104 Happiness Quotes
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Happiness Quotes
Updated January 2, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
Be inspired by our collection of happiness quotes. Happiness starts with you - it’s a decision you make each day.
The choice is yours to focus on the positive and find joy in life. Let these quotes remind you that happiness is within your reach.
So take time and be thankful for the simple things
Today they surround you and happiness they can bring.
Catherine Pulsifer, What Are
Poems about Happiness
A friend is someone who .....makes the world we live in a better and happier place.
Unknown, A Friend Is Someone
Friendship Poems
No matter what kind of family you are part of, an enormous new body
of research shows that your family is central to your overall happiness
and well-being.
Bruce Feiler, The Secrets of Happy Families
That the world is sad when you are sad.
And bright and beautiful when you are glad
Unknown, Sing A Song
Inspirational Poems
May God fill your birthday with laughter and good cheer
May happiness follow you all through out the year
Catherine Pulsifer
Birthday Poems
You've planted love and friendship, and since you planted those ....life has been much brighter for everyone you've known
because of all the gladness and happiness you've sown!
H. Joseph Chadwick, What You Plant
Garden Poems

Be cheerful. Give this lonesome world a smile
Unknown, Be Cheerful
You'll have time to do the things that happiness to you they will bring.We know the next chapter of your life will be better than alright!
Kate Summers, We Wish You Well
Retirement Poems
Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.
Jim Rohn
Graduation Poems
A good day is in store for you - a good day of happiness nothing blue - that is my wish for you
Catherine Pulsifer, A Good One
Good Morning Poems
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
G.K. Chesterton
Gratitude Poems
Happiness. That’s why I always wanted to have a book shop. What better life than to trade in happiness?
Saran MacLean
Poems About Books
Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
Anne Frank
Quotes About Being Happy
Love is a condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
Robert Heinlein
Valentines Day Poems
The joyful Yuletide now is here, the gladdest time of the year, when all the world is full of cheer
John Imrie, Joyful Yuletide
Poems About Joy
Happiness is pleasure without regret
Leo Tolstoy

May you find happiness in all you do
May all your good deeds be returned to you.
Byron Pulsifer, You Deserve The Best Brother
Happy Birthday To My Brother
This old Book is my guide; 'tis a friend by my side...and each promise I find soothes and gladdens my mind as I read it and heed it today.
Edmund Pillifant, My Old Bible
Poems About The Bible
Happiness you cannot touch but you, Granddaughter, have brought us much.
Catherine Pulsifer,Happiness This Birthday
Birthday Poems For Granddaughter
From silly jokes to heartfelt talks, you bring an abundance of happiness and smiles
Catherine Pulsifer, Forever Friends
But when I see you again, oh, I will be so glad - sadness will leave and happiness will show.
Catherine Pulsifer, Say Goodbye
Sad Poems
In the realm where happiness resides, criticism's voice is gently hushed aside.
Catherine Pulsifer, Happiness Flourishes
Poems About Criticism
The stick-together families are happier by far
Than the brothers and the sisters who take separate highways are.
Edgar A. Guest, The Stick-Together Families
Poems About Family

Spending quality time with others is also essential for most of us to achieve happiness, no matter where you happen to live.
Dan Buettner, The Blue Zones of Happiness
But have you never thought to what it is of happiness and pride that little babies have you tied?
Edgar A. Guest, Tied Down
Poems about Children
Let the candle of your happiness - keep its brightness, burning steadily...let it shine in times of storm and stress - undisturbed amidst adversity.
Patience Strong, The Flame
Adversity Poems
Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though it were his own.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Quotes About Joy
So let us keep on smiling bright and cheerful while we live, for the world will be made happier by each bright smile that we give.
James Conway Jackson, Who Can Tell The Value
Cheer Up Quotes
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
Victor Hugo
Birthday Poems For Her
..close your book of complaints against the management of the universe, and look around you for a place where you can sow a few seeds of happiness - are you willing to do these things even for a day?
Henry VanDyke, Keeping Christmas
Of all the days of gladness, we little children say that none is half so happy as merry Christmas day.
R. J. Weston, The Happiest Day
Christmas Card Poem
...the world is bad when you are sad and bright and beautiful when glad
E. McLain Fields, Cheerfulness
Mother growing up we disagreed I thought you didn't understand me. But now I realize you cared a lot and only my happiness you sought.
Catherine Pulsifer, Mother Daughter Feelings
Mother Daughter Poems

"For many people, happiness
changes with the winds of circumstance."
Randy Alcorn, God's Promise of Happiness
Positive Quotes About Change
Last night it rained...But Oh! the earth is nice and clean and happy once again. It's tears the sun will wipe away. nor leave a single stain.
Lucy P. Scott, After Rain
Poems About Rain
Happiness depends upon ourselves.
Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness.
Drew Barrymore
Poems About Beauty
Could you but guess how you alone make all my happiness
Unknown, If You But Knew
Best Love Poems
Stay away from the people who are the cause of your life's misery, approach the people who are the cause of your life's happiness.
Kamaran Ihsan Salih
Famous Poems About Life
Happiness is to get lost in an autumn forest, and not to be found is even a greater happiness!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Sunbeams dancing in the places where the winter's frost has been; tells me, happy, joyous Springtime, that you're gently coming in.
Mary C. Plummer, Spring's Promise
My heart's as full of happiness as any flower unfurled; brimful of joy to be alive in such a friendly world!
R. H. Glenville, Friends

Focus on the positive things and you will find the happiness it brings.
Catherine Pulsifer, Worry Less
Smile Poems
Life's smiles and tears and happiness and childish fears are mine, just like your own each day,
Max Ehrmann, O Passer-By!
Desiderata Poem
You see money can not buy happiness nor can it make you feel blessed.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Root of All Evil?
Poems About Money
Not what we have, but what we use; not what we see, but what we choose. These are the things that mar or bless the sum of human happiness.
Clarence Urmy, The Things That Count
Poems About Peace
If we have no faith to guide us, life will be a maze...To the happiness we're seeking, and the peace we need.
Patience Strong, The Maze
Poems About Faith
The pursuit of happiness...consists in giving and in serving others.
Henry Drummond, Giving And Serving
Giving Poems
Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
Luther Burbank
Flower Poem
A fear can make us feel afraid into our life, it will raid; taking away our happiness
Catherine Pulsifer, A Fear
Poems About Fear
Do not perpetuate negative emotions; we must not dwell on misfortunes that have not yet occurred or may never occur at all.
Jay D'Cee
When Feeling Down Quotes
So don't forget the old folks, boys...write them now and then to bring the light into their eyes, and make the world glow once again and bluer gleam the skies.
Will T. Hale, Don't Forget The Old Folks
Money, things, possessions none of them bring true happiness, but relationships are critical.
Catherine Pulsifer
Apology Poems
What a joy to press the pillow ...and to listen to the patter of the soft rain overhead!
Coates Kinney, Rain On The Roof
Poems About Rain
The way to diffuse a spirit of thanksgiving is to be thankful yourself. A complaining spirit makes unhappiness everywhere.
James Russell Miller, The Book of Comfort
My wish is for your happiness
And feelings of how much you're blessed.
Catherine Pulsifer, Thinking Of You Today
Thinking Of You Poems

"Today, think of something that will bring you happiness and
then outline the ways you can achieve it."
Amy E. Dean
Helping Others Quotes
Grandchildren ... add life happiness with every little hug and kiss.
Catherine Pulsifer, Such Joy
Poems About Grandchildren
May the blessing of God be upon thee; may the Sun of Glory shine round thy head; may the gates of plenty, honor, and happiness be open to thee.
Poems about Gods Blessing
Focus on abundance on happy things and life will amaze you with what it brings
Catherine Pulsifer, What Makes You Happy
I hold that human happiness, if built on self, is nothing worth
Nannie H. Woodruff
The Human Happiness Poem
And may you happy live, and long us bless; receiving as you give great happiness.
Christina Rossetti, To My Mother
Happiness is not a brilliant climax to years of grim struggle and anxiety. It is a long succession of little decisions simply to be happy in the moment.
J. Donald Walters
The holidays are times for the enjoyment of family and friends. A time of memories and happiness.
Catherine Pulsifer
Holiday Poems

I don't regret the money gone, if happiness it left behind.
Edgar A. Guest, On Being Broke
Funny Poems About Life
Never would I have imagined or even dawned that being a grandma could be such joys
Catherine Pulsifer, The Joys of Being A Grandma
Grandma Poems
The roads of happiness are lined, not with the friends of royal splendor, but with the loyal friends and kind.
Edgar A. Guest
The Roads of Happiness
It is not the work, but the worry, that makes us sober and sad; that makes us narrow and sordid when we should be merry and glad.
Unknown, Not Work, But Worry
Poems About Worry
Happiness is like a crystal, fair and exquisite and clear, broken in a million pieces, shattered, scattered far and near.
Priscilla Leonard
Fragments of Happiness
There may be a lot, that we consider bad. There are two sides to everything, find what it is that makes you glad.
Julie Hebert, Be Thankful
Be Thankful Poems
And may happiness near thee hover, may a bright ray near thee stay
Lillian E. Curtis

I can bring happiness to those around me or I can be a complainer or just a bully
I can help others in some very small way or I can bring misery to everyones day.
Samatha Anne Marie Lynch, Live This Day
A New Day Poem
"Nothing is more important to the happiness of a family
than the happiness of the marriage."
Devin D. Thorpe, 925 Ideas to Help You Save Money
Short Family Quotes
A mother will sacrifice many things for the happiness of her child.
Catherine Pulsifer
A Mother's Love Poem
Not mighty deeds make up the sum of happiness below; but little acts of kindliness, which anyone may show.
Kindness Poems
Hear the mellow wedding bells, golden bells! What a world of happiness their harmony foretells!
Edgar Allan Poe, The Bells
Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.
Andy Rooney
I know change can be frightening....could tomorrow be something wonderful, that will make me so happy?
Julie Hebert, Frightening Life Changes
Poems About Life Changes
May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold
Irish Blessings

"Our thoughts do in fact shape our whole
and our daily happiness."
Catherine Pulsifer
Could you but guess how you alone make all my happiness
Unknown, If You But Knew
Do You Love Me Poems
"Don't wait for circumstances to be just right before
you can
experience happiness."
Demond Jackson, The 101 Most Powerful Success Quotes for High Achievers
I wish you happiness and joy in life and many more birthdays to bring you delight
Catherine Pulsifer, Birthday Greetings To You
Birthday Poems
Words just don't express my wish for your happiness
Catherine Pulsifer, Words Just Don't Express
Thank You Friend Poems
"Visualization triggers feelings of calmness and happiness."
Robert Gallagher, Stress Management
Love is life's end; an end but never ending;
All joys, all sweets, all happiness awarding
Ebmund Spenser, Live To Love
Famous Love Poems
In the eyes of God, we are all brothers and sisters. We need more brotherhood attitudes in this world of ours.... More brotherhood would give us all more happiness
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Brotherhood

A true friend is one who willingly shares in our happiness and in our sorrows and challenges we face in life.
Catherine Pulsifer
A True Friend Poem
"Indecision leads to poor decisions, which leads to lack of wealth,
health and happiness."
Drew Eubanks, Getting Results
It is the little things of Christmas that brings happiness.
Catherine Pulsifer
Respecting others is what we should do
It would spread more happiness too.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Better Place
Respect Poem

We are blessed to have children in our lives, they can bring such joy and happiness to others.
Catherine Pulsifer
"Happiness is not a destination in itself - it's a journey through life,
and it's a journey you have complete control over, although you may
not realize it initially."
Angel Greene, Happiness: Uncommon Guide to Influence to Your Potential, Performance, and Joy in Life
Inspirational Quotes
Rather than sitting and feeling sad - take action don't get mad
Find a way to take one step - towards the thing called happiness.
Catherine Pulsifer, Life Is Full Of Struggles
Poems About Life Struggles

May your heart be filled with happiness -
Your home be filled with laughter.
Loving Prayer
St. Patrick's Day Poems
Parenting is the most important job you will ever have - just do your best and don't be hard it will bring you much happiness and feelings of glad
Kate Summers, Being A Parent
Poems About Parent
Good Morning, God bless, may your day be filled with happiness.
Kate Summers, A Grand Morning
Good Morning Poems

"Happiness is a state of being in the world, beyond physical limitations."
Cat O'Connor, 30 Days Of Inspiration
I have a Christmas wish, and this wish is just for you. I wish for only happiness, to come and be with you.
Julie Hebert, Christmas Wishes
My Christmas Wish for You
"Positive thinking is about happiness, but it's also about eliminating
negativity by stepping outside of your comfort zone."
David A. Hunter, Positive Thinking
We all too often brood about losing the happiness of today by thinking of those sorrows of yesterday that we experienced, or, worse, believing that troubles will invade our happiness of tomorrow.
Catherine Pulsifer
A Life Well Lived Poem
May happiness and sunshine be yours all the year through.
Catherine Pulsifer, New Year Approaches
You can choose fun too. You can choose it for yourself, and if you’ve got a family of folks who are willing to play along, you can choose it with them.
Bob Goff

Better the cottage where one is merry than the palace where one weeps.
Chinese Proverb
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