The Heart's Repose

A Christian poem to inspire you that is full of wisdom. J.J. Thorne expresses thoughts of the heart and how living them will lead to trusting God and putting your faith in Him.

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The Heart's Repose
Poet: J.J. Thorne

Procrastination is the thief of time,
Truth reveals it at its close;
Sip the tongue and lips in truth.
And give the heart repose.

Wisdom's way will lead you right.
Time and experience will disclose:
Sip the tongue and lips in truth.
And give the heart repose.

Up right and honest deeds,
Gains friends and loses foes:
Sip the tongue and lips in truth,
And give the heart repose.

On every tree sound and perfect.
Its blooms are sweet, good fruit it grows;
Sip the tongue and lips in truth.
And give the heart repose.

Good deeds cheer our feeble hearts,
This each and every one knows,
Sip the tongue and lips in truth.
And give the heart repose.

Do by others as you would be done by.
A debt each and every one owes;
Sip the tongue and lips in truth.
And give the heart repose.

Ask of conscience the way of duty.
It reveals the right and wrong oppose;
Sip the tongue and lips in truth,
And give the heart repose.

Charity is greater than hope or faith.
So said Jesus, the spiritual rose;
He budded in spirit and bloomed in truth.
To give the heart repose.

Place all hope and trust in him.
We reap fruit from seed we sow;
He beseeched the father for all that love him.
To give the heart repose.

Hope and faith has to be given.
Charity from youth the spirit bestowed-,
The morning star and lamb of God,
He gives the heart repose.

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Another famous poem by J. J. Thorne:

Thought and Meditation

Poet: J. J. Thorne

The key of joy hangs in heaven.
To open the door is to obey.
With pains, thought and meditation,
Or else pleasure rends away.

Youth may trust in sinful flesh,
The future with trouble will betray,
In the bosom of meditation.
When pleasure has flown away.

How quick can life be defiled.
And pleasure come to decay,
When a moment of meditation.
Would have driven the trouble away.

Various deeds often take life.
And terminate in a woeful fray.
When meditation would have saved life
And cast the trouble away.

Time, patience and a will.
Could find a needle in a stack of hay,
Success is thought and meditation.
It keeps the trouble away.

Moral precepts and laboring foot prints
Is nature complete all O. K.,
Then Jesus alone with divine meditation,
Drives our pleasure away.

Good will to all is peace to all,
Honesty tries all debts to pay.
Thus gains the heart and hand of all,
And keeps trouble away.

Natures greed often refrains.
Against the conscious sway.
From meditation it abstains.
Then trouble is the way.

We are but dust and ashes,
Sinful and petrifying- clay.
Let meditation preserve the life,
And drive the trouble away.

Duty to do is the best we know.
The world will wag as it may.
Meditation proves this so,
And keeps trouble away.

A hapless life all alas
A gloomy hope day by day,
When meditation were not asked
To drive the trouble away.

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