of raising and providing for a family. In a grandchild's eye, there grandfather is
certainly one person that they look up to!
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Grandpa Poems
Grandfather is the encourager and provides wisdom for our family.
Sam Fickinsen
Grandpa Poems
No longer does my demanding work distract me from real lifework. To play, to hold, to encourage, to love grandkids that fit like a glove.
Unknown, Grandfathers' Over Time
Poems About Grandchildren
More and more, when I single out the person out who inspired me most, I go back to my grandfather.
James Earl Jones
My Grandpa, the greatest man I know. Your years of wisdom and kindness, have helped to guide me so.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Greatest Man I Know
Birthday Poems For Grandpa
Grandfather, you will always be
A special person to me.
I thank God above
For your wisdom and your love.
Catherine Pulsifer

When I hear my grandchildren call my name, Gramps, I would do anything for them.
Byron Pulsifer
Grandchildren Quotes
My parents told us how strict my grandparents were when they were young, but our experience is nothing like that. They are like well used teddy bears always full of love and understanding.
Tom S. Gold
Quotes on Grandparents
Grandma says, "Grandfathers may seem tough and gruff, but she sees a big teddy bear appear when their grandchildren are near."
Catherine Pulsifer
Grandparents Poems
Sometimes grumpy, but this Grampa (like many Grampas) melts when his granddaughter is around.
B. R. Pulsifer
Birthday Poems For Granddaughter
Grandfathers do have a special place in the lives of their children’s children. They can delight and play with them and even indulge them in ways that they did not indulge their own children.
Alvin Poussaint
Poems About Children
Who is the one that takes away our fears, gives us a feeling of love, and always makes us laugh? Why it is Grandfather, of course!!
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Fear
As a Father, I tried my best, but as a Grandfather, I am at my best.
Theodore W. Higginsworth
Father Quotes
The greatest thing about being a Grandfather is sharing time with grandchildren is being able to share these moments at the same time with their Grandmother.
Byron Pulsifer
Grandma Poems
If Grandfathers are the cake, then Grandmothers are the icing.
Catherine Pulsifer
Grandma Quotes

Age starts to creep up on you until you become a grandfather, then it is amazing the energy you have!
Catherine Pulsifer
In a corner by the window with his memories' treasure store, sits a grandpa with a yearning to retrace life's steps once more.
Greta Zwaan, Memories Of Life
Poems About Memories
There are many things we get a second chance at in life, but being a Grandfather tops the list.
Sam Fickinsen
'Tis true these rogues about my knee say "Grandpa!" when they speak to me; but, bless your soul, I'm young as when I thought all people old at ten!
Marc Cook, Growing Old
I now understand the proverb that says, "Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild."
Murray Sam Lynch
Some of my best memories are the adventures Grandfather and me took. You never knew
what surprise he would have in store.
Catherine Pulsifer
I’m going to be your grandpa! I have the biggest smile. I’ve been waiting to meet you for such a long, long while.
Billy Crystal

Many of our childhood memories include time spent with our grandfathers.
Catherine Pulsifer
We had a wonderful grandfather, one who never really grew old; his smile was made of sunshine, and his heart was solid gold
Unknown, We Had A Wonderful Grandfather
Poems On Aging
My Grandpa is a walking encyclopedia.
Kate Summers
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