81 Quotes About Helping Others

Be encouraged by these quotes about helping others. Helping others is not only encouragement, support and assistance for them but is also a blessing to you. The kindness that you show will always be returned to you!

You never know when you might also need a helping hand as you go through all of life's challenges. Helping others is being compassionate and caring to others.

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  1. Stand up for someone who is in need so that it will build confidence in you to stand up for yourself at times when required… Adil Adam Memon
    Poems about Helping Others

  2. Always remember someone once helped you making it possible for all you have and do. We are made to help others - never forget we are all sisters and brothers. Catherine Pulsifer, A Saying
    Inspirational Poems

  3. No thought of praise, no gain in sight,
    Just helping others feels so right. Byron Pulsifer, The Heart of Generosity
    Poems About Generosity

  4. When your life is bright and gay and you are basking in success; 'tis sweeter far to turn that day to aid some brother in distress. Edgar A. Guest, Friendship
    Friendship Poems

  5.  God grant to me that I may see...The way to lift a brother up.
  6. God grant to me that I may see...The way to lift a brother up. Unknown, Let Me See
    Christian Poems

  7. The most important thing we can give our hands to is serving others, especially those in need. Charles Stanley
    Poems About Hands

  8. Sometimes we don't realize the effect we have on peoples lives - you may be seen as a blessing to those that we help. Catherine Pulsifer
    Motivational Poems

  9. My assignment is to take my situation and to use it to help others who feel hopeless and/or helpless because of loss. Marvin Sapp
    Poems About Hope

  10. Give us, O God, the vision to....see our fellow men and we shall best serve Thee if, in love and patience, we help our fellows. Almon Gunnison, The Vision To See
    Prayer For Strength

  11. All of us have a different purpose in life - but one common purpose is to help others.
  12. All of us have a different purpose in life - but one common purpose is to help others. Catherine Pulsifer

  13. Don't just talk about the love of God, demonstrate it with your hands and feet. T.D. Jakes
    Quotes About Helping Hand

  14. May your joy be found by helping others, where you help with no demand made in return. Irish Blessing
    Irish Blessings

  15. No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. Taylor Swift
    Legacy Quotes

  16. In helping others reach their dreams, we pave a road of joy Catherine Pulsifer, Have You Ever Asked
    Poems About Purpose

  17. What’s fulfilling is being happy and being able to help other people. James Arthur

  18. We all might do good in a thousand small ways G. L. Banks, We All Might Do Good

  19. Help us to keep so interested in the welfare of others that we shall not think of ourselves J. M. M., Thank Thee For The New Day
    Prayer for Today

  20. You can share your love by doing a good deed and by helping others who have a true need. Catherine Pulsifer, Love Comes Back To You
    Poems about Life and Love

  21. Looking around the world, big and small, every one of us is on a journey to help all. Catherine Pulsifer, A Purpose
    Life Journey Poems

  22. Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds. Theodore Roosevelt
    Thanksgiving Poems

  23. That while I lived, had dried a tear where'er I could; had raised the fallen, cheered the sad, and made some suffering brother glad that I had lived. Alex Tuer, When I Am Gond
    Funeral Poems

  24.  Tomorrow! It may bring...a new opportunity to help my fellows.
  25. Tomorrow! It may bring...a new opportunity to help my fellows. Unknown, The Great Unknown
    Poems About The Future

  26. Expand your help, spread joy in a heap, by boosting the growth of everyone you meet. Catherine Pulsifer, Boosting Growth
    Poems About Growth

  27. To those whom they lend a helping hand, they bring hope, healing, where shadows land. Catherine Pulsifer, Gifts Of Blessings
    Poems About Blessings

  28. Helping others is a sacred vow, like aiding kin in times of strife. Catherine Pulsifer, A Family Bond
    Poems About Community

  29. You're willing to lend a hand, to anyone in need, teaching our children to follow your lead. Catherine Pulsifer, To My Loving Husband

  30. The sacrifice of love, the generous giving, when friends were few, the handclasp warm and strong...let us remember long. Susan E. Gammons, Old Year Memories

  31. Always, be generous to those who need your help. Unknown, Always Be

  32. Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. Albert Einstein
    Famous Poems About Life

  33. Every day a little helpfulness. We live for the good of others, if our living is in any sense true living. Maria Frink, Every Day A Little

  34. In normal life we hardly realize how much more we receive than we give, and life cannot be rich without such gratitude. It is so easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements compared with what we owe to the help of others. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    Gratitude Poems

  35. In the tapestry of life, we're all connected. Each one of us is a gift to those around us helping each other be who we are, weaving a perfect picture together. Anita Moorjani
    The Weaver Poem

  36. He who aids another strengthens more than one Lucy Larcom, Hand in Hand
    Poems About Angels

  37. Helping people get into Heaven is the greatest act of mercy you can do for them. Rick Warren
    Heaven Poems

  38. Thanksgiving day! Is like to every other, a day in which to serve the Lord and help a needy brother. Catharine Ryder, Thanksgiving Day
    Happy Thanksgiving Quotes

  39. Christ died for all...and they who love him best will serve him most by helping those to whom no Christmas comes. Unknown, Christmas
    Christmas Poems

  40. Asking for help does not mean that we are weak or incompetent. It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence. Anne Wilson Schaef
    Truth Quotes

  41.  If you are wise...remember these truths: A person must soon forget himself to be long remembered.
  42. If you are wise...remember these truths: A person must soon forget himself to be long remembered. William Arthur Ward, If You Are Wise
    Wisdom Poems

  43.  I should count myself fortunate if my home were remembered for some inspiring quality of faith, charity, and aspiring intelligence. Hamilton W. Mabie
    Poems About Home

  44. Simply by our proximity to Jesus, we can bring hope and life to people and places trapped in discouragement and despair. Louie Giglio
    Bible Verses about Hope In Hard Times

  45. Ah, let us be true to one another for serving the humanity truly throughout the year, have a blessed new year. Santosh Kumar
    New Year Poems

  46. Open the door of your heart, my friend. Heedless of class or creed, when you hear the cry of a brother's voice. E. E. Hale, The Heart's Door
    Meaningful Poems

  47. Churches become poor if they become rich and care not for the poor. Lester Roloff
    Poems About Church

  48. Above all, may we not forget that living is giving, and may our desire either for rest or gain keep us from no helpful act. Frank W. Whippen
    Short Prayers

  49. O give me the joy of living ....some pathway to make brighter, where tired feet now stray Unknown, Joy Of Living
    Poems About Joy

  50. The purpose of life is not to achieve personal success, but to use your talents and abilities to serve others and make the world a better place. Author Unknown

  51. The greatest joy you can have is to do something for another. Author Unknown

  52. Helping people get into Heaven is the greatest act of mercy you can do for them. Rick Warren
    Quotes About God's Mercy

  53. When we feel stressed, stopping and helping others who are in a worse situation than we are can make you stop and count your blessings rather than focusing your thoughts on the issues that are causing you stress. Catherine Pulsifer
    Poems About Stress

  54. I might give some crumbs of pleasure to another heart, and bear in my own a double measure for the sake of another's share. Unknown, Scattering Crumbs

  55. When you live in a community the same principles apply as living in a family. You help each other out, you serve and give.
  56. When you live in a community the same principles apply as living in a family. You help each other out, you serve and give. Kate Summers

  57. You do good for someone else, and they in turn do good for others -  support, kindness and compassion for others. Imagine what a wonderful world this would be if we all live like this! Catherine Pulsifer
    Kindness Poems

  58. You can even be a great comfort to others when you are the least among them all. Byron R. Pulsifer

  59. ...he walked the common road and lifted many a load, lightened the task, brightened the day for others toiling on a weary way H. N. Fifer, He Lived A Life
    A Life Well Lived Poem

  60. The essence of coaching lies in helping others and unlocking their potential.
  61. The essence of coaching lies in helping others and unlocking their potential. Michael Bungay Stanier, The Coaching Habit
    Mentor Quotes

  62. Didn't leave much in the bank, it is true. But did leave a fortune in people who knew. The big heart of him, an' I'm willing to swear that to-day he is one of the richest up there. Edgar A. Guest, The Man Who Couldn't Save
    Poems About Money

  63. May you be blessed with a spirit of compassion, a fervent caring.
    Baby Blessing Poem

  64. We believe Jesus in heavenly things— our adoption in Christ; so we follow him in earthly things— the adoption of children. Russell Moore, Adopted for Life
    Adoption Quotes

  65. Being busy, helping others, focus your mind on other things will bring you stress relief.
  66. Being busy, helping others, focus your mind on other things will bring you stress relief. And, you may find that it will also help bring things into perspective. Catherine Pulsifer
    Stress Relief Quotes

  67. There is a time to lift men up and help them on life's road; a time to drain their bitter cup and share their heave load Walter E. Isenhour, There Is A Time
    Poems About Time

  68. Help others and give something back. I guarantee you will discover that while public service improves the lives and the world around you, its greatest reward is the enrichment and new meaning it will bring your own life. Arnold Schwarzenegger
    Community Service Quotes

  69. That happiness rewards the man whose life is spent in giving Unknown, The Mender

  70. Rather than being afraid to ask for help, remember this: When you ask someone to help you, you are actually doing them a tremendous favor by giving them an opportunity to feel needed. Richard Carlson, Ph.D., Don't Worry, Make Money
    Opportunity Quotes

  71. Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.
  72. Everyone can be great because everyone can serve. Martin Luther King
    Thoughtful Quotes

  73. The money you handed that brother in need - did you smile when you gave it? Strickland Gillilan, The Vital Accompaniment
    Smile Poems

  74. Bring joy to your life by helping others who are less fortunate and unable. Byron Pulsifer
    Poems About Happiness

  75. The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. Ann Landers
    Success Poem

  76. Nothing makes one feel so strong as a call for help.
  77. Nothing makes one feel so strong as a call for help. Pope Paul VI

  78. There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. Mandy Hale
    Poems About Beauty

  79. Just to be helpful with willing feet....that is God's will for you and for me. Unknown, Just To Be Tender
    Poems About God

  80. If in any way I have helped a soul, or given a spirit pleasure, then my cup of joy, I shall think, is full... Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Contentment
    If Poems

  81. Each man should live for all men's betterment. Alice Cary, Every Life
    Poems About Brotherhood

  82. There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.
  83. "There is more happiness in giving than in receiving." Acts, 20:35
    Motivational Quotes From The Bible

  84. Do something for somebody every day for which you do not get paid. Albert Schweitzer

  85. Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots. Frank A. Clark
    Criticism Quotes

  86. Our deeds determine us,  as much as we determine our deeds.
  87. "Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds." George Eliot
    Choices Quotes

  88. Succeed and give, and it helps you live Ella Wheeler Wilcox
    Solitude Poem

  89. ... if we would make the day happy and worthwhile, we must not seek our own pleasure and good, but that of our brethren O. Howard Perkins, May We So Live
    Poems About Regret

  90. Your belief is great that someone else should benefit, from a deed well done.
    With this, I can see how great you have been, to always be helping others. Julie Hebert, Pass It On
    Thank You Poems

  91. Never look down on anybody unless you helping him up.
  92. "Never look down on anybody unless you helping him up." Jesse Jackson
    Graduation Poems

  93. "To do more for the world than the world does for you - that is success." Henry Ford
    Positive Quotes About Change

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